Digital Logos Edition
Get access to Logos’ smart features. Logos research libraries combine premier scholarly tools with interconnected digital libraries, tools, and media. Enhance your scholarship of the classical Greek tradition with over 100 volumes of Logos’ intelligent texts, plus Perseus Greek Classics—a library worth over 1,500. Ancient texts, translations, grammars, and more—Logos’ Greek Classics Research Library enriches your study.
Logos lets you study classic texts from across the centuries with unparalleled depth and efficiency. Primary texts and translations scroll in sync and side by side. Greek and Latin gloss and morphology appear with a single click. Notes and highlights sync across all of your devices. Quickly access information on difficult or unusual words, and get instant definitions, translations, and more. Discover new connections with Logos’ Timeline feature. Use Logos Groups to collaborate and share insights with others. With original-language data, cross-references, and rich media, Logos gives you an unparalleled experience and the academic advantage.
Plato’s works are written as a series of dialogues wherein a number of characters (the chief of which is usually Socrates) discuss various philosophical questions. By both their questions and their answers, the characters explain Plato’s various ideas. Plato’s 25-plus dialogues are the best-known use of the Socratic method—that is, the use of dialogue in teaching. This collection of the works of Plato contains all the dialogues commonly attributed to Plato in their Loeb Classical Library editions, with the original Greek and an English translation side by side.
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Plato (427–347 BC) was born in Athens to an aristocratic family. A student of Socrates until the latter’s death, he also studied the works of Herculitus, Parmenides, and the Pythagoreans. Following the death of Socrates, Plato spent a number of years travelling around the Mediterranean. He eventually returned to Athens and founded a school of philosophy called the Academy (named for the field in which it was located), where he later taught Aristotle.
It is impossible to overstate Aristotle’s importance in the development of Western thought. A student of Plato, Aristotle quickly distinguished himself from his teacher by rejecting the theory of forms—the belief that the characteristics of any physical thing (roundness, redness) exist apart from it in an abstract realm of forms. Aristotle taught that forms could not be properly understood apart from the physical objects. After a five-year period tutoring the young Alexander the Great, Aristotle set up his own school, the Lyceum, as a rival to Plato’s Academy.
Aristotle is known as the father of logic. He was the first thinker to establish a system of reasoning. One of his best-known rules of logic is the syllogism: for example, “All men are mortal; Socrates is a man; therefore, Socrates is mortal.” Aristotle was also the first thinker to create classifications for knowledge (e.g. mathematics, poetry, etc.).
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. . . a production of historic magnitude and impact.
—Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Aristotle (384–322 BC) was born in the Greek colony of Stagirus, on the coast of Thrace. When he was 17, Aristotle went to Athens, where he studied under Plato at the Academy for 20 years. Following the death of Plato, and due to Aristotle's divergence from platonic ideas, Aristotle left the Academy. He was later hired by Philip of Macedonia as a tutor for his son, Alexander (who would grow up to become Alexander the Great). After tutoring Alexander for five years, Aristotle returned to Athens and founded the Lyceum as a rival to Plato’s Academy. Because he was in the practice of walking while he taught, his followers became known as peripatetics, a Greek word meaning “to walk about.”
Polybius’ The Histories document how men of virtue, piety, and courage transformed the Roman Republic into the West’s first superpower. The Histories covers 264–146 BC and detail how, in just half a century, the ancient Roman Republic surpassed and subdued Carthage and other regional rivals, to become the predominant Mediterranean power. Polybius gives credit to strong leadership, separation of powers (a system admired by framers of the American constitution two millennia later), and an element of geographic and temporal fortune. What survives of his 40 books are a fascinating glimpse into Ancient Greek and Roman culture, politics, and language.
Polybius (200–118 BC) was a Hellenistic Greek historian. He is best known for his work, The Histories, which describes the rise of the Roman Republic and contain some of the earliest analysis of separation of powers and mixed constitution. His father was a Greek military commander, and his political ties led to Polybius being arrested and deported to Rome. His high social status protected him from hardship, and he became the tutor of a young Scipio Aemilianus. Upon his release, he had the opportunity to return to his homeland, but had switched his loyalties to Rome and elected to stay. He spent years touring the historical sites he records and interviewing eye-witnesses. He was present at the capture of Carthage by Scipio. Eventually he did return home, charged with instituting the new Roman government in the cities of Greece.
