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Products>What the Bible Says About (8 vols.)

What the Bible Says About (8 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $160.92
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What does the Bible say about grace? The heart of God? Worship? Suffering? The church? The Holy Spirit? Heaven? These are important questions that many Christians have asked and that new Christians will continue to ask—the What the Bible Says series is a fantastic starting point for answers. Not only does this series lay the foundation for a biblical understanding of these topics, but it is rich with scriptural references and clear theology—perfect for all hoping to enter into concentrated and meaningful Bible study.

The What the Bible Says series provides tools for understanding important themes of Christianity, and the Logos editions make these resources even more accessible. Scripture citations appear on mouseover in your preferred English translations, and with a click important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Resource Experts
  • Offers volumes on focal points of the Christian faith, supported by numerous scriptural references
  • Presents the fundamentals of Christianity to provide the reader with a strong foundation
  • Includes work from dedicated biblical scholars
  • Contains volumes meant to encourage the reader in their faith
  • Title: What the Bible Says Series
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Volumes: 8
  • Pages: 3,033
  • Christian Group: Evangelical
  • Resource Type: Bible Studies
  • Topic: Theology
  • Format: Digital > Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {7B40FDF4-F6AC-4ACE-8653-F29B1FA73CAC}

This title is included in the following collections

You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.

What the Bible Says About God, the Creator, Ruler and Redeemer: God Most High

  • Author: Jack Cottrell
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 466

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Understanding more about God as the creator, ruler, and redeemer of mankind can assist greatly in making that relationship deeper and more meaningful.

In this comprehensive and thought provoking book, Jack Cottrell takes us on a thorough journey through Scripture in order to gain a deeper understanding of what the Bible says about God as creator, ruler, and redeemer.

Cottrell’s meticulous and careful approach to the subject makes this a valuable resource for personal or professional study.

Jack Cottrell is a professor of theology at Cincinnati Christian University. He received a BA and ThB from Cincinnati Bible College and Seminary, BA from the University of Cincinnati, MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary, and PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary.

What the Bible Says About the Church: Rediscovering Community

  • Author: Daniel Overdorf
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 422

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

There are so many images that come to mind when one hears the phrase “the church.” For some it is an institution, cold and rigid. For others, it is an image of worship services and sermons. As one reads the New Testament, a different picture rises to the surface. It is a picture of a community that cares, serves, loves, worships, corrects, and encourages one another.

In this convicting and challenging book, Daniel Overdorf guides us through a journey of Scripture in order to catch a glimpse of what the Bible says about “the church.”

Community is at the heart of the Bible’s image of the church, and it was demonstrated from the very beginning by Jesus. What the Bible Says about the Church: Rediscovering Community will become a valuable resource that you will return to again and again over the years.

Daniel Overdorf served in local church ministry for 10 years before joining the faculty of Johnson University in 2005, where he serves as a professor of preaching. He earned degrees from Johnson University, Lincoln Christian Seminary, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

What the Bible Says About the Afterlife: The Life to Come

  • Author: Kenneth Boles
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 325

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

What do you think of when you consider heaven? With all the many misconceptions of heaven, it’s easy to become confused. What does the only truly reliable source have to say about this very important topic? Beginning with Genesis and proceeding through both Testaments, Kenneth Boles leads us on a journey to glean what the Bible says about heaven and about hell.

Kenneth Boles has taught Greek and New Testament at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, MO for 40 years. He has held located ministries in Tyro, Kansas and Abilene, Texas. Kenny is the author of several books, including The College Press NIV Commentary: Galatians & Ephesians and the best-selling small group study, Heaven: What a Wonderful Place!

What the Bible Says About Grace: Set Free!

  • Author: Jack Cottrell
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 401

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In this definitive study on what the Bible says about grace, Jack Cottrell engages the reader in a sweeping review of every passage of Scripture that teaches on this important truth. Primarily focusing on Paul’s teaching in Romans 1–8 as well as drawing from many other texts in both testaments, Cottrell presents a simple, practical, and thorough case for an accurate biblical view of God’s grace.

Jack Cottrell has served on the Cincinnati Bible Seminary faculty since 1967. He has taught nearly 70 times to almost 2,000 seminary students.

What the Bible Says About The Heart of God: Listening to His Heartbeat

  • Author: Harold Shank
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 340

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In this stimulating and heartfelt book, Harold Shank leads us through an in-depth study of scripture that will help us find out what makes God’s heart beat. Shank also explores how to reconcile some of the difficult-to-comprehend aspects of God’s heart. “How can his goodness and love be reconciled with his command to utterly destroy a certain group of people?” or “If God cares about brokenhearted people, why are there so many of them in our world?” Shank provides us with essential awareness of the relationship between God’s patience and his justice. Christians and nonbelievers alike will enjoy this discussion that will examine the heart of God.

