Digital Logos Edition
What is theology? How is theology different from doctrine? And what does the Bible have to do with theology?
In Systematic Theology: Biblical and Historical, Robert Duncan Culver draws from the resources of reason, tradition, experience, and—most importantly—the Bible to construct a comprehensive systematic theology. He aims to provide a logical structure of doctrine whereby the truths of revelation can be refined and related to one another. In particular, Culver devotes lengthy chapters to discussions of the doctrine of God, the doctrine of creation, the doctrine of sin, the doctrine of Christ, the doctrine of salvation, the doctrine of the Church, and the doctrine of the Last Things—and shows how each of these doctrines manifests itself in authentic Christianity.
Although Culver assumes his readers possess little previous knowledge of theology, a serious intention to learn is required. Students in seminary and Bible colleges will find this edition of Culver’s Systematic Theology particularly valuable, and pastors and laypersons with an interest in theology will especially benefit from Culver’s work.
“The gospel will always remain foolishness to the minds of sinful people until the Holy Spirit enlightens them (1 Cor. 1:18; 2:14). The important thing for us to see in this connection is that if people fail at this point, the root of the failure is not in their mental faculties but in their spiritual ones: that their rejection is not based on intellectual obstacles but on moral ones. Their active resistance and arguments prove that they are vital and active mentally, but as to spiritual things are ‘dead in … trespasses and sins’ (Eph. 2:1–3; cf. 1 Cor. 2:14).” (Pages 16–17)
“Nothing in the scheme of Christian doctrine is so offensive to the secular spirit or so preposterous to the unbelieving mind as to propose that God has a plan for the whole universe down to such minute details as the hairs on one’s head or the death of a sparrow (Matt. 10:29, 30) and is unfailingly executing the same.” (Page 122)
“We must not be shy in our day of laying claim to the possibility of holding a ‘correct’ or ‘objective meaning’ or interpretation of the text of Scripture, for to deny that one can have a correct or objective meaning is objectively to state that there is none to be had! It is like saying, as one of my university professors said so blatantly, ‘There are no absolutes!’ When I asked him as casually as I could if he affirmed this absolutely, he unthinkingly replied, ‘Absolutely!’ He too had to be involved in precisely what he was disallowing!” (Page xiv)
“Christianity, one may justly say, is a history, in the sense of a finished work of redemption performed in a certain period of linear time. The events of redemption may be precisely located in time and place. The first four books of the New Testament are the only extensive authentic sources of information about those acts of God.” (Page 3)
Dr. Culver is a veteran teacher in the classic evangelical and Reformed stream of Christian understanding, and this wide-ranging, well-directed, sharp-sighted textbook is his magnum opus. Within the group of recent conservative systematic theologies this one stands high as a demonstration of the biblical rationality of the Reformed faith.
—J. I. Packer, Professor, Regent College
Not every book that has seen the light of day should have been written, but this volume by the Rev. Dr. Robert Duncan Culver was one that just had to be. Without it, we would have been deprived of one of the strongest examples of the exegetical use of the Bible in forming a systematic theology for our day. Parts of this line of teaching has only been known through the oral presentations of a stream of great teachers: Dr. Culver represents the highest achievement in the area of systematic theology of that line …this volume has such uniqueness about it that our generation, and those that follow us, would have been left with some major gaps in our understanding [without it].
—Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., President, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Here is a bold, comprehensive, and faithful systematic theology. This work is based clearly upon a biblical foundation and is marked by genuine scholarship, doctrinal clarity, and historical insight. This new Systematic Theology should be warmly received by evangelical pastors, laypersons, and students.
—R. Albert Mohler Jr. President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Culver brings both the explicitly biblical framework of Reymond and the historical-mindedness of McGrath together in one massive volume!
—Tony Reinke, Shepherds Scrapbook
Culver's Systematic Theology is biblically grounded, edifying and thorough. As a theologian, he writes with the worshipful reverence of a Puritan, the stirring exhortation of a prophet, the logical precision of a philosopher, and the wise guidance of a pastor. His desire to ground all our theology in Scripture is obvious throughout.
—K. Erik Thoennes, Professor, Biola University
Despite its comprehensive scope, this book is written with simplicity and clarity, two virtues often lacking in systematic theologies. Deeply rooted in the wealth of Bible-wisdom, and drawing on the witness of historical theology across the centuries, Dr. Culver has given us a classic statement of the evangelical faith. This is a book to come back to again and again.
—Timothy George, Dean, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, and executive editor of Christianity Today
Dr. Robert Culver has been an ‘international treasure’ in the church for years and has helped many of us in our personal walk and ministry. As a theologian, he is biblical and balanced, and he keeps reminding us that theology is for living and not just for studying. He believes that a theologian should challenge and instruct, and he fulfills these ministries admirably. Both the young preacher and the veteran will find enlightenment and nourishment in these pages.
Here is the rich harvest of a dedicated scholar's lifetime of study, teaching, and writing. There is no area of theology that Dr. Culver fails to discuss with a masterful grasp of all the relevant issues. What I especially appreciate is his command of significant literature. This exhaustive work provides a resource that pastors in particular will find of great help in dealing with doctrinal questions.
—Vernon Grounds, Chancellor, Denver Seminary
Systematic Theology by Robert Duncan Culver, a distinguished student of Scripture and an eleventh generation descendent of a Puritan who arrived on American shores in 1635, represents the labor of a lifetime. This theological resource proves to be thoroughly biblical, soundly orthodox, and eminently readable. Thus, it receives my warm commendation to those who love and cherish God's Word.
—Richard Mayhue, Executive Vice President, The Master's College and Seminary
It was my pleasure to study in Dr. Culver's systematic theology courses at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Long have I cherished his notes from such classes as ‘sin and salvation’ and ‘ecclesiology and eschatology.’ What I learned from him has served me exceptionally well as an evangelical professor. As I perused the present work, it was just as if I were back in the classroom. Dr. Culver's careful presentation and encyclopedic wisdom shine through these pages. I am grateful that the current generation of Bible students—and those to come—will now be able to learn from one of the American masters of theology.
—Kendell H. Easley, Professor, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
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Lincoln A. Bovee'
Donizeti Rodrigues Ladeia
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Samual A. Smith
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Scott S. Scheurich
Ben Harvey