Digital Logos Edition
The Preaching Resources Collection is packed full of great resources for the novice preacher and the experienced preacher. Offering books by Stephen Olford, John R. Bisagno, Charles Ryrie and Al Fasol, this collection focuses on helping the preacher preach with confidence, clarity, and a bold assurance, while always bearing in mind the cornerstone of the message—Jesus Christ. These valuable resources, published by Broadman and Holman, will more than serve your needs as you prepare and present your sermons.
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Stephen Olford and David Olford, both widely respected preachers in their own right, define “expository preaching” as preaching that exposes Scripture instead of imposing upon it. In Anointed Expository Preaching, the authors teach its technique and equip and encourage preachers of all kinds to respect their calling and minister God’s inerrant Word. The Olford’s methodology of preaching makes this a deeply spiritual and intensely practical book, offering specific instructions to help preachers write, review, and rehearse their sermons, exposing the eternal truths of Scripture and clarifying the themes of their message. They are the authors of The Secret of Soul Winning in the Evangelism Collection (11 volumes)
A veritable encyclopedia for preachers and their preaching. It is filled with practical, pointed, and pertinent guidelines that are clothed in seasoned counsel.
—Charles C. Ryrie, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary
If you are serious about preaching, study the masters in Anointed Expository Preaching.
—Paige Paterson, President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas
Stephen Olford (1918-2004) was the founder of Olford Ministries International and the Stephen Olford Center for Biblical Preaching. He was raised in Angola to missionary parents and after receiving ministry training was appointed an Army Scripture Reader during World War Two. After the war, he was involved in extensive evangelistic and preaching ministries throughout Britain and overseas. He and his family moved to Tennessee in 1985 to develop a training center that would equip and encourage preachers and teachers of God’s Word. As an ordained Baptist minister and a conservative evangelical, Olford ministered across many denominational, cultural, and racial lines. His books, sermons, and sermon outlines are available from Logos on the Olford Expository Preaching CD.
David Olford serves as Stephen Olford Professor of Expository Preaching and as Assistant to the President at Union University in Tennessee. He serves as Chairman of the Board and President of Olford Ministries International. As both teacher and preacher, David has shared his passion of God’s Word across the United States and in numerous foreign countries.
The art of preaching is one of the most important acts of ministry. The sermon teaches, challenges and convicts. This handbook will serve as an invaluable resource helping the pastor, minister and preacher prepare and deliver effective sermons. The Handbook of Contemporary Preaching is perhaps the most encyclopedic text on preaching in any language. Michael Duduit has compiled the finest counsel from many of the acknowledged grand masters of the contemporary pulpit, including Calvin Miller, Joel Gregory, Stuart Briscoe, James Cox, Elizabeth Achtemeier, Thomas Long, James Earl Massey and many more.
Well conceived and artfully executed, this book brings together a collection of experts on preaching that tops anything published in decades.
—David Allan Hubbard, President, Fuller Theological Seminary
Michael Duduit has combined the wisdom and experience of some of the masters of the craft of preaching into a practical sourcebook of information and inspiration.
—Jim Henry, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Orlando, FL
Here is a superb and much-needed addition to the literature on preaching. The articles are well prepared by some of the best teachers and practitioners of preaching today. They offer not only a historical rootage in a theological center but excellent understanding of the act of preaching as well…this volume should be in the library of every church, pastor, and educational institution.
—William L. Self, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Chamblee, GA
Michael Duduit is editor of Preaching magazine and directs the annual National Conference on Preaching. He served as director of development and church relations at Samford University. Duduit received a B.A. from Stetson University, an M.Div. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Florida State University.
In this concise and compelling handbook, Ryrie writes to Bible students and practicing pastors alike about the importance of communicating the doctrines of Scripture. He clearly explains why doctrinal truth from the Bible must be a key part of every preacher's message. Using practical illustrations and applications, Ryrie offers helpful ways of embracing doctrine through the use of major Bible passages, systematic theology, biblical theology, concordances, and more.
