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Products>Old Testament Studies Collection (9 vols.)

Old Testament Studies Collection (9 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $211.91
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The 9-volume Old Testament Studies Collection includes the best writing on the Old Testament by committed Christians who want to develop well-founded biblical scholarship in a spirit of loyalty to the historic Christian faith. These high-quality monographs have been authored by Christians who recognize the authority of the Bible, maintain the centrality of the Gospel message, and assent to classical creedal statements of Christian belief. These volumes include both provocative proposals and frank debate on controversial issues, and bring the latest evangelical scholarship to bear on the significant texts of the Old Testament.

What’s more, with the Logos edition of these volumes from Paternoster, you get instant access to Scripture texts at the click of a mouse—both original languages and English translations—and advanced tools for searching, performing word studies, and accessing a wealth of resources about the passage or topic you’re looking at. Logos is your personal research assistant for sermon preparation, academic work, and personal Bible study!

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  • Authors explore literary motifs which impact interpretation
  • Exegetical analysis of the creation narrative, the Jacob narrative, the Joseph narrative, the Exodus plagues narrative, and the Hezekiah narrative
  • Exploration of Old Testament ethics
  • Detailed discussion of the complaint Psalms
  • Title: Old Testament Studies Collection (9 vols.)
  • Publisher: Paternoster Press
  • Volumes: 9
  • Pages: 2,219

This title is included in the following collections

You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.

Eve: Accused or Acquitted? A Reconsideration of Feminist Readings of the Creation Narrative Texts in Genesis 1–3

  • Author: Joseph Abraham
  • Publisher: Paternoster Press
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 298

Two contrary views dominate contemporary feminist biblical scholarship. One finds in the Bible an unequivocal equality between the sexes from the very creation of humanity, while the other sees the biblical text as irredeemably patriarchal and androcentric. In Eve: Accused or Acquitted? Joseph Abraham enters into dialogue with both camps and introduces his own method of approach. This detailed analysis of the diverse range of feminist interpretations of Genesis 1–3 will serve as an invaluable tool for anyone interested in this contemporary debate.

A valuable study written with clarity. Abraham doesn't shrink from confronting complex hermeneutical questions...

Grace I. Emmerson, formerly Lecturer in Old Testament and Biblical Languages, University of Birmingham

...Complex issues and a plethora of names and variant positions are treated with clarity and finesse...

—Esther Ng, Wheaton College

God, Pharaoh and Moses: Explaining the Lord’s Actions in the Exodus Plagues Narrative

  • Author: William A. Ford
  • Publisher: Paternoster Press
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 248

The story of the Exodus from Egypt is of fundamental importance, both in the Old Testament and beyond. However, it also contains issues that are theologically problematic for readers, especially concerning the actions of God. Why does God send a series of plagues on Egypt? How do we understand the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart? What do the answers to these questions say about the character of God?

This book addresses these questions, taking a narrative theological approach, reading the story as story. The picture that emerges is of God as responsive, speaking and acting to challenge the hearer to make the appropriate response to him.

William A. Ford studied at Oxford before completing his doctorate at Durham University.

Joseph Wise and Otherwise: The Intersection of Covenant and Wisdom in Genesis 37–50

  • Author: Lindsay Wilson
  • Publisher: Paternoster Press
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Pages: 350

This book offers a careful literary reading of Genesis 37–50 that argues that the Joseph story contains both strong covenant themes and many wisdom-like elements. The connections between the two help to explore how covenant and wisdom might intersect in an integrated biblical theology.

Lindsay Wilson is Vice Principal and Lecturer in Old Testament, Ridley College, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Old Testament Story and Christian Ethics: The Rape of Dinah as a Case Study

  • Author: Robin Parry
  • Publisher: Paternoster Press
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 250

What is the role of story in ethics and, more particularly, what is the role of Old Testament story in Christian ethics? This book, drawing on the work of contemporary philosophers, argues that narrative is crucial in the ethical shaping of people and, drawing on the work of contemporary Old Testament scholars, that story plays a key role in Old Testament ethics.

Parry then argues that when situated in canonical context Old Testament stories can be reappropriated by Christian readers in their own ethical formation. The shocking story of the rape of Dinah and the massacre of the Shechemites provides a fascinating case study for exploring the parameters within which Christian ethical appropriations of Old Testament stories can live.

