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Preaching Collection (30 vols.)

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Collection value: $314.21
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Get better equipped to design and deliver sermons with the Preaching Collection. Outfitting you to take a sermon from page to pulpit, this collection is specifically curated to help pastors and teachers round out their library of preaching resources.

From outlines to get you started, to that perfect illustration or anecdote to help you tie it all together, this full-range preaching arsenal fills in the gaps in your library. Refresh your Greek grammar and syntax and revisit exegetical method. Find practical guidance from seasoned preachers on assembling the nuts and bolts of a good sermon, developing voice, communicating the story of Scripture, reaching a new generation, and more.

You'll also get a wealth of history’s great sermons to inspire your preaching. Study enduring messages spanning 16 centuries, including contributions from Augustine, Chrysostom, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, John Henry Newman, C.H. Spurgeon, D.L. Moody, and more.

Bulk up your preaching library with ease. This collection makes it simple to cover any thin places in your set of resources—from insights into the craft of preaching, to a treasury of Spurgeon quotations and anecdotes, to guidance on choosing and explaining a text—these 31 volumes are a valuable asset for any preacher.

Resource Experts
  • Presents a full range of preaching resources
  • Shares insights into crafting and delivering better sermons
  • Contains hundreds of illustrations, anecdotes, outlines, and historic sermons

This title is included in the following collections

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Transformational Preaching: A Guide to Developing and Delivering Expository Sermons

  • Author: Michael D. Woods
  • Publisher: Michael D. Woods
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 124

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Transformational Preaching will help you better learn to develop and deliver sermons that will take your listeners deep into the truths of a Bible passage. This book is clear, concise, and provides to-the-point instruction in expository preaching. Grow your skills in both the development and the delivery of the sermon so that your congregation walks away transformed.

The art of expository preaching in the African-American church is almost a lost art. Dr. Woods has embraced this style, and taken it to a new height. His oratory and presence in the pulpit is a gift from God. He has the gift to keep you hanging on his every word, while breaking down the Scriptures the way the Bible writers wanted us to receive them. Expository preaching is the way for preachers to be ‘true to the text,’ and Dr. Michael Woods is one of the best I’ve heard.

—Jerry C. Cheatham, pastor, Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, Washington, DC

Dr. Michael Woods is one of the best expository preachers I have heard. He has given us his excellent insights into the development and delivery of expository preaching within the pages of this new work. I recommend that every preacher who desires to ‘Preach the Word’ obtain a copy and apply its contents.

—James Flanagan, president, Luther Rice Seminary and University, Lithonia, GA

In this work, Dr. Michael Woods communicates the classic expository preaching components in fresh new ways. This treatise furnishes new wineskins for the vibrant wine of transformational preaching. Although the author’s preaching was planted in the soil of the African American religious experience, this compendium features his approach to preaching as a hybrid that provides a rationale and methodology that can be used effectively in any culture. It may be employed both in the academy and in the church to promote biblical preaching that exalts the Savior and edifies the believer.

—Robert Smith, professor of Christian preaching, Beeson Divinity School, Birmingham, AL

While enrolled in the MWE School of Ministry, I discovered how much I didn’t know. Dr. Woods shares all of his knowledge and he teaches with great enthusiasm. No matter how many years you have been in the ministry or what level you are on, he will meet you. I always refer to his practical method that he teaches in his classes and his books. Transformational Preaching is my base when I write a sermon, teach Sunday school, or read God’s Word. It is a wonderful experience when you are blessed with a teacher who cares if you understand and teaches from the heart. I love Ministry with Excellence and will continue to support it.

—C. V. Farley, pastor, Bald Rock Baptist Church, Conyers, GA

I thank God for Dr. Woods for being a vessel of service in imparting his impeccable wisdom and remarkable teaching through the MWE School of Ministry. Dr. Woods has taught me how to better comprehend and interpret the Bible. I have matured in distinguishing the difference between expository and topical preaching and how to effectively develop and deliver an expository sermon through his book Transformational Preaching. Transformational Preaching is a must-have for your library.

—Doncile Samuel, pastor, Clarkston 1st Baptist Church, Clarkston, GA

. . . Dr. Michael Woods’ two books, Transformational Preaching and What Now Lord? are a ‘must have.’ I have used these two books as teaching tools at the school and in the church I lead.

