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Day One Reflections (9 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Filled with encouragement, comfort, and practical advice, the Day One Reflections offers inspiring meditations on Psalm 23, a collection of biblically sound prayers, an outline for prayer using the ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication) model, an examination of 2 Corinthians 13:14, and teachings on what the Bible says about revival. You’ll also find a study on the messages of the Minor Prophets to lead you toward a deeper faith in God and strength in him while dealing with life’s challenges.

With Logos Bible Software, it’s easier than ever to use these valuable resources. The collection integrates seamlessly with your digital library, so you can access the Day One Reflections from your desktop, tablet, or smartphone. All Scripture references link directly to your favorite Bible translation in your library, making your study both scripturally sound and rewarding.

Resource Experts
  • Offers a collection of prayers
  • Examines eight Old Testament events
  • Provides meditations on Psalm 23
  • Studies the messages of the Minor Prophets
  • Title: Day One Reflections
  • Series: Reflections
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Volumes: 9
  • Pages: 1,104

Heart Cries to Heaven: A Book of Prayers

  • Authors: David Campbell and Sara Leone
  • Series: Reflections
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 128

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Heart Cries to Heaven: A Book of Prayers is a collection of David Campbell’s prayers from Grace Baptist Church of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. You will not find “off the cuff” prayers rattled perfunctorily; rather, the prayers are timeless, thoughtful, biblically sound, reverent, and heartfelt. David Campbell’s prayers are helpful in leading worshippers—whether in public or in private—to God’s throne of grace. Reading these prayers may move your heart to petition the Lord for things you might not otherwise have considered.

David Campbell was born and grew up in Scotland. In 1987, after studying for four years at the Free Church of Scotland College in Edinburgh, he became the pastor of the Geneva Road Evangelical Baptist Church in Darlington, England. Since 2002, he has been the senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He is the author of several books, including Opening up Titus.

Sara Leone was raised in a Christian home in Carlisle, Pennsylvania and graduated from Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. Sara has written Her Husband’s Crown: A Wife’s Ministry and a Minister’s Wife, and has served the Lord in the local church and in Christian schools.

Hints and Signs of the Coming King

  • Author: Kirt Strassner
  • Series: Reflections
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 112

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In the Bible, God often paints spiritual concepts with the bright colors of illustration: “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). But it is not just Bible teaching that can be metaphoric; Bible events can be, too. God often worked out Bible history—real events, objects, and people—to show portraits of the greatest of all subjects: his beloved Son. This book examines eight such Old Testament pictures and demonstrates how they point us forward to Jesus Christ, the coming King.

This book is an excellent evangelistic tool, particularly because it allows the eyes of our understanding to see Jesus through a number of ‘pictures’ in the Old Testament. Whereas the Western world majors in abstract thought, I expect this book to find special appeal with us here in Africa where picture language is the way of communication. In that sense, we are very close to our Near Eastern neighbors. This book should be put into the hands of those who need to hear the gospel afresh in this simple picture form. I cannot commend it too highly!

—Conrad Mbewe, pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia

On the afternoon of Jesus’ resurrection, two of his disciples, walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, enjoyed the privilege of a lifetime. Jesus joined them and gave them a journey-long personal seminar on what the Old Testament said about him. Kurt Strassner’s Hints and Signs of the Coming King provides an attractive guidebook to help us to retrace that walk and discover for ourselves how the Old Testament points to Jesus. What’s more, you can read it, enjoy it, and learn life-long principles for your own Bible study—all in about the same length of time as a walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Enjoy the journey!

Sinclair B Ferguson, senior minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Kurt Strassner is the pastor of Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. He graduated from the University of Mississippi and attended seminary in Memphis, Tennessee. He is the author of Opening up Genesis.

In the Care of the Good Shepherd

  • Author: Iain D. Campbell
  • Series: Reflections
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 128

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

There is probably no passage of Scripture with which people are more familiar than Psalm 23. The words of the metrical version are among the best loved and most often sung of our Scottish Metrical Psalms. Every statement of the psalm is loaded with meaning and with significance and importance. Enjoy reading through these inspiring meditations on Psalm 23.

In this devotional treatment of Psalm 23, Dr. Iain D. Campbell describes the onset of spiritual life in Christians, their varied progress as followers of Jesus the Good Shepherd, and their final destiny in his presence for ever. By tracing the metaphor of shepherding throughout the Old and New Testaments, the author makes insightful use of this rich imagery as it describes the work of Christ as the companion, leader, provider, and protector of his people. The book is written by one who functions as an under-shepherd of the Savior and who is aware of the spiritual needs and desires of his flock, and this experience is very much to the fore throughout the work. Further the activities of Jesus are described in such a straightforward devotional manner that make the book a joy to read. It is a book suitable for the heart as well as for the mind.

