Approach questions of systematic theology, biblical studies, and practical theology with scholarship and insight from Conspectus: The Journal of the South African Theological Seminary. Providing a forum for Bible-based theological research and debate, Conspectus covers a broad range of topics from a historically orthodox evangelical perspective. Published in biannual volumes, this journal serves both the church and the academy with rigorous scholarship that is faithful to Scripture.
Provides rigorous scholarship for the academy and the church
Emphasizes fidelity to Scripture
Covers the fields of biblical studies, systematic theology, and practical theology
Contents and Contributors
“Perceiving God’s Voice: Divine Guidance for Everyday Believers” by Hugh Goosen and Christopher Peppler
“Paul’s Apocalyptic Interpretation of Reality: a Case Study Analysis of Ephesians 1:15-23” by Dan Lioy
“The Passion of Christ in the Valentinian Sources from the Nag Hammadi Library, and its Relationship with the Fourth Gospel” by Michael Makidon and Dan Lioy
“Reshaping South African Indigenous Theology on God and Sin: a Comparative Study of Augustine’s Confessions” by Gabriel B. Ndhlovu
“Does Acts 15:9 Refute Intra-Ecclesial Jew-Gentile Distinction?” by David Woods
“Review of Bird, The Gospel of the Lord: How the Early Church Wrote the Story of Jesus” by Annang Asumang