Charles Ryrie is Professor Emeritus at Dallas Theological Seminary, where he served as professor of systematic theology and dean of doctoral studies for many years. He was also a professor at Philadelphia Biblical University and holds a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He is the annotator of the widely used Ryrie Study Bible, available from Logos as part of the 8-volume Charles Ryrie Collection, and the author of Ryrie's Basic Theology, A Survey of Bible Doctrine and What You Should Know about Inerrancy.
Jones offers a lifesaver for the busy preacher, teacher, public speaker and writer. In this vast resource are fifty categories of illustrations ranging from Action to Youth. Each section is highlighted by appropriate Scripture references and quotations. The text also includes indexes to persons and subjects.
G. Curtis Jones is a nationally known preacher and author. He has published over twenty books and hundreds of articles for magazines and journals.
My Favorite Illustrations is gleaned from over eighty volumes of Dr. Hobbs’ Studying Adult Life and Work Lessons. Ronald Brown has compiled these illustrations into many categories, including age, atonement, evangelism, family life, praise, thanksgiving, and work.
Hershel Hobbs obtained a B.A. from Samford University and a Th.M. and Ph.D. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He pastored at First Baptist in Oklahoma City and served churches in Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, and Louisiana. He is a coeditor of The Teacher's Bible Commentary in the Holman Reference Collection (11 volumes).
Ronald Brown is editor of Adult Life and Work. He received an M.Div. and D.Min. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. His ministry experience includes pastor, associate pastor, and minister of education and administration.
In the years since the original publication of Steps to the Sermon in 1963, audiences have become more sophisticated, preachers have learned to adjust their styles to reach today’s media saturated mindset, and sermon styles have shifted from deductive to inductive. In view of these changes Steps to the Sermon has been revised to help preachers communicate to the present generation. It will also prove to be an effective tool for college and seminary level courses in preaching. Its step-by-step approach to sermon development, coupled with features such as chapter outlines and an extensive updated bibliography, make it a practical resource for experienced preachers.
H.C. Brown, Jr. received his Th.D. degree from and was professor of preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary from 1949 to 1973.
H. Gordon Clinard was professor of preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary from 1955 to 1966. He received his B.D. and Th.D. degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Jesse J. Northcutt taught preaching, served as dean of the school of theology, and was vice president for academic affairs at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He received his Th.M. and Th.D. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Al Faso received an M.Div. and Th.D. from and is distinguished professor of preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
Hamilton offers a primer for those who are called to preach. It is intentionally simple in its explanation of the homiletical task and straightforward in getting to the point. Solid in its theology and biblical in its approach, students, ministers, and teachers will appreciate and welcome this text. Homiletical Handbook explains the subject in three parts: understanding the homiletical task; developing homiletical technique; and utilizing homiletical treasury.
Donald Hamilton holds the Stephen F. Olford Chair of Biblical Preaching at Columbia Biblical Seminary and School of Missions.. He holds an M.Div from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and a D.Min. from Bethel Theological Seminary.
Whether preaching or witnessing, speaking is a critical communication tool in almost all facets of Christian life. This book brings the Bold Assurance concept to Christian leaders and laypeople, giving them the tools they need to communicate effectively. Topics covered in this book include: the three myths of communication, building trust in the messenger, nine behavioral skills, six content skills, and means for applying bold assurance.
Thankfully not everyone has the gift of gab or the world would be far too noisy. But, everyone does need to know how to communicate with clarity and effectiveness. In this respect, Bert Decker, through his outstanding material, helps all of us find our way toward successful communication. Better yet, his work is grounded in the very principles which the one who designed us in the first place has given to us in His Word.
—Joseph M. Stowell, President, Moody Bible Institute
Hershael York is Victor and Louise Lester Professor of Christian Preaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky. He has written many articles and features for several publications.
Bert Decker is the chairman and founder of Decker Communications, Inc. He is a major figure in the communications field and is the author of the best-selling book You’ve Got to Be Believed to Be Heard.
