Digital Logos Edition
This expanded workbook is designed with the student in mind and intended for use with the standard-setting Basics of Biblical Greek textbook, now in its third edition. Two optional chapters have been added to the Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook, allowing you to read large chunks of the biblical text and enjoy the fruits of your labor faster than ever before. Each chapter is divided into six sections and includes extensive exercises and significant biblical passages for translation.
“1. Treat these exercises as if they were a test. Learn the chapter, and do the exercises without looking back” (Page vii)
“There are 1,586 aorist active participles in the New Testament. 1,359 are nominative (86%).” (Page 112)
“The dative is used to indicate when an action takes place, the accusative to tell how long” (Page 44) |
“ὁ θεωρῶν (one who sees) τὸν υἱὸν καὶ πιστεύων (who believes) εἰς αὐτὸν ἔχῃ” (Page 24)
“There are two different ways to work through the textbook.” (Page vii)
9 ratings
Derrick Barnes
Raymond mori
Kirke Holmes
Chad Baxter
Freddie Jr. Kinsler
Robert Zama
Whyndell Grizzard
Vamberto Marinho de Arruda Junior
James C.