In this eight-volume collection on the Persian Wars, Greek historian Herodotus, the "Father of History," gives a cultured and first-hand examination of the ancient world surrounding the rise and rule of the Persian Empire alongside a concise history and cultural background of Scythia and Egypt. Herodotus, who spent much of his life traveling, was one of the most erudite historians of his time. His historical accounts and cultural depictions are based primarily on his personal experience and supplemented with his historical acumen. This collection is perfect for both expert and casual historians interested in the specific details of the battles from the Persian Wars, and cultural portrayals of significant civilizations from the time period.
Herodotus (484–425 BC), born in what is now Turkey, is known as the “Father of History.” He spent most of his life traveling and wrote the most comprehensive historical works from his time, The Histories.
The eight-volume Loeb Classical Library edition of Saint Basil’s Letters offers a sweeping perspective of this great theologian’s thought and work. The Letters are both historically significant and rich in personality, presenting the clearly passionate voice of Saint Basil and demonstrating his brilliant theological reasoning. He addresses all manner of people—governors, monks, family members, doctors, widows, bishops, and entire congregations. His words encourage, admonish, defend, and console. Basil discusses doctrine with influential bishops such as Eusebius, Meletius, and Athanasius but also writes “to the father of a student who has died” and to “a woman in sore distress.” Letters of Basil the Great offers the rare opportunity to delve into the life of a key Church Father through the full corpus of his correspondence.
St. Basil the Great (330–379) was bishop of Caesarea and an influential figure in the fourth-century Church. The Orthodox Church reveres him as one of the Three Holy Hierarchs (along with Ss. Gregory Nazianzus and John Chrysostom), and he is commemorated on January 1. He is best known for his monastic Rule as well as his monumental Treatise on the Holy Spirit. His homilies on the six days of creation and the Psalter are also treasured. Also attributed to him is the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, used in the Orthodox Church throughout Great Lent as well as on other specific feast days.
Perhaps the best-known and most influential of the Greek epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey stand in a class by themselves. The poems are the oldest existing works of Western literature. Their style and content played such an important role in shaping subsequent Greek culture that Homer was often called the teacher of Greece. The style of Greek used in the works has become its own form or dialect, known as Homeric Greek. Like the works of Cicero, the Iliad and the Odyssey are studied for their eloquent use of language. Innumerable works of literature, theater, and poetry have been written based on or responding to the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Augustus Taber Murray (1866–1940) was born to a Quaker family in New York City. He graduated from Haverford College in 1885 and earned a PhD from Johns Hopkins University in 1890. He also studied at the universities of Leipzig and Berlin. In 1892 he became a professor of Greek at Stanford University, where he remained for the rest of his life. He was also on the managing committee of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece, for 30 years.
Select Papyri contains hundreds of documents revealing the public and private written culture of ancient Greece. Salvaged from rubble, ancient homes, and tombs, these papyri range from personal documents to public records and literature. With these texts, you can examine ancient Greeks’ noteworthy experiences and day-to-day lives. Study what ancient Greeks bought, how they proceeded in court, and how they handled personal disputes or agreements. Read nearly 150 poems, tragedies, and comedies by known and unknown authors, including Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylus, Plato, and others.
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Arthur Surridge Hunt (1871–1934) was an English papyrologist who recovered a number of papyri from excavation sites in Egypt.
Campbell Cowan Edgar (1870–1938) was a Scottish Egyptologist. He contributed to articles in General Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities Museum in Cairo on art and Greek culture in Egypt.
D. L. Page was a translator of ancient Greek, known for his translation of Select Papyri, vol. 3.
Eusebius, the bishop of Caesarea, gave the church one of its greatest gifts by chronicling the rise of Christianity until the fourth century in The Ecclesiastical History. One of the earliest and most important histories of the church, this classic work is a must read. Eusebius began writing in 311 and finished in 323, just two years before the Council of Nicaea. Comprehensive in its detail and scope and faithful to history, this work forms a solid foundation for the study of church history, historical theology, patristics, and the early church, all of which are integral to a grounded understanding of the New Testament church and the trajectory of its development.
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Eusebius (263–339) was born in Caesarea Maritime, Palestine. A historian, Christian theologian, apologist, and bishop, he was an essential voice in the First Council of Nicaea in 325. Eusebius, considered the “Father of Church History,” created one of the earliest and most comprehensive chronicles of Christianity. Eusebius also proposed the four-category delimitation (recognized, disputed, spurious, and heretical) for considering a document’s relationship to the Christian canon. Some scholars believe Eusebius may have contributed to the wording of the Nicene Creed, which was based on a creed used in the church he headed as bishop.
