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Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon, 2nd ed.

ISBN: 9781441254351

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This complete guide to expository preaching teaches the basics of preparation, organization, and delivery—the trademarks of great preaching. With the help of charts and creative learning exercises, Chapell shows how expository preaching can reveal the redemptive aims of Scripture and offers a comprehensive approach to the theory and practice of preaching. He also provides help for special preaching situations.

Save more when you purchase this book as part of the Baker Preaching Collection (8 Vols.)!

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Top Highlights

“An FCF need not be something for which we are guilty or culpable. It simply needs to be an aspect or problem of the human condition that requires the instruction, admonition, and/or comfort of Scripture. Thus, an FCF is always phrased in negative terms. It is something wrong (though not necessarily a moral evil) that needs correction or encouragement from Scripture.” (Pages 51–52)

“An expository unit is a large or a small portion of Scripture from which a preacher can demonstrate a single spiritual truth with adequate supporting facts or concepts arising within the scope of the text.” (Page 61)

“An FCF determines the real subject of a message by revealing the Holy Spirit’s purpose(s) in inspiring a passage.9 Ultimately, a sermon is about how a text says we are to respond biblically to the FCF as it is experienced in our lives—identifying the gracious means that God provides for us to deal with the human brokenness that deprives us of the full experience and expression of his glory.” (Pages 50–51)

“A sermon is an explanation of the continuing truth principles evident in the Bible that indicate how contemporary persons should respond to a mutual condition we share with those who were the original subjects or recipients of the text in the light of God’s response to or provision for their situation.” (Page 106)

“Key concept: Without the ‘so what?’ we preach to a ‘who cares?’” (Page 52)

This is the best book on expository preaching I have read since Haddon Robinson's Biblical Preaching. . . [It] will be in the classrooms and on the desks of preachers for years to come.

—Timothy S. Warren, Bibliotheca Sacra

This is an outstanding tool for students of homiletics. It is the best I have seen on this subject. The book crystallizes the essence of expository preaching and presents clear, transferable principles for preaching effectively. The book itself is structured in a lucid, readable format.

—R. C. Sproul, founder and chairman, Ligonier Ministries

  • Title: Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon
  • Author: Bryan Chapell
  • Edition: 2nd
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 400
Bryan Chapell

Dr. Bryan Chapell is the senior pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Illinois and president emeritus at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, where he has served in leadership capacities since 1985. Dr. Chapell is an internationally renowned preacher, teacher, and speaker, and the author of many books, including Christ-Centered WorshipEach for the OtherHoliness by GracePraying BackwardsThe Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have to Preach, and Christ-Centered Preaching, a preaching textbook now in multiple editions and many languages that has established him as one of the nation’s foremost teachers of homiletics. He and his wife, Kathy, have four children.


17 ratings

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  1. Anderson Abreu

    Anderson Abreu


  2. Sis Sharisse Stevenson
  3. Billy Avery

    Billy Avery


  4. Greg Balzer

    Greg Balzer


    One of the best books I have read in the last five years. Whether you desire to be a more effective preacher, or just want to be more aware of the importance of the grace of God in living the Christian life, this book by Bryan Chapell is highly recommended. And on a related note - the CM151 Mobile Learning Course is even more effective than the book as it adds Bryan teaching these same concepts via video. Highly recommended.
  5. Rocky



  6. David Pyell

    David Pyell


  7. Arthur John Roger
    $16.99 on Kindle
  8. Reg Givens

    Reg Givens


  9. Daniel Caballero
  10. David J Cadenhead
    I do not like to echo prior reviews or statements but the comparison of Bryan Chapell's Christ Centered Preaching to ANYTHING will fall out with Chappell's Expository Preaching Guide on the top save Haddon Robinson's Biblical Preaching, and D. Martin Lloyd Jones' Preaching and Preachers. The comparisons aren't exact, as Chappell's formulae and rationale, differs what from Haddon Robinson's style,and"Breakdown , eloquently explored by Lloyd Jones. Chappell's is easier to mold to today's listener. When studied with the Hardest Sermons You Will Ever Have to Preach (Chappell), this book clearly levitates.
