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Products>Reformation Study Bible Notes (2015)

Reformation Study Bible Notes (2015)

Digital Logos Edition

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Power your study with the thoroughly revised and updated 2015 edition of the Reformation Study Bible—one of today’s most respected resources for personal Bible study. The Reformation Study Bible emphasizes the need for God’s grace to lead us out of darkness and into the light of Scripture, now aiding readers with 44% more commentary than the original edition—20,000 new, revised, or expanded study notes and 1.1 million total words of commentary.

The new Reformation Study Bible notes are designed to work with the English Standard Version and carefully crafted to offer an unparalleled reading, study, and discipleship experience for every stage of the Christian life. A group of 75 distinguished biblical scholars and theologians, led by R.C. Sproul, contribute to this new edition, providing expertise and essential tools for studying the Bible.

This foundational resource offers in-depth commentary in expanded topical and verse-by-verse explanations, book and major section introductions, an extensive cross-reference system, a concordance, and illuminated words and terms that are crucial to in-depth understanding. Along with extensive revision and expansion in the commentary, readers also benefit from new topical articles, more embedded maps and visual aids, a table of weights and measures, and nearly 2,000 years of historic creeds, confessions, and catechisms—all new to this 2015 edition.

Please note: the Reformation Study Bible notes are designed specifically for the ESV Bible—sold separately, or available in one of our base packages.

Resource Experts
  • Provides new, revised, or expanded study notes, articles, and commentary
  • Shares insights from a group of 75 noted theologians, led by R.C. Sproul
  • Weaves in new award-winning maps and visual aids throughout
  • Includes a new section of nearly 2,000 years of historic creeds, confessions, and catechisms

Top Highlights

“Obedience is a response of gratitude to God’s favor already bestowed and not a means of gaining it.” (Page 2126)

“The incremental cure is not because Jesus’ healing power is limited; rather, it illustrates the condition of His disciples, who are beginning to perceive Jesus’ true identity (as Peter will confess, v. 29) yet often seem to have eyes without seeing and ears without hearing (v. 18; see also vv. 31–33).” (Page 1750)

“The God-ordained role of the law in a fallen world is to reveal the nature of human sin. The law not only defines sin, but acts as a catalyst, provoking the precise sinful reactions that it forbids and condemns (vv. 8–11).” (Page 1990)

“It appears then that Paul is opposing a practice that tended to obliterate the visual distinction between the sexes.” (Page 2031)

“Lord, Lord. The doubling of a name is an address of intimacy (Gen. 22:11; 1 Sam. 3:10; 2 Sam. 18:33; Luke 22:31). It is not claims or feelings of intimacy with Jesus that matter, nor is it performing miraculous works in Jesus’ name, as even Judas Iscariot did (Matt. 10:1–4). What matters is sincere obedience to the Father’s will, flowing from faith. Genuine intimacy with the Father means knowing God and being known by God (1 Cor. 8:2, 3).” (Page 1683)

I am grateful for this new edition of the Reformation Study Bible which includes, among other helpful appendices, the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. The study notes are written by humble, trustworthy theologians who approach Scripture reverently and with the desire to help make its meaning clear.

Thomas Ascol, executive director, Founders Ministries

The new edition of the Reformation Study Bible is a milestone in evangelical publishing. This magnificent resource offers insightful commentary, study notes, and background material on every book of the Bible, written by some of the most faithful and insightful evangelical scholars of our times. It features new, revised, or expanded notes that combine theological clarity with genuine scholarship and practical application. This is a serious study Bible for serious students, and it belongs in every Christian’s library.

Albert Mohler, president, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

This new study Bible is an excellent resource for Christians of every age who desire to grow in the knowledge of the Word of God and of God himself. The introductions to the Bible books and commentary on the text itself skillfully combine both learning and reverence for God’s Word, and should thus help reinforce the joy and wisdom the Christian derives from reading the Scriptures.

Michael Haykin, professor of church history and biblical spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Gathering wise theologians from the reformed perspective, Reformation Trust has given a great gift to the church: a highly readable, yet deeply rich study bible—accessible to both professional and lay men and women

Elyse Fitzpatrick, director, Women Helping Women Ministries

The Reformation Study Bible is a model of concise doctrine, clear explanation, accurate scholarship—and fair discussion. Where Scripture is plain, the Reformation Study Bible speaks without hesitation or meekness; and, where the Bible needs sensitive interpretation, the appropriate nuance is offered with great wisdom.

Bryan Chapell, senior pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church

Detailed and comprehensive the Reformation Study Bible is substantive enough for the mature Christian and at the same accessible for the new convert. This will set a new standard of excellence for many years to come.

—Heinz Dschankilic, Sola Scriptura Ministries International

This is a great translation of the Bible whose teaching has been made more accessible by superb study aids, introductions, and explanatory notes. These have been written by people who know God’s Word and who honor it as the Word of our almighty God.

David F. Wells, Andrew Mutch Distinguished Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

  • Title: The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (2015 Edition)
  • Author: R. C. Sproul
  • Publisher: Reformation Trust
  • Print Publication Date: 2015
  • Logos Release Date: 2015
  • Pages: 2584
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Bible. O.T. › Commentaries; Bible. N.T. › Commentaries; Bible › Reference editions; Bible
  • Resource Type: Study Bible
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2025-01-16T19:24:57Z

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R. C. Sproul

R. C. Sproul (1939– 2017) was a respected teacher, theologian, pastor. He was the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries in Orlando FL. He was also first minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel, first president of Reformation Bible College, and executive editor of Tabletalk magazine. His radio program, Renewing Your Mind, is still broadcast daily on hundreds of radio stations around the world and can also be heard online.

Sproul held degrees from Westminster College, Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary, Free University of Amsterdam, and Whitefield Theological Seminary. He taught at several colleges and seminaries including Reformed Theological Seminary and Knox Theological Seminary. He served as senior minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel, in Sanford, Florida. Sproul’s teaching can be heard daily on the “Renewing Your Mind radio broadcast which plays in over 40 countries.

Sproul wrote over 70 books and articles including the classic The Holiness of God and several theological articles in Tabletalk magazine.


38 ratings

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  1. Bret



  2. Karina Gabriel Stavenes
    These notes have been very helpful and enjoyable to read. There's true scholarship and amazing insight into God's word with a lot of cross-references. I especially appreciate being able to quickly see all the cross-references in Logos, and the ability to navigate between articles and citations. It seems there's only a single map at the very end of the study notes, and although the topical articles are very good, it would have been nice to have a few more. Still, it's a wonderful resource that I would highly recommend.
  3. Ron Baughman

    Ron Baughman


    Why does the Logos version only have one map in the map collection at the end of the resource?
  4. Carlos Colon

    Carlos Colon


  5. Paul Gibson

    Paul Gibson


    I recently purchased both "Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible" and "Reformation Study Bible", and I'm disappointed in both. I had hoped to have direct quotes from leaders of the Reformation (like the "Ancient Faith Study Bible" quotes church fathers), but neither one does. I thought these could be used as a starting point to learn more about what specific reformers thought, but without quotes or attributions they're not nearly as useful as I wanted. I haven't used either one enough yet to decide if I like the contents, but they definitely don't meet my initial expectations. Some Logos books have a "See Inside" button to use before purchasing, but these don't; I wouldn't have purchased these if I could have seen the contents a head of time.
  6. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  7. Dr. Rich J. Sironen
  8. Percy Vega

    Percy Vega


    Is there a way to know when it will be available in Spanish? Gracias.
  9. Paul



  10. Tae Hyun

    Tae Hyun



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