—Malcolm Maclean, minister, Scalpay Free Church of Scotland

Iain D. Campbell’s exposition of the Psalm 23 is masterful, both exegetically and pastorally. Reminiscent of the late Douglas MacMillan’s work on this psalm, Dr. Campbell’s adds significantly to our appreciation of the psalm, indeed under his guidance we are led to behold new vistas of greener pastures and still waters. Sure-footed, expository genius of a rare kind.

Derek Thomas, John E. Richards Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary

Iain D. Campbell is the pastor of a church on the Isle of Lewis. He trained for the ministry at the University of Glasgow and at the Free Church College Edinburgh. Iain is author of several other books: Exploring Ruth, Opening up Exodus, and Opening up Matthew.

On Wings of Prayer: Praying the ACTS Way

  • Author: Reggie Weems
  • Series: Reflections
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 112

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Constructing a prayer life is often like putting a puzzle together without the box’s cover. Having a picture makes all the difference. Bible prayers create a model of what prayer can be: exciting, fulfilling, and powerful. Using a simple acrostic makes prayer memorable, interesting, and focused. You too can learn to pray following this simple outline utilized by men and women who experience the transforming power of prayer.

Reggie Weems has written a book utilizing ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication) model. I don’t know if there is any other book that treats this subject the way Reggie has treated prayer. I have known Reggie for over 20 years and have seen how God has worked through the church that he has grown over a period of time. Obviously, he believes in prayer and God has worked through him to build Heritage Baptist Church into a powerful congregation.

Elmer L. Towns, cofounder, Liberty University

Because of the unique nature of the Christian discipline of prayer, most books on prayer are more inspiring than they are helpful. Pastor Reggie Weems has achieved what only a few have ever done in Christian history. This book is orthodox, penetrating, motivating, and inspiring, all in one slender, readable volume. If you are hoping to enhance your walk with the master, here is one book that will bless your soul.

Paige Patterson, president, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX

This brief work on prayer will encourage you to pray, teach you to pray, and give you precious gems about prayer along the way. It taught me things I did not know, and reminded me of things I had forgotten.

—Paul David Washer, founder, HeartCry Missionary Society

Reggie Weems was born in Granite City, Illinois. Converted at 17, he served as an Egyptian linguist for the US government before serving as the senior pastor of two churches for 30 years of ministry.

Pathways to Peace: Facing the Future with Faith—Meditations from Isaiah 40

  • Author: John Kitchen
  • Series: Reflections
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 128

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A million events assault the word tomorrow to make it the most uncertain word in the English language. As we stand at the threshold between a fretful past and a wishful future, what guarantee is there that tomorrow will be better than yesterday? Pathways to Peace sets forth the hope of Isaiah 40: Only God’s presence sustains you in the panic of an uncertain future, and God’s presence only helps you when you appreciate his preeminence over all things. Where God is lifted up as preeminent, he manifests his presence and the peace of God is the result in the believer’s life.

John Kitchen’s book on Isaiah 40 is a joy to read with its strong encouragement on how the preeminence and presence of our Lord affects all we do, think, and hope for as believers. I strongly encourage a wide usage of this book among all who need a spiritual uplift in these troubling days.

Walter C. Kaiser Jr., president emeritus, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

In a day and age when so many Christian books use the Word of God flippantly, John Kitchen gives us a careful and thoughtful exposition of the Scripture. Very readable while thoroughly biblical, John’s writings will encourage and strengthen your heart. No matter where we are on our spiritual journey, we could all benefit from a new glimpse of God. Pathways to Peace gives us such a glimpse. May God use these pages to expand your view of who he is.

—John Stumbo, pastor, Salem Alliance Church, Salem, OR

This is a refreshing and health-giving meditation on the grandest of all themes: the nature of God and how it affects our living today. It will strengthen your spiritual muscles and equip you to face the challenges you encounter victoriously.

Ajith Fernando, national director, Youth for Christ, Sri Lanka

John Kitchen is the senior pastor of Stow Alliance Fellowship in Stow, Ohio and has been in pastoral ministry since 1987. He holds degrees from Crown College, Columbia Biblical Seminary, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. John has ministered to missionaries and pastors in numerous countries on five continents of the world.

They Echoed the Voice of God: Reflections on the Minor Prophets

  • Author: Roger Ellsworth
  • Series: Reflections
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 128

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Many carry a little Bible and believe in a little God. Their Bibles are little because they ignore so many of its books. Their God is little because they ignore so many of the Bible’s truths. The Minor Prophets can help us. These men made sense of their circumstances and found strength for their challenges by basking in the God who was above it all and in it all. The God they served was wise enough to plan and strong enough to achieve. This study of their messages will help us have both bigger Bibles and a bigger God.

Biblical prophets were spokesmen for God. Through them the Lord revealed his Word, his will, and, most notably, himself. Roger Ellsworth helps us appreciate how the so-called Minor Prophets make known the character and work of our great God. This book is a great introduction to and overview of their prophecies. Read it to become acquainted with these sometimes overlooked servants and, more importantly, with the unchangeable God whose message they proclaimed.