During the second century, Clement of Alexandria—whose real name was Titus Flavius Clemens—taught Christian theology at the Catechetical School of Alexandria and was regarded as the best-educated authority on the works of other authors of his time and before. In this work, he uses not just numerous references and quotes from the Bible and other famous works, but also references to minor authors rarely seen elsewhere. Clement was heavily influenced by Hellenistic philosophy, in particular Plato and the Stoics. This collection includes extensive examination of pagan mythology, philosophical and ethical discussions of wealth, and discussion of the beliefs of Christian heretics.
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Clement of Alexandria (150–215) came from a pagan background in Athens, and his Christian theology was strongly influenced by Greek philosophy. Clement taught at the Catechetical school in Alexandria, Egypt, where he was succeeded by another great teacher, Origen of Alexandria.
Following the model of other interlinears produced by Lexham Press (Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Septuagint), The Apostolic Fathers Greek–English Interlinear presents two levels of interlinear translation. The first is the lexical value, which is a gloss of the lexical or dictionary form of the word. The second is the English literal translation, a contextually sensitive gloss of the inflected form of the word. The difference in these glosses is subtle, but powerful. The first gloss answers the question, “What does this word mean?” The second gloss answers the question, “What does this word mean here?”
The “Apostolic Fathers” wrote what has become some of the most important literature in the early church—letters and epistolary documents, homilies and theological tracts, documents on church order, and apocalyptic literature. In fact, some texts came close to inclusion in the New Testament canon. Tertullian regarded Hermas as Scripture, Irenaeus treated 1 Clement as canonical, and Origen regarded the Didache as inspired. Barnabas and Hermas were included in Codex Sinaiticus and 1 and 2 Clement were included in Codex Alexandrinus. The near-canonical status of the writings of the Apostolic Fathers in the early church makes their importance for modern study undisputed.
The Lexham Apostolic Fathers Reverse Interlinear provides the English and original language text together. It also provides valuable scholarly information about how various words, phrases, and idioms are translated across a larger corpus. This makes direct study of a specific word or phrase easy, with original language tools only a click away.
Rick Brannan has been reading, studying, translating, writing, and blogging about the Apostolic Fathers for years. He edited An English-Greek Reverse Interlinear of the Apostolic Fathers and The Lexham English Bible English-Greek Reverse Interlinear of the New Testament.
One of the best-known and most influential of the Greek epics, Homer’s The Illiad is set during the ten-year siege of Troy. It regales stories of battles and events that take place during a quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles in the final year of the war. The Illiad —along with the accompanying Odyssey—are distinguished as the oldest extant works of Western literature, and are fundamental to the modern Western canon. Their style and content played such an important role in shaping subsequent Greek culture that Homer was often called the teacher of Greece.
Like the works of Cicero, Homer’s work remains widely studied for its eloquent use of language. Innumerable works of literature, theater, and poetry have been written based on or responding to the Homeric epics, with the influence carrying up to today. For anyone interested in the study of rhetoric, literature, or Greek, The Illiad is a must.
Homer (ca. 8th century BC) is the subject of intense debate regarding his life and origins. No solid biographical information exists for Homer, though legends abound. His name is related to a Greek word meaning “blind,” giving rise to the tradition of Homer as the blind bard. Many modern scholars dismiss the notion of Homer as a single author, arguing that the works attributed to him are based on many generations of oral story telling. When speaking of Homer, these scholars are referring to the date in which the works attributed to Homer were created. Some scholars suggest that Homer refers to the function of redacting oral tradition into a coherent whole.
Complete and unabridged, this updated version of The Works of Philo is the most complete one-volume edition of the writings of Philo. Here in translation by the eminent classicist, C.D. Yonge, this edition provides easy access to writing crucial for historians and students of Hellenistic Judaism and early Christianity.
Charles Duke Yonge (1812–1891) was an English historian and classicist. Educated at Oxford, he became regius professor of modern history at Queen’s College, Belfast. He is the author of a number of historical works, and also translated several classical works.
Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BC–AD 50) was a Jewish philosopher who lived in Roman-ruled Egypt. He was educated in Hellenistic, Roman, and Ancient Egyptian culture and Judaic tradition. Philo recorded the atrocities committed against the Jews, largely by the Roman governor, Flaccus. His theological and philosophical writings used allegorical exegesis to unite Greek Stoic philosophy with Jewish philosophy. His works impacted Christian Church Fathers more than Judaism.
The Perseus Greek Classics collection contains over 700 works from classical Greek authors in the original language; some works have an English translation. Greek grammars and commentaries are also included.
These works allow you to carefully study Greek and further familiarize yourself with its literature and language. Understanding these languages is an invaluable tool in the study of the classics. You can search and compare vocabulary across volumes and to see how it was used, enhancing your word study. An English translation is provided with many of the volumes, making these resources accessible even if you’re not proficient in Greek.
The thoughts and works of the playwrights, poets, physicians, mathematicians, and historians contained in the Perseus Greek Classics collection enhance the mind—revealing ancient wisdom, theories, and thought—making these works vital tools for study.
Noet Classical Studies Presentation Media is a collection of timelines and quote slides for use as personal study tools or teaching aids. Add visual interest and key information to any classical studies presentation.
This standard Homeric Greek dictionary combines extensive lexicography with pictorial illustrations, providing scholars and students with strong, contextual impressions of this important dialect. Word entries list related nouns and verbs for conceptual coherence in vocabulary acquisition. Verb entries list tense and voice forms for easy reference. The dictionary also includes Homeric hapax legomena. This dictionary, optimized for use with Homeric Greek texts, references where words occur in the Iliad and Odyssey. Rather than being left to imagine a word’s referents and contexts, you’ll see 130 images providing visually and culturally rich illustrations of hundreds of words for maximum semantic content. This volume also offers a linguistic orientation to Homeric Greek with an overview of its unique features.
Isaac Flagg (1843–1931) was professor of Greek at Cornell University from 1871 to 1888 and professor of classical philology at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1891 to 1909, after which he was made professor emeritus.
Robert P. Keep (1844–1904) was an instructor at the Norwich Free Academy in Norwich Connecticut.
Authoritative and up to date, this eleventh edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary contains over 240,000 words, phrases, and definitions, including 900 new words. It offers rich vocabulary coverage, with full treatment of World English, rare, historical, and archaic terms, as well as scientific and technical vocabulary, and provides hundreds of helpful notes on grammar and usage.
This mini-edition of a giant known as the OED claims to pack the authority of the original into a handy size ideal for use in schools, offices, and at home.
—Library Journal
The Alpha to Omega Classical Greek Collection provides students and instructors with everything they need to learn and teach classical Greek. Anne Groton’s new edition of the bestselling classical Greek textbook presents clear lessons on grammar and provides stimulating exercises from actual Greek texts. This comprehensive introduction covers all the major aspects of Greek, including orthography, phonetics, morphology, and syntax. Jon Bruss’ supplemental lessons continue the focus on reading proficiency with extensive exercises to encourage a basic mastery of concepts and reading competency.
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Anne Groton is professor of classics at St. Olaf College, where she has chaired the department of classics and directed the programs in ancient and medieval studies.
Jon Bruss is assistant professor in the department of classical languages at Sewanee, the University of the South. He received his PhD from the University of Minnesota and has served as an editor of Brill’s New Pauly Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. His interests include Greek poetry and epigram, ancient philosophy, Latin hexameter and lyric, and Greek history.
These volumes provide students with a comprehensive introduction to Homeric Greek grammar and extensive exercises from Homeric texts for accelerated reading proficiency. Revised editions of the well-respected text by Fr. Schoder and Fr. Horrigan, these two volumes of A Reading Course in Homeric Greek contain everything you need to begin reading the Homeric classics. Book 1 provides 120 lessons on the orthography, phonetics, morphology, and syntax of Homeric Greek with exercises and readings for immediate application and reinforcement. Book 2 advances your competency in Homeric Greek with extended texts from the Odyssey with thematic commentary, grammatical notes, and an appendix on reading Homer rhythmically. Immerse yourself in the classical world through Homeric literature with these foundational texts.
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Leslie Edwards’ A Reading Course in Homeric Greek captures the spirit of the original Schoder and Horrigan text while serving the needs of today’s audience. It’s simply Homerically delightful.
—Susan Setnik, lecturer in classics, Tufts University
Leslie Edwards is a lecturer of classical literature and languages at the University of California in San Diego with research interests in Greek literature and Greek education.
