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Alive in Christ: Ephesians Simply Explained

ISBN: 9780852343159

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When we begin to understand Paul's epistle to the Ephesians, something wonderful happens to our spiritual life. Realizing how rich we are in Christ, we become filled with thankfulness and joy. We never envy non-Christians again. We see what it means to live as a Christian in today's world. We become stable in our doctrinal understanding. In short, Ephesians produces exactly the sort of Christians we most need.

That is why this short commentary has been written. It is for those who want to begin to understand Paul's great letter. More advanced believers will find spiritual refreshment here.

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Top Highlights

“What those blessings are, how we come by them, what responsibilities they lay upon us in this life, and how being a member of the other world affects our behaviour here and now—this is the theme of the Epistle to the Ephesians.” (Page 16)

“Paul was the greatest theologian who has ever lived. But he was not an armchair theologian, hidden away in his ivory tower, and afraid to venture into the world. Not at all! He was a compassionate and courageous soul-winner, a missionary, an evangelist. More important than all that, he was the man personally commissioned by the resurrected Christ to teach the faith to the Gentiles. He knew Christ’s mind and taught with his authority. Clearly it is more than worth the effort to find out what he has to say in this letter.” (Page 12)

“Paul’s other point is in verse 4. God has saved as he has ‘… that we should be holy and without blame before him’. He desires, even in this life, that there should be people who are different from all the rest, people who are evidently living in two worlds, and not just this one. Positively, he desires that their characters should be more and more similar to that of the one who has poured out such blessings on them. They are to be holy. This is to be their ambition, and they are to give themselves to pursuing it.” (Page 20)

“A cat walking along a wall into which pieces of glass have been embedded is walking ‘circumspectly’. He is watching where he is putting his feet! Christians are to be equally watchful. They are to tread carefully. They are not to rush foolishly ahead and live as they please, but to wisely consider every step.” (Page 118)

  • Title: Alive in Christ: Ephesians Simply Explained
  • Author: Stuart Olyott
  • Publisher: Evangelical Press
  • Series: Welwyn Commentary Series
  • Publication Date: 1994
  • Pages: 144

Stuart Olyott is the pastoral director for the Evangelical Movement of Wales. He is also on the Council of Reference of the Biblical Creation Society. He has previously held pastorates in London, Liverpool, and Lausanne, and is the author of The Gospel as It Really Is, Alive in Christ, and A Life Worth Living.


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    David Anderson



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