Digital Logos Edition
Despite the prevalence of worship pastors and the popularity of worship pastors and the popularity of worship music, Christians of all varieties still struggle to understand and experience vibrant connection to God through worship. The fast pace of everyday life and ongoing “worship wars” challenge believers’ ability to slow down and focus on God’s goodness and sovereignty and to experience the blessings genuine worship can bring to their daily lives.
Worship on Earth as It Is in Heaven provides a practical perspective on the Christian discipline of worship, mining the Bible for wisdom on how to worship God. Author Rory Noland addresses both individual and corporate worship, relating biblical teaching to everyday issues Christians face in their personal faith and church life. Discussion questions and action points encourage readers to step by faith into God’s presence and “worship on earth as it is in heaven.”
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“As unusual as it may sound, God’s ultimate purpose is not that we be saved but that he be glorified.9 Redemption is not all about us; it’s all about God.” (Page 33)
“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.’ God is looking for ‘true worshipers’—people who mean business when it comes to worship.” (Page 8)
“To many, worship is synonymous with music—hymns or praise choruses. It’s the part of a church service led by a ‘worship leader.’ To them, worship is something done within the church doors on Sunday morning.” (Page 8)
“Simply put, worship is our response to the presence of God made possible by Jesus.” (Page 39)
“Worship can be discussed in broad, general terms or as explicit action.” (Page 11)