Of the 41,000 words used by Greek authors down to 300 BC about seven-eighths are derivatives or compounds, and their formation is sufficiently explained in Liddell and Scott’s Lexicon. The remaining 5,000 form the subject of the present work, Etyma Graeca: An Etymological Lexicon of Classical Greek. In part one, they are arranged alphabetically, in part two according to the etymological processes involved in them.
Etyma Graeca also includes two important appendixes. Appendix A is a list of the 92 onomatopoeic words found in classical Greek. From the nature of the case no derivation can be sought for these, though many may be paralled in other languages. In Appendix B, the 641 loan-words in classical Greek are arranged as far as possible according to the languages from which they were taken. Most of them are substantives, and denote material objects.
Edward Ross Wharton (1844–1896) earned his BA and MA from Trinity College, Oxford. In 1868, he was elected fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, and was a noted philologist and genealogist.
Smyth’s A Greek Grammar for Colleges is the most thorough one-volume reference grammar of Classical Greek available in the English language. In it, he sets forth the essential forms of Attic Greek and the other dialects which appear in classical literature, and devotes extensive attention to the formation of words and particles. He also outlines the principles of Greek syntax and the basics of Greek morphology.
Herbert Weir Smyth received a PhD from the University of Göttingen. He was an Eliot professor of Greek literature at Harvard University.
The Greek Paradigm Handbook is a handy reference of Classical Greek morphological forms providing key information quickly and accessibly for efficient learning. The authors compile the parts of speech in easy-to-read charts and tables for quick reference. This is designed as a source for drill and memorization for students learning Classical Greek at any course level.
Erikk Geannikis is a PhD student at The Catholic University of America.
Andrew Romiti is professor of philosophy at The Catholic University of America.
P.T. Wilford graduated from St. John’s College in Annapolis, MD, received a BA in Classics from King’s College, Cambridge, and is pursuing graduate work in Philosophy at Tulane University.
Homer’s famous Iliad and Odyssey represent some of the oldest Greek literature known to us. Thus, anyone who wants to get a feel for how Greek developed over time starts with Homer. Since Homer’s Greek is several hundred years earlier than the golden age of Attic Greek, a special grammar is required to describe its features. Monro’s Homeric Grammar has long been the standard reference work in the field. Like Shakespeare is to English readers, Homer was never far from the Greek consciousness, and a study of Homer can—in addition to being enjoyable for its own sake—be useful for understanding Greek literature from later periods as well.
This classic text provides you with a comprehensive introduction to Homeric Greek. Clyde Pharr’s distinct grammar offers thorough instruction on Classical Greek through reading one of the greatest literary works of all time—Homer’s Iliad. In addition to covering standard grammatical and lexical categories, Pharr provides reading lessons from excerpts of the Iliad for guided lesson application. He also includes a helpful introduction to Homer and the study of Classical Greek, several review sections summarizing the grammar’s content, and a brief introduction to Attic Greek. Both Greek-English and English-Greek vocabulary lists are provided for easy reference.
Clyde Pharr (1885–1972) was professor of Greek and Latin and head of the classics department at Vanderbilt University. He was also emeritus research professor of classics at the University of Texas, Austin. Pharr did his doctoral work at Yale and postdoctoral studies at several European schools, including the University of Berlin and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Learn to read the classics with Cynthia W. Shelmerdine’s Introduction to Greek. This text offers a full curriculum for a first-year course in Classical Greek at the university level. The text focuses on grammar and features slightly altered readings drawn chiefly from the works of Xenophon and Herodotus, as well as vocabulary sections at the end of each chapter that build your knowledge of Greek words as you learn grammatical concepts.
Shelmerdine’s book is extremely well laid-out with clear tables and large, easy-to-read text. Her table of contents is incredibly detailed, making it very easy to find each topic.
—Classical Review
Cynthia W. Shelmerdine is the Robert M. Armstrong Professor Emeritus of Classics at the University of Texas. Her research interests include Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology and Mycenaean Greek.
The Liddell and Scott Greek–English Lexicon (9th edition, 1940), is the central reference work for all scholars of ancient Greek authors and texts discovered up to 1940, from the eleventh century BC to the Byzantine Period. The early Greek of authors such as Homer and Hesiod, Classical Greek, and the Greek Old and New Testaments are included. Each entry lists not only the definition of a word, but also its irregular inflections, and quotations from a full range of authors and sources to demonstrate usage.
