Digital Logos Edition
Many people react negatively to the word theology, believing that is involves dry, fruitless arguments about minute points of doctrine. They prefer to focus on the basic truths of Scripture and may even declare, “No creed but Christ.”
But as R.C. Sproul argues, everyone is a theologian. Any time we think about a teaching of the Bible and strive to understand it, we are engaging in theology. Therefore, it is important that we put the Bible’s varied teachings together in a systematic fashion using proper, time-tested methods of interpretation so as to arrive at a theology that is founded on truth.
That is precisely what Sproul does in Everyone’s a Theologian. Sproul, demonstrating his trademark ability to make complex subjects easily understood, surveys the basic truths of the Christian faith, reminding us once more of what God is like and of what he has done for his people in this world and the next.
With Logos Bible Software, this valuable volume is enhanced with cutting-edge research tools. Scripture citations appear on mouseover in your preferred English translation. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Powerful topical searches help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Don't forget to pre-order the Crossway R.C. Sproul Collection (6 vols.)
Have you ever wanted Christian theology made simple? R.C. Sproul has the gift of making things simple without dumbing them down. Like a father teaching his child to swim, he can bring us into waters too deep for us touch bottom, but he won’t let us drown. So I invite you to jump into this pool of the knowledge of God. Whether you want to learn more about what makes the Bible different, who God is, why Christ died, how the Holy Spirit works in a person’s soul, or what happens on judgment day, in these pages you will find clear answers from a wise teacher.
—Joel R. Beeke, president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI
R.C. Sproul is a consummate teacher, especially skilled at explaining difficult theological concepts in uncomplicated terms. Here, he tackles every major category of systematic theology in a succinct, lucid, even-handed fashion. This is a tremendously valuable resource for everyone from the newest believer to the most seasoned pastor. It is quite true that we are all theologians. Dr. Sproul helps us all be better theologians.
—John MacArthur, pastor, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA
R. C. Sproul is a respected teacher, theologian, and pastor. He is the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries where he serves as executive editor of Tabletalk magazine. Sproul holds degrees from Westminster College, Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary, Free University of Amsterdam, and Whitefield Theological Seminary. He has taught at several colleges and seminaries including Reformed Theological Seminary and Knox Theological Seminary. He currently serves as senior minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida. Sproul’s teaching can be heard daily on the ‘Renewing Your Mind’ radio broadcast which plays in over 40 countries. Sproul has written more than 75 books including The Holiness of God, Chosen by God, and The Mystery of the Holy Spirit.
“However, systematic theology does not attempt to force Scripture into a philosophy or system, but instead it seeks to draw out the teachings of Scripture and understand them in an orderly, topical way.” (Page 6)
“systematic theology, which is an orderly, coherent study of the principal doctrines of the Christian faith.” (Page 4)
“The purpose of theology is not to tickle our intellects but to instruct us in the ways of God, so that we can grow up into maturity and fullness of obedience to Him. That is why we engage in theology.” (Page 13)
“the science of theology is an attempt to gain a coherent, consistent knowledge of God.” (Page 8)
“The systematician studies not only the Bible and the creeds and the confessions of the church, but also the insights of the master teachers that God has given throughout history. The systematician looks at all the data—biblical, historical, and systematic—and brings it together.” (Page 12)
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