—Tom Ascol, director, Founders Ministries

In this excellent book on the Minor Prophets, Roger Ellsworth gives the reader a clear understanding of the importance of these neglected and often underestimated books of the Bible. As the author says in his introduction, ‘These were men with a big God.’ Setting each prophet in his times, Roger Ellsworth goes on to show clearly how all of these men demonstrated the greatness of God in their message—a message as essential for our day as it was for theirs. Laced with helpful, practical application, this book shows how each prophet emphasized a particular aspect of God’s character, giving an overall picture that is compelling.

Jim Winter, minister, Horsell Evangelical Church, Woking

Roger Ellsworth is currently the pastor of Parkview Baptist Church in Jackson, Tennessee. He is the author of well over 30 books.

Under God’s Smile: The Trinitarian Blessing of 2 Corinthians 13:14

  • Author: Derek Prime
  • Series: Reflections
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 128

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

During recent decades, it has become the practice of Christians in many churches and in university and college Christian Unions to commit one another to God’s grace and care with the words “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all” (2 Corinthians 13:14). They are familiar words, but what do they actually mean?

So that we do not repeat these words without appreciating their full implication, Derek Prime explores them and considers the three Persons of the Trinity in their different, yet perfectly harmonious, relationship to every believer. Written in an easy-to-read style, this book is thoroughly rooted in the Scriptures and is a demonstration that solid biblical truth is both heart-warming and exciting.

Wholesome food for the average Christian reader and devotional writing of the highest order.

Evangelicals Now

An easily-read book, helpful in all stages of Christian life.

Grace Magazine

Derek Prime’s ministry is much appreciated by many Christian groups, including ourselves. Like all his other books . . . biblically based and easy to read.

Associated Presbyterians News

Derek Prime, after serving churches in the UK as a pastor for a total of 30 years, has devoted himself since 1987 to an itinerant ministry and to writing. He is author of several other books, including Opening up 1 Corinthians and The Lord’s Prayer for Today.

When God Makes Streams in the Desert: Revival Blessings in the Bible

  • Author: Roger Ellsworth
  • Series: Reflections
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 128

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

What is biblical revival? Many Christians associate revival with special meetings that used to take place once or twice a year. Guest preachers and singers would be brought in, and special evening services were designed to encourage believers to get closer to the Lord and to convince unbelievers to accept him as their Savior.

But that is not revival. Biblical revival is about God bringing his people back to spiritual vitality. Only Christians can be revived because only they have spiritual life, having been regenerated by the Spirit of God on the basis of the redeeming work of Christ.

Learn what the Bible teaches about revival, and be inspired to pray that, even in our day, God will make streams flow in the desert.

When God Makes Streams in the Desert reminds us that revival is present when ‘remarkable life and power that cannot be explained accurately in any human terms’ moves into our churches and causes us to do what we do ‘at a completely different level.’ This book will change the way you think about and pray for revival.

—Paul Orrick, pastor, First Baptist Church, Greenville, OH

Roger Ellsworth creates a thirst in the heart for God to renew his works in our day. We live in a day when spiritual dryness and barrenness is so commonplace and so widespread that it somehow comes to seem normal. Like a man who has become accustomed to constant dehydration, we assume our symptoms are ‘just the way it is.’ We have forgotten we are to have cups that overflow. With careful examination of the Word of God, When God Makes Streams in the Desert reminds a parched church that there IS a fountain of renewal. The book has a refreshing accessibility that makes it readable for every Christian and depth that makes it imperative for every pastor.

—Jason T. Hartig, pastor, Smyrna Baptist Church, Humboldt, TN

Roger Ellsworth is currently the pastor of Parkview Baptist Church in Jackson, Tennessee. He is the author of well over 30 books.

When Heaven Calls Your Name: People in the Bible Who Heard God Speak

  • Author: Roger Ellsworth
  • Series: Reflections
  • Publisher: Day One
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 112

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3

Believing that repetition indicates emphasis, Roger Ellsworth examines occasions in the Bible in which God the Father or God the Son repeated someone’s name. He asserts that these instances were meant to make certain truths ‘dance’ before our eyes. In an increasingly difficult and challenging world, these truths will thrill, comfort, and guide all those who genuinely embrace them.

God speaks. He has spoken, and he continues to speak today. Through these vivid portraits of heaven’s calls, you will overhear the voice of God speaking specifically and clearly to you.

—Todd Brady, pastor, First Baptist Church of Paducah, KY

Roger Ellsworth has given us another book full of pastoral integrity and fidelity to the Word of God. When Heaven Calls Your Name is both exegetically sound and devotionally warm—a book that is as heart-stirring as it is instructional. The readers of this book who hear their names called will grow in the faith and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I heartily recommend it!

—Ivan Schoen, pastor, Maranatha Baptist Church, Poplar Grove, IL

Roger Ellsworth is currently the pastor of Parkview Baptist Church in Jackson, Tennessee. He is the author of well over 30 books.


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