Indispensable for classical and biblical studies alike, the world’s most comprehensive and authoritative dictionary of ancient Greek is now available with the Revised Supplement integrated into the body of the text for the first time ever. The publication of the Revised Supplement in 1996 marked a major event in classical scholarship and was the culmination of 13 years’ painstaking work overseen by a committee appointed by the British Academy, involving the cooperation of many experts from around the world.
The digital LSJ is a real gain and a must for classicists.
—Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Willeon Slenders, Radboud University Nijmegen
All in all, it is a pretty slick way to access that magnificent reference work.
—Classical Review, Rob Latousek (Centaur Systems), Random Access columnist
In the electronic Liddell and Scott, the Revised Supplement is seamlessly woven into the dictionary’s lemmata and is available nowhere else electronically. The presentation of the dictionary’s entries in the electronic Liddell and Scott is much easier to read, with generous white space separating subsections that in the print Liddell and Scott cause blurred vision even in the youngest. In addition, while not correcting all of the erroneously or confusedly labeled sections and subsections of a lemma’s definition. . .the electronic edition’s layout makes it easy to see an ordered and logical presentation of the definition.
—Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Gerald Verbrugghe, Rutgers University, Camden
Manual of Mythology focuses mainly on the stories and heroes of the Ancient Greeks. Murray also gives an account of the Northern and Eastern legends, summarizing the central folklore and influence of these traditions. He ends with a brief overview of ancient Egyptian mythology. This book is highly readable and perfect for students and anyone interested in learning more about ancient mythology and its continuing effect on modern culture.
A.S. Murray (1841-1904) was a Scottish archeologist and head of the Department of Greek and Roman antiquities at the British Museum beginning in 1886.
The scholarly work of Blass can be characterized by precision, rigorous analysis, and an incredible knowledge of both primary and secondary sources. When many grammarians were merely working from critical texts, Blass determined to go back to the manuscripts themselves. In this way, he is not only able to refer to New Testament texts for evidence for grammatical phenomena, but also the differences in the manuscript tradition. This painstaking focus on the smallest details has given Blass’ grammatical, philological, and textual efforts an enduring quality that has lasted to this day and set him apart from the other grammarians of his day.
In the same breath with Moulton and Robertson the name of Friedrich Blass deserves commemoration . . . One of the innovations of Blass was the citation of textual variants according to the manuscripts rather than according to printed editions, as Winer and Buttmann had done. Blass made liberal use of the LXX and frequently cited the apostolic fathers.
—Frederick W. Danker, Multipurpose tools for Bible Study
[Blass] represents a transition towards a new era. The translation [of his Grammar] by H. St. John Thackeray has been of good service in the English-speaking world.
—A.T. Robertson, A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research
First published in 1898, [Philology of the Gospels] remains a useful resource for textual criticism of the gospels . . . Blass' analysis of gospels texts does not shy from particulars of conflicts among early manuscripts of the gospels, nor from striking sweeping summary statements such as this: ‘We clearly see that there have been very ancient readers who did not shrink from willful alterations of the sacred text, if it did not suit their dogmatic convictions, or if it might give support to opposite tenets.’ But rather than casting doubt on the authority of Scripture, Blass' analysis represents a redoubled effort to hear each author's voice more purely.
—Nathan Bierma, Calvin College
Friedrich Wilhelm Blass was a German Protestant classical scholar who lived from 1843 to 1907. During the course of his life, he published extensively on textual criticism of classical authors, such as Demosthenes, Isocrates, Dinarchus, Aeschines, and many others. In the New Testament he published critical editions of the Gospels and Acts, which eventually became the basis of his work Philology of the Gospels. In Indo-European Linguistics and Greek grammar his major contributions included his monograph, Pronunciation of Ancient Greek, his important Grammar of New Testament Greek, and his revision and significant enlargement of Raphael Kuhner’s classical grammar.
Transition to Attic Greek helps students bridge the gap between Homeric Greek and Attic Greek. It’s a handy reference for aspects of the language that will be unfamiliar to those who have taken an approach to Greek through Homer. Clearly laid out charts and tables give you easy access to the information you need, when you need it, and concise exercises help you solidify what you’ve learned in the most efficient way.
Leslie Edwards is a lecturer of classical literature and languages at the University of California, San Diego. Her research interests are Greek literature and Greek education. She is a graduate of Cornell University (PhD) and the University of California, Santa Cruz.
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