Preachers are under the biblical mandate to preach with conviction, passion, and in a way that the Word of God engages the audience and grips their hearts. Preaching with Bold Assurance will equip preachers to do just that. York and Decker provide preachers with a practical tool to help them use their minds, mouths, and beings to communicate effectively. Preachers will learn the tools for powerful and effective communication based on biblical truth and proven concepts from the business world so they can preach boldly and skillfully. The authors present three elements for effective preaching: understand the text; build the sermon; and engage the audience.
[This book] could well have been titled ‘The Answer’. Many Christians have long sought and desired an ability to communicate their faith in a powerful yet acceptable, non-threatening way. Bert Decker and Hershael York have combined their special expertise with powerful support from God’s Word to give Christians the courage and know-how to…let their faith shine through the power of Christ.
—Zig Ziglar, Author, Motivational Teacher
Hershael York is Victor and Louise Lester Professor of Christian Preaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky. He has written many articles and features for several publications.
Bert Decker is the chairman and founder of Decker Communications, Inc. He is a major figure in the communications field and is the author of the best-selling book You’ve Got to Be Believed to Be Heard.
Seasoned pastor and educator James Shaddix presents pastors and listeners with a philosophical and theological argument for encountering God’s voice with integrity. He gives special attention to theological subjects such as the nature of revelation, the role of persuasion, and the effectual work of God’s Word. Crucial areas Shaddix focuses on are the biblical foundation, philosophical framework, and practical implications for shaping individual listeners and congregations into the image of Jesus. He also addresses numerous neglected subjects such as the purpose of the Bible, the unique roles of the pastoral preacher and his listeners, and the responsibility of preaching and listening for community development. For Shaddix, the preaching event is not primarily about sermon-making, but about proclaiming the Word of God rightly so that He gets the glory.
Jim Shaddix serves as the Senior Pastor of Riverside Baptist Church in Denver, CO. He was Associate Professor of Preaching at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and directed both the Professional Doctoral and Field Education programs at the seminary. He earned a B.S. in Education from Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Alabama, an M.Div. and D.Min. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He acquired a Ph.D. in Preaching from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the co-author of Power in the Pulpit: How to Prepare and Deliver Expository Sermons.
The authors ask the poignant question: What is the point to preaching? There are so many agendas competing for pulpit time these days, it can be easy to forget the exact purpose of one’s calling to preach, which is to proclaim God’s salvation through Jesus who died and is now resurrected. Preaching Evangelistically looks at the different elements of gospel preaching and how they are best used to effectively proclaim Jesus. These elements include: sermon setting, text selection, preparation, preaching with biblical authority, giving an invitation, and "Hiding Behind the Cross As You Preach." The book also provides examples of evangelistic sermons from selected preachers. Fasol, one of the co-writers, states, “The purpose of our book is to provide information on preaching evangelistically with integrity, with biblical accuracy, with appeal to contemporary listeners, and absolutely for the glory of God.”
Al Fasol received an M.Div. and Th.D. from and is distinguished professor of preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
Roy Fish was distinguished professor of evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
Steve Gaines is pastor of the Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, TN.
Ralph Douglas West is pastor of Brookhollow Baptist Church in Houston, Texas.
Principle preaching, defined as preaching life-changing principle-based sermons, is the style of preaching that John Bisagno, recently retired pastor, has been using for nearly fifty years in ministry. Principle preaching takes biblical principles and infuses them into the narrative preached. As a result, the listener obtains life application principles they can put into practice in their daily life—immediately. Principle Preaching includes over forty chapters featuring principle sermons from both Old and New Testament characters such as Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Mary and Joseph, Peter, Pilate, and Timothy.
John Bisagno has spent nearly fifty years in ministry, pastoring for 35 years. He has recently retired from the First Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, and continues to preach both in the United States and abroad. He has contributed a book to the Pastoral Ministry Collection (13 volumes).
