Digital Logos Edition
Dig deeply into each book of the Bible, drawing wisdom and insight from even the most obscure texts. Comprehensive and understandable, the New Collegeville Bible Commentary series brings expert insight into the Old and New Testament to Bible study participants, teachers, students, preachers, and all readers of the Bible. Written by more than 20 renowned Catholic Bible scholars such as Dianne Bergant, John J. Collins, Irene Nowell, Mark S. Smith, and Kathleen M. O’Connor, this series provides and vital background that helps bring the text alive.
An excellent resource for both personal and group study and reflection, each book in the series also includes review aids and discussion topics conducive to group discussions, as well as an index of citations from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (U. S. Edition with Glossary and Index) that make each text relevant to Catholics today.
Scripture texts are taken from the New American Bible, which is not included with this commentary. For side-by-side viewing it can be purchased here.
Interested in more commentaries? Take a look at Navarre Bible Old Testament, Standard Edition (7 vols.) and Navarre Bible New Testament, Standard Edition (12 vols.).
Solid, pastorally sensitive, user friendly, portable—this original series served the needs of thousands of ordinary folks in the pews who wanted to read the biblical texts with the aid of a helpful guide. . . . This new series is a very welcome update to its renown predecessor.
—Catholic Library World
This New Collegeville Commentary will encourage an informed and responsible Christian community in every parish.
—Prairie Messenger
. . . the New Collegeville Bible Commentary series promises to be appreciated and read by a wide range of Bible students.
—Catholic Studies: An Online Journal
This is a fine series that will be a great help to the Catholic community and deserves to have a long shelf life. . . . These attractively printed materials (laced with maps and illustrations) are wonderfully suited for personal and parish study group use.
—The Bible Today