An exceptional piece of work.

Craig Bartholomew

Robin Parry is Commissioning Editor for Paternoster, UK.

A Portrayal of Trust: The Theme of Faith in the Hezekiah Narratives

  • Author: David Bostock
  • Publisher: Paternoster Press
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Pages: 251

This study provides detailed and sensitive readings of the Hezekiah narratives (2 Kings 18–20 and Isaiah 36–39) from a theological perspective. It concentrates on the theme of faith, using narrative criticism as its methodology. Attention is paid especially to setting, plot, point of view, and characterization within the narratives. A largely positive portrayal of Hezekiah emerges that underlines the importance and relevance of scripture.

A fine and detailed narrative-theological reading of the Hezekiah texts.

—Walter Moberly

David Bostock is a teaching fellow in Old Testament at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK.

Surrendering Retribution in the Psalms: Responses to Violence in the Individual Complaints

  • Author: David G. Firth
  • Publisher: Paternoster Press
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Pages: 154

In Surrendering Retribution in the Psalms, David Firth examines the ways in which the editors of the Psalms have provided a model of prayer and the surrender of the right of retribution to Yahweh as the appropriate way to respond to violence. This study breaks fresh ground on the question of the ways in which the book of Psalms offers instruction.

This introduction to the complaint Psalms is then applied to the context of South Africa where Firth was working as a missionary when he wrote the original thesis. In this way, the continuing missiological significance of these Psalms is also explored.

David Firth's exegetical endeavors in allowing the Psalms to speak to us (and for us!) again about surrendering the human retributive response to violence in favor of a radical trust in God are so important.

—Donald L. Morcom

David G. Firth is Old Testament Tutor at Cliff College, Derbyshire.

Thou Traveller Unknown: The Presence and Absence of God in the Jacob Narrative

  • Author: Kevin Walton
  • Publisher: Paternoster Press
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 238

In Thou Traveller Unknown, Kevin Walton offers a fresh reading of the story of Jacob in the book of Genesis through the paradox of divine presence and absence. The work also seeks to make a contribution to Pentateuchal studies by bringing together a close reading of the final text with historical critical insights, doing justice to the text's historical depth, final form and canonical status.

A lucid and perceptive interpretation of the Jacob narratives.

—Gordon McConville

Kevin Walton is an Anglican Priest at St Albans Cathedral, where he is Canon Chancellor, with responsibility for Education, Welcome and ecumenism.

The Triumph of Grace in Deuteronomy

  • Author: Paul Barker
  • Publisher: Paternoster Press
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Pages: 270

Does the Old Testament have an optimistic outlook for the people of God, ancient Israel, or is it pessimistic? The strands of optimism and pessimism seem to be juxtaposed throughout. In this study of Deuteronomy, a lynchpin book within the Old Testament, the so-called tensions between optimism and pessimism are slow to cohere theologically. Despite the faithlessness of Israel, Yahweh's faithfulness to his promises results in the triumph of grace.

This book is a textual and theological analysis of the interaction between the sin and faithlessness of Israel and the grace of Yahweh in response. The author argues that the grace of Yahweh is determinative for the ongoing relationship between Yahweh and Israel and that Deuteronomy anticipates and fully expects Israel to be faithless.

Paul Barker is visiting lecturer in Old Testament, Ridley College, Melbourne, and vicar at Holy Trinity Doncaster, Victoria, Australia.

Living the Dream: Joseph for Today

  • Author: Pete Wilcox
  • Publisher: Paternoster Press
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 160

In a lively and gripping way, Pete Wilcox unfolds the story of Joseph in fourteen dramatic episodes. With a light touch and the sensitivity of one who has listened carefully to the biblical text, Wilcox allows the narrative to give up its treasures, and enables his readers to set their own stories alongside it. In this way the ancient tale is made fresh for a modern western generation.

The Joseph cycle is a story about coping with adversity and disunity. This makes it a useful text for the church to hear again today.

Pete Wilcox is the Canon Chancellor at Lichfield Cathedral.


2 ratings

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  1. Gerald Van Gemert
  2. David Leslie Bond


Collection value: $211.91
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