Digital Logos Edition
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This collection includes exclusive material such as the critical editions of the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures from the German Bible Society, recognized world-wide as exemplars of modern biblical scholarship. In addition to the Bible texts in the original languages, it includes other modern Bible editions, including English, Hebrew, and Greek, along with a wealth of Bible reference works and text-critical editions of the Septuagint, the Hebrew Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Gospel of Thomas.
This bundle also contains the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with text critical apparatus and linguistic WIVU database, plus the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Workgroep Informatica Constituency Tree Analysis. The new WIVU database allow for a precise overview on how the single textual elements of a specific text passage are analyzed and hierarchically organized.
The scholarly editions here can be used effectively in different areas—for personal Bible study or a scholarly exegesis, for preparation of a class, in the parish or in an academic setting.
It really is a pleasure to look up and search in ways never thought possible before these great electronic resources. I must confess that the 'wow' factor remains high even after roughly three months of use.
—Rubén Gómez, Bible Software Review
With the critical apparatuses, a good selection of modern versions in European languages, as well as the potential that lies in the WIVU database, the German and Netherlands Bible Societies are to be congratulated for offering an electronic product that is unlike any other available Bible software.
—Sarah Link, TicTalk
The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia is a revision of Gerhard Kittel's Biblia Hebraica, based upon the Leningrad Codex B19A, the oldest dated manuscript of the complete Hebrew Bible. Also included is the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Apparatus Criticus and the WIVU Introduction. This Stuttgart Electronic Study Edition of the BHS is based upon the morpho-syntactic database of Prof. Eep Talstra and the Free University, Amsterdam.
This is a Hebrew/Aramaic-German and Hebrew/Aramaic-English lexicon of the Old Testament, compiled by J. H. Bosman, R. Oosting, and F. Potsma.
The Septuagint (LXX) is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, which according to tradition was done by seventy Jewish scholars (hence the name) sometime in the third century BC. It is the Bible which the Greek-speaking world read during the time of the apostles, to which Paul would have referred in his dealings with his churches. The Rahlf’s edition is the most modern critical edition of this text. The morphology, prepared by the University of Pennsylvania, gives the user the ability to draw parsing and glossary information directly from the text, which is especially important because the Greek of the LXX is significantly different from that of the New Testament.
The Rahlf’s edition is the most modern critical edition of this text. The revised edition, edited by Robert Hanhart, includes several hundred corrections according to the results of newer scholarly research. This collection also includes the alternate texts and apparatus for each.
Sometimes referred to as the critical text, this is today’s most widely used Greek New Testament. It is the basis for nearly every Bible translation in the past 100 years. The Greek text, punctuation, and formatting reflects that of the UBS 4th Edition. Each word carries with it searchable morphological data along with lexical forms and English glosses. The Logos version of UBS5 will include morphological tagging enabling you to conduct cutting-edge word studies utilizing you’re entire Logos library.
The 28th edition advances on the previous scholarship of the NA27 through the text-critical insights and decisions from the Editio Critica Major. As a consequence of these alterations the Nestle-Aland has, for the first time, a different presentation for different parts of the text. The Catholic Letters were revised according to a fundamentally new concept which in the long run will be adopted for the entire edition. The revision of the remaining texts was confined to a thorough inspection and rearrangement of the apparatus, while the basic structure was left untouched.
This Greek-German dictionary of the New Testament, put together by Rudolf Kassühlke, was based on A Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament by Barclay M. Newman, Jr.
The Gospel of Thomas, a collection of words of Jesus, is one of the most significant extrabiblical texts of the early Christian era. This edition presents the texts in the classical languages and provides an English translation and a readily readable commentary. It includes: An introduction to the Gospel of Thomas, the complete Coptic text, the text of the Greek fragments and a Greek retranslation of all logia with parallel texts from the canonic gospels, an English translation, an extensive commentary, and a bibliography.
The introduction and commentary do not assume knowledge of the classical languages, making the Gospel of Thomas accessible to a broad audience.
This also includes the German translation of The Gospel of Thomas: Original Text with Commentary.
This scholarly edition of the Gospel According to Thomas is taken from the Appendix of the Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum, ed. by Kurt Aland. For the first time this appendix published the Coptic version of the gospel together with new translations in English,German, and Greek translation—which are included in this collection. This digital edition makes the Gospel According to Thomas available in electronic format for the first time.
Hans-Gebhard Bethge is Professor of New Testament at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. He is also the author of The Fifth Gospel.
This edition is based on the widely known Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament of Bruce M. Metzger. It was especially designed for translators who have not received formal training in textual criticism. It enables them—and other people interested in the initial text of the Greek New Testament—to discover more easily the reasons that certain variant readings in the New Testament are more likely to be original than others. Therefore the notes of Metzger have been simplified and expanded. Included are discussions of significant differences in divisions and punctuation where those involve differences in meaning. Technical matters are explained in non-technical language. An easy-to-read introduction provides a brief overview of textual criticism, including explanations of key terms, a history of the text, and methods that are used by scholars to arrive at their conclusions.
This resource contains the book of Psalms translated from the Hebrew, as well as a variant reading of IV Esdras 15:59–16:32. Both texts have been included along with this edition of the Vulgate for the purpose of comparison. In the electronic edition these texts have been created as an independent resource in order to use the comparison tools of Logos Bible Software. Also included is the apparatus to go along with this resource.
The Vulgate continues to be of scholarly use today in the study of the textual transmission of the Bible and in the historical study of Christian theology. Also included is the apparatus to go along with this resource.
This dictionary has been designed for use in conjunction with the United Bible Societies’ Greek New Testament. It is distinctive, for rather than listing the various meanings of words on the basis of traditional etymological methods which follow logico-historical principles, the different meanings are arranged according to their usage in the New Testament, so that the more central and frequent meanings are given first and the secondary or peripheral meanings follow. Moreover, the meanings are given in present day English, rather than in accord with traditional ecclesiastical terminology.
This work is a companion volume to the fourth edition of the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament (UBS4), published by the German Bible Society on behalf of the United Bible Societies early in 1993. It also makes a great companion to the German Bible Society Bundle, which contains the critical apparatus of the NA27 Novum Testamentum Graece, and to Comfort & Barrett's Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts.
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Jacob Elliott
Jeon gihun
Nathan Mudd
Victor C. Moreira
Fernando Torres