Digital Logos Edition
Historically, anti-Semitism has been engrained in much Christian theology and practice. Is this the result of New Testament teaching, or an alien intrusion into Christianity? What is a Christian attitude towards the Jewish people and towards the state of Israel? What is currently going on in the Middle East and Israel, and does Israel still play a role in God’s purposes for the redemption of the world?
This book seeks to set out a biblical and theological case for the ongoing importance of the Jewish people in God’s plans for creation and to explain something of the complex and controversial situation in the modern day Israeli state.
Logos Bible Software dramatically improves the value of this resource by enabling you to find what you’re looking for with unparalleled speed and precision. While you’re reading Israel, God’s Servant, you can easily search for important concepts from various theologians and access dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library.
A concrete and practical approach toward discipleship that helps us to apply Christ’s likeness to our lives while avoiding ‘clone-making.’
—Mike Gammil, pastor, Houston, Texas
David W. Torrance is a Presbyterian minister in the Church of Scotland. He studied theology with Karl Barth.