McDill helps preachers discover how to make the maximum impact on their congregation from the pulpit, how to reach out to them with love and authority, and even how to fine tune the sermon “on the fly.” Using the unique method he has taught for over twenty years, McDill presents detailed steps for understanding how to read an audience by studying their faces and body language, how to respond to their subtle reactions, and get the sermon’s message across with power and confidence. His simple, yet specific techniques will help any preacher cultivate a dynamic, compelling preaching style that will penetrate and persuade even the toughest audience member. Theologically based and filled with practical applications, The Moment of Truth teaches preachers at every skill level how to make their special moment in the pulpit a profound moment of truth, turning people’s hearts to the glory of God.
Wayne McDill is Senior Professor of Preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and has taught the art of preaching for over twenty years. He received his Th.D. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and remains an active member in the Evangelical Homiletics Society and Evangelical Theological Society. Among his books is The 12 Essential Skills of Great Preaching.
Bugg calls for a new emphasis on the spiritual vitality of the preacher. For him, preaching is more than a craft or an art or even a profession. It is more than the shaping of some words to entertain or dazzle. Preaching must grow out from the pastor’s personal experience with the Word of God. The preacher stands inside the faith, and it is from there the preacher is able to communicate to those who listen. The key word in preaching for Bugg is relationship. He strongly confirms that preaching cannot be separated from what a minister is. A sermon is not something one merely gets up and does, it is to be lived out in the preacher.
Charles Bugg received his Ph.D from Southern Seminary in Kentucky, and was the Carl E. Bates Professor of Preaching there. In August, 2005, he was installed as dean of the M. Christopher White School of Divinity at Gardner-Webb University. He has been the pastor of a number of churches, including the First Baptist Church in Augusta, GA. He is the author of Getting on Top When Life Gets Us Down. He is a sought after speaker in churches, state, and national meetings, and brings years of preaching and pastoral experience to this book.
The messages contained herein are richly illustrated and warmly spiritual in tone. Pastors and Sunday school teachers will find these sermons (originally preached in evangelistic campaigns) helpful for sermon preparation, and the layperson will find them well-suited for personal reading.
John Bisagno has spent nearly fifty years in ministry, pastoring for 35 years. He has recently retired from the First Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, and continues to preach both in the United States and abroad. He has contributed a book to the Pastoral Ministry Collection (13 volumes).
Whether you have decades of preaching experience or just started your first course in homiletics, this guide can help you add power to your preaching by communicating your messages more clearly and effectively. Among the subjects Fasol addresses are: answers to the ten most commonly asked questions about sermon delivery; exercises to add depth to your preaching; and tools to help you evaluate your communication skills—everything you need to add power and conviction to your preaching.
Al Fasol received an M.Div. and Th.D. from and is distinguished professor of preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
Bailey reveals the many facets of Jesus’ preaching ministry and demonstrates how Jesus is the role model for preaching. He begins by discussing who Jesus is, then paints a picture of Jesus’ audience. He explains how Jesus adapted His style and strategy of preaching to fit every opportunity to share His message, using images and stories his audience could understand. Let Jesus the Preacher challenge you to follow the Master Communicator as you share His message today.
Raymond Bailey was professor of preaching and director of the National Center for Christian Preaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky. He holds an M.A. from Texas Tech University and an M.Div. and Ph.D. from Southern Seminary. Bailey has served in numerous interim pastorates in Kentucky. He is the coauthor of Dramatic Monologues.
The prophets of the Old Testament times were among the most persuasive preachers in all of history. Smith uses communication theory and the sociology of knowledge to analyze how the preaching of the Old Testament prophets were able to change individual lives, influence the world’s greatest leaders, and cause entire nations to repent. He reaches beyond the traditional presentations of Scripture and historical data to look through the eyes of the Old Testament prophets, see their worldviews, examine their historical/social contexts, and explore the communications process and the dynamics of persuasion. Each chapter includes discussion questions concerning theological and social implications.
Gary Smith taught Old Testament at Bethel Theological Seminary in Minnesota, and Old Testament and Hebrew at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Missouri. He is the author of Broadening Your Biblical Horizons, Amos: A Commentary and contributed to the Biblical Essentials Series (10 titles).