Digital Logos Edition
52 Funeral Sermons offers a look at the hope that Christians are called to, with 52 beautiful sermons reflecting on texts such as “Ripe for Harvesting” and challenging subjects such as the loss of a child.
“In this world of trouble, we can know rest. But there is a greater and more complete rest for us when we go to be with the Lord. It is the rest of heaven and the presence of God. And those who have laid their burden down and entered into it are to be congratulated—they are truly fortunate.” (Pages 5–6)
“The things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.—2 Corinthians 4:18b” (Page 20)
“The Bible teaches us that this present world is not the real home of the Christian.” (Page 8)
“He called it by this name because he said the nightingale sings its sweetest when the night is its darkest.” (Page 79)
“The great lesson for us to learn from this text is that we should always be ready for death.” (Page 53)
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7 ratings
Roberto Palacios
Billy Avery
Dan Kahlig
Larry Good
Mark Milas