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What the Bible Teaches about the Trinity

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Do you have problems understanding what the Bible teaches about the Trinity, or have you had to try to answer people who do not believe that Jesus Christ is God and who deny that the one God is three, and that there are three who are God? Could they possibly be right? How can we answer them?

In this brief book Stuart Olyott shows that what we call “the doctrine of the Trinity” is plainly taught in the Bible, and that it is the foundation for a true understanding of the Christian gospel. The book is written in straightforward language and is intended for the ordinary reader. Although it certainly shows us the error of the modern cults, its main purpose is to lead people to a better understanding of what God has revealed about himself.

The Logos Bible Software edition of this volume is designed to encourage and stimulate your study and understanding of numerous Christian topics. Scripture passages link directly to your English translations and to the original language texts, and important apologetic concepts link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. In addition, you can perform powerful searches by topic and find what other authors, scholars, and theologians have to say about heaven, the Trinity, and marriage.

Resource Experts
  • Investigates what the Bible says on the topic of the Trinity
  • Introduces the main ideas and concepts of the Trinity
  • Includes two brief appendixes and a full Scripture index
  • My God, How Wonderful You Are!
  • God Is One
  • The Father Is God
  • The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son, Is God
  • The Holy Spirit Is God
  • Three Distinct Persons
  • The Eternal Generation of the Son
  • The Eternal Procession of the Holy Spirit
  • Blessed Trinity!
  • Some Errors to Avoid
  • A Truth to Live By

Top Highlights

“ To us, their mode of existence in the one substance is a profound mystery. There is no way we can explain it.” (Page 56)

“The Son is from the Father alone, neither made, nor created, but begotten” (Page 66)

“Origen (A.D. 185–255). The latter unwittingly prepared the ground for Arianism by one of his ideas which was widely received. He held that the Son was a glorious and divine person, and yet that he was not God in quite the same sense as the Father. The Holy Spirit was God in a lesser sense still. He thus sowed the thought that there were ranks within the Godhead, and this made it easier for Arius to go a step further.” (Pages 90–91)

“All that God is is the Father. All that God is is the Son. All that God is is the Holy Spirit. Each one is all that God is. Each one is God in the same sense—of the same essence, being or substance. And yet God is indivisible.” (Page 24)

“Coming to the Father through Christ is much more than reciting ‘through Jesus Christ our Lord’ at the end of our prayers. It means that all our confidence that we will be heard rests upon the Son of God.” (Page 101)

Stuart Olyott is always worth reading and listening to. Not only because of his ability to make sure he is understood but also because of his terrier-like attempts at getting to the truth. In this book he deals with the most crucial doctrine of them all. All truth stems from and starts with our understanding of the trinity. Once again we are grateful to Stuart for pointing out this is not a doctrine to be feared. In fact the opposite is true. Not to understand the trinity is terrifying. Read the book!

—Steve Levy, pastor, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Swansea, Wales

  • Title: What the Bible Teaches about The Trinity
  • Author: Stuart Olyott
  • Series: What the Bible Teaches About…
  • Publisher: Evangelical Press
  • Print Publication Date: 2011
  • Logos Release Date: 2013
  • Pages: 112
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Trinity › Biblical teaching
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-10-30T18:38:46Z

Stuart Olyott is the pastoral director for the Evangelical Movement of Wales. He is also on the Council of Reference of the Biblical Creation Society. He has previously held pastorates in London, Liverpool, and Lausanne, and is the author of The Gospel as It Really Is, Alive in Christ, and A Life Worth Living.


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