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Products>Matthew 11:2–20:34: A Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture (Concordia Commentary | CC)

Matthew 11:2–20:34: A Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture (Concordia Commentary | CC)

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This commentary carefully expounds the original Greek text and theology of the book of Matthew. Dr. Gibbs employs a narrative approach that carefully attends to the literary structure of Matthew’s Gospel. He interprets the text in light of the original cultural and religious context in which Matthew wrote, as well as the audience for whom he wrote. Gibbs focuses on two themes throughout the commentary: Jesus’ identity and the people’s varied response to his identity.

With the Logos edition, you have the unique ability to cross-reference this volume with other commentaries on Matthew, comparing Gibbs’ research and scholarship with that of other commentators, both contemporary and classic. Bible verses are hyperlinked to your favorite translation, giving you instant access to each passage mentioned throughout this volume.

Looking for Gibbs’ commentary on the first half of Matthew? Check out Concordia Commentary: Matthew 1:1–11:1.

Resource Experts
  • Provides a theological exposition of sacred Scripture
  • Enables readers to proclaim the Gospel with greater insight and clarity
  • Brings careful attention to the original Greek
  • Includes insight from archaeology, history, and extrabiblical literature
  • Illustrates the Gospel’s contemporary significance
  • Matthew 11:2–16:20: Jesus’ Ministry Is Opposed in Israel: The Question of Jesus’ Identity
  • Matthew 16:21–20:34: Three Passion Predictions and the Disciples’ Incomprehension

Top Highlights

“The parable’s message is simple but profound: God treats all those who are workers in the reign of heaven the same; owing to God’s grace, there is no distinction on the Last Day.” (Page 988)

“If the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl are, in fact, parables that reveal in narrative form what Jesus has come to do, then their impact on Jesus’ disciples—then and now—is primarily one of assurance and encouragement for the difficult life of discipleship during the time that still looks forward to the consummation of the age.” (Pages 715–716)

“‘Stop looking for something other than what I am offering you. I must seem truly strange, like a man who has an enemy so evil that he scatters weeds in the man’s field at night, and then the owner doesn’t even weed out harmful plants from the midst of his own crop! This must seem strange to you, but what you are seeing in me is the present manifestation of God’s reign here in the world!’” (Page 697)

“The point is to relinquish control from the beginning and in each day that a disciple lives. To take up the cross begins when disciples acknowledge that discipleship will entail hardship precisely because this is God’s way of reigning graciously in a rebellious world—not paying back evil with evil, but evil with good.” (Page 843)

“Jesus has demanded something of him that Jesus knows he would not be able to do. Again, selling all in order to have a treasure is not within the ability of any sinful person. Salvation is the work of God alone, with whom all things are possible (19:26).” (Pages 717–718)

I appreciate the overview sections Gibbs gives . . . that put pericopes in a larger context. His treatment of how Isaiah 42:1–4 is quoted in Matthew 12:18–21 . . . is very helpful to understanding the work of the Servant in the ‘reign of heaven.’

—Paul J. Cain, pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Sheridan, Wyoming

  • Title: Concordia Commentary: Matthew 11:2–20:34
  • Author: Jeffrey A. Gibbs
  • Publisher: Concordia Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 584

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Professor of Exegetical Theology, Academic Advisor for Sem I Students; Director of Certification Rice University, Houston, Texas (B.A. 1974); Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana (M.Div. 1979, S.T.M. 1988); Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, Richmond, Virginia (Ph.D. 1995); pastor, Calvary, St. Helens, Oregon (1979-86); pastor, Grace, Scappoose, Oregon (1979-89); assistant professor, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri (1992-97); assistant academic advisor (1996-99); associate professor (1997-2005); acting chairman of the department of exegetical theology (2000-01); academic advisor for Sem I students since 1999; professor since 2005; director of certification since 2006.


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  1. Schultz, Jonah
  2. Mark T. Leckband
  3. Jason Haynes

    Jason Haynes


  4. Steven Lewer

    Steven Lewer


  5. Maynard Toensing Jr
  6. Andrew Ruddell
  7. Michael Borgstede
  8. Adam Matheny

    Adam Matheny


  9. Bradley Novacek
