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Products>The Book of Proverbs, Chapters 15–31 (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament | NICOT)

The Book of Proverbs, Chapters 15–31 (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament | NICOT)

, 2005

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For the modern mind, the book’s cultural setting seems far removed from the 21st century. Proverbs puts a high priority on tradition and age, while the modern mind prizes change and youth. For Christians, Proverbs seems irrelevant. For the translator, Proverbs defies translations.

Over twenty-five years in the making, this much-anticipated commentary has proven to be the standard study of Proverbs for years to come. Written by eminent Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke, this two-volume commentary is unquestionably the most comprehensive work on Proverbs available.

In the second part of his two-volume commentary, Waltke confronts these exegetical and interpretive challenges head on. This historico-grammatical commentary on Proverbs uncovers the profound philosophical and theological insights of this ancient book. Waltke helps readers understand the poetics used in its composition, and challenges modern prejudices toward the book.

Grounded in the new literary criticism that has so strengthened biblical interpretation of late, Waltke's commentary on Proverbs demonstrates the profound, ongoing relevance of this Old Testament book for Christian faith and life. A thorough introduction addresses such issues as text and versions, structure, authorship, and theology. The detailed commentary itself explains and elucidates Proverbs as "theological literature." Waltke's highly readable style -- evident even in his original translation of the Hebrew text -- makes his scholarly work accessible to teachers, pastors, Bible students, and general readers alike.

Resource Experts
  • Verse-by-verse commentary
  • In-depth discussion of textual and critical matters


Top Highlights

“Most commentators agree with Augustine and Jerome that the ‘coals of fire’ refers to ‘burning pangs of shame’ which a man will feel when good is returned for evil, his shame producing remorse and contrition.” (Page 331)

“She is precious because she uses her strength, ability, wisdom and valor so totally and selflessly for others. Such a wife is a gift from God (19:14) and must in part be sought by faithful prayer (15:29; 16:3; Jas 1:6).” (Page 521)

“The singular suggests that not a step is taken apart from the Lord’s superintendence. ‘A man may plan his road to the last detail, but he cannot implement his planning, unless it coincides with Yahweh’s plan for him. He is deluded if he supposes that he has unfettered control and can impose his will on every situation without limitation in order to make his plan a reality, for it is).59 As Shakespeare expressed it: ‘there is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will.’” (Page 16)

“The friend is represented as always present, in good times and bad; the relative only in adversity. A friend rejoices and weeps with you (Rom. 12:15); a relative functions more as a safety net. But even in adversity the friend’s spiritual ties are better and stronger than blood ties (18:24 and 27:10).” (Page 57)

“The plural, paralleling ‘ways,’ denotes that the complex patterns of behavior depend on complex motives. The disciple should evaluate his motives and conduct against God’s revealed standards and not absolutize his own estimation of them (cf. 12:15a; cf. 14:12 [= 16:25]). Nevertheless, since the final verdict as to their purity belongs to the Lord, not the doer, the disciple must not praise himself or decide his reward beforehand. The best he can do is to commit all he does to the Lord and depend upon God to make his motives and ways pleasing to God (16:3, 7; cf. Ps. 19:12; 139:23–24; 1 Cor. 4:5–6; Heb. 4:12–13). Moreover, if a person cannot judge his own motives, how much more should he not judge others (Matt 7:1)?” (Page 11)

The best overall commentary on Proverbs available at this time. Its two volumes greatly enrich our understanding of an important biblical book.


Waltke brings to bear a lifetime of learning and expertise as a world authority on Hebrew grammar. His theological approach is conservative evangelical and intended to serve the Christian pulpit and laity.

Raymond C. Van Leeuwen, professor of biblical studies, Eastern University

  • Title: The Book of Proverbs, Chapters 15–31
  • Author: Bruce K. Waltke
  • Series: New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Print Publication Date: 2005
  • Logos Release Date: 2009
  • Pages: 623
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. O.T. Proverbs 15-31 › Commentaries
  • Resource ID: LLS:NICOT20PR2
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-07-10T20:56:35Z

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Bruce K. Waltke

Bruce Waltke (1930– ) is an Old Testament scholar, distinguished professor of Old Testament at Knox Theological Seminary, and professor emeritus of Old Testament studies at Regent College. He has also taught at Dallas Theological Seminary, Westminster Theological Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Regent College. He has served as president of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Waltke was on the translation committee of both the New American Standard Bible and the New International Version. He is the author of numerous award-winning books like Genesis: A Commentary (co-authored with C. J. Fredricks) and An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach. Other books from Waltke include The Book of Proverbs (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament) and The Psalms as Christian Worship.


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  1. Anderson Abreu

    Anderson Abreu


  2. Peter Hui

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  3. Scott S. Scheurich
  4. sukjae lee

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  5. Martijn



  6. Kendall Leland White
  7. john kho

    john kho





  9. Hany N. Abdelmalek
  10. DB




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