This book not only articulates some of the greatest truths about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It also goes on to map in concrete ways what these great truths mean for those who live in the world and deal with ordinary, everyday trials. The book is a fine balance of abstract principle and practical wisdom. The book is rich in example, application, and personal narrative.

—Darryl Tippens, Author, Pilgrim Heart: The Way of Jesus in Everyday Life

Harold Shank has written a book that reveals the great heart of our gloriously infinite God. He opens our hearts to the heart of God accurately because he goes to the source, God’s own Word, where God reveals his heart. The heart of God is saturated with Scripture.

—Cecil May Jr. Dean, vice president, Black College of Biblical Studies, Faulkner University

Harold Shank is professor of Old Testament at Oklahoma Christian University. He has served as a preacher, an author of several highly respected books and as an evangelist who has devoted much of his life’s work to developing ministries among the poor. For 32 years he was associated with the Highland Street Church of Christ in Memphis, Tennessee.

What the Bible Says About Worship: His Story, Our Response

  • Author: Dinelle Frankland
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 192

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

“Responding to God” has long been a basic definition of Christian worship. God’s miraculous story elicits infinite reasons to respond and numerous ways in which to do so. It is the only story worthy of such an all-encompassing response. The responses described in these pages are biblical; they offer a glimpse into worship that pleases God, enabling us to discover appropriate and meaningful responses to the God who never changes. By virtue of his love, mercy, and power, our responses join the biblical narrative, becoming part of his story which will culminate when we see him face to face.

Dinelle Frankland is professor of worship at Lincoln Christian Seminary. She holds a bachelor of sacred music degree from Lincoln Christian College, a master of music degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a doctorate in worship studies from the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies. Frankland has taught music and worship in Christian higher education since 1979.

What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit: Power from on High

  • Author: Jack Cottrell
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 506

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The person and work of the Holy Spirit is a neglected study in many churches. Some Christians think that the subject is so deep and mysterious that it is futile to study it. Others hesitate to emphasize the study of the Holy Spirit since some religious groups hold such extreme views regarding him. Still it is encouraging to see many Christians making a serious study of the Bible’s teaching on the Holy Spirit. Jack Cottrell with his “leave no stone unturned” approach to studying Scripture, has completed the research for us as he examines the many concepts and characteristics of the Holy Spirit.

Jack Cottrell is professor of theology at Cincinnati Christian University. He received his BA and ThB from Cincinnati Bible College & Seminary; BA from the University of Cincinnati; MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary; and his PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary.

What the Bible Says About Suffering: Where Is God When We Suffer?

  • Author: Lynn Gardner
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 381

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Where is God When We Suffer? addresses the topic from up close and personal as well as from the objective view of Scripture. It begins with Lynn’s own story of loss and suffering. Gardner then guides us through a study of both Old and New Testament examples of people who suffer.

Why did they suffer? How did they deal with it? What can we learn from their experiences? This book also includes a philosophical discussion of evil and suffering for those who want an analysis of this difficult topic from a biblical perspective. How can an all-powerful, all-loving God permit such pain and tragedy in the world he created? In the final fourth of the book, Gardner gives very practical advice on what helps people who are suffering and what does not. He also lists scriptural principles that offer help and hope for those going through hard times and for the family and friends trying to help them.

The issue of suffering is an ever-present concern in Christian ministry, and most of us touch on that issue from time to time in preaching. A new helpful resource is Lynn Gardner’s Where Is God When We Suffer?. A long-time Bible college professor, Gardner shares out of his own experience, then goes a good job of surveying biblical insights about suffering. This will be a useful tool as we preach and teach on the subject.


I found Lynn’s book very helpful for two reasons. First, it is a transparent and inspirational perspective from one who has maintained a strong faith through horrible experiences. Secondly, Lynn does not take the typical Calvinistic approach that all suffering comes from God but acknowledges that much suffering occurs because we live in a fallen, painful world. It is helpful to be reminded that instead of being bitter against God we should be angry about the consequences of sin and the destructive work of Satan.

Bob Russell, retired minister, Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY

Lynn Gardner has taught in Bible colleges for 40 years, teaching primarily in the New Testament and apologetics areas. He served as the academic dean of Ozark Christian College from 1981 through 1998. Gardner earned a BTh from Ozark Christian College, a BA from California State College, an MA from Wheaton Graduate School, and earned his EdD from the University of Arkansas.


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  1. Claybon Collins Jr
  2. Edward Anton

    Edward Anton



Collection value: $160.92
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