—W. G. Pharr, pastor, New Life & Faith Christian Church, Decatur, GA

Michael D. Woods is the founder and president of Ministry with Excellence and the MWE School of Ministry. He was called into the teaching/preaching ministry in 1978 and spent 25 years in pastoral leadership.

How Sermons Work

  • Author: David Murray
  • Publisher: Evangelical Press
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Pages: 160

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

How do sermons work? How does a preacher get from the basic nuts and bolts of a few Bible verses to the delivery of a full sermon? That’s the question David Murray answers in this instructive and immensely practical book. He demonstrates that behind the 30 to 45 minutes we see and hear on a Sunday morning are many hours of mental, spiritual, and practical labor. Like all pastoral labor, it involves head, heart, and hand.

Murray breaks up the sermon preparation process into a clear and simple step-by-step method, covering topics such as how to choose a text, how to introduce a sermon, how to explain a text, and how to apply it. How Sermons Work will provide an excellent refresher for experienced preachers and a reliable guide for those just starting out. It will also be extremely helpful to Bible class teachers, Bible study leaders, or anyone who has to prepare a Bible message.

Above all, however, it is the author’s desire that this volume will also be read by those who do not preach. He wants to give non-preachers an insider’s look at sermon preparation. By taking readers behind the scenes and asking, “how do they do that?” Murray wants to supply answers that will increase respect for pastors and their preaching.

The biblical, theological, and pastoral foundation of How Sermons Work is one of the many reasons I heartily commend David Murray’s ministry. David’s fruitful experience as a preacher and his faithful pastor’s heart oozes from every page of this book. It is written with a precision that will immensely benefit both young aspiring pastors as well as the most seasoned preacher. I commend this practical guide to all who seek to evaluate their preaching with an aim to grow more faithful in this divine calling.

—Brian Croft, Senior Pastor, Auburndale Baptist Church

David Murray is a professor of Old Testament and practical theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He was born in Scotland and served as a pastor and lecturer there.

Greek Is Good Grief: Laying the Foundation for Exegesis and Exposition

  • Author: John D. Harvey
  • Publisher: Wipf & Stock
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 332

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Designed as a textbook for teaching introductory Greek grammar and syntax, Greek Is Good Grief: Laying the Foundation for Exegesis and Exposition uses a graded database, beginning with the simpler Greek of John 1, moving to Mark 8 as an example of middle level Greek, and concluding with 1 Thessalonians 1–2 as representative of Paul’s style. Working from that database, the chapters introduce first those forms which occur most frequently. Translation of the Greek New Testament itself can begin as early as Chapter 5 because translation helps are provided for those words and forms not yet encountered.

The practice sentences in each chapter are, to the greatest degree possible, based on sentences taken directly from the Greek New Testament. Form identification exercises afford you the opportunity to drill on forms specific to the content of each chapter. Each new grammatical concept is introduced by a discussion of English grammar, and each chapter begins with a “Grammar Grabber” which highlights an aspect of the chapter’s content by explaining how that aspect of grammar is important for understanding a portion of the Greek text of the New Testament. Field tested in both face-to-face and distance learning course formats, Greek Is Good Grief lays the foundation for a smooth transition to the study of Greek exegesis and exposition.

John D. Harvey is Professor of New Testament and Greek at the Seminary and School of Missions, Columbia International University, in Columbia, South Carolina. He is the author of Listening to the Text: Oral Pattering in Paul’s Letters.

Greek Is Great Gain: A Method for Exegesis and Exposition

  • Author: William J. Larkin
  • Publisher: Wipf & Stock
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 465

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Greek Is Great Gain: A Method for Exegesis and Exposition presents to students and pastors an exegetical method with a rigor worthy of Scripture and a practicality suitable for weekly use. It has additional features that enable the expositor to see holistically the role of Greek in ministry.

The introductory chapters give the rationale, basic definitions, and presuppositions for a Greek-based exegetical method. After describing ways to maintain Greek reading proficiency and ways to prepare the text in translation and, visually, in mechanical layout, Greek Is Great Gain devotes the bulk of its pages to a step-by-step exegetical method.

From surveying the text to viewing the text in its historical and literary context and genre, from engaging in analysis of grammatical and rhetorical features to addressing lexical and theological matters, the method guides expositors to unlock the meaning of the text. Then, having analyzed the text closely, the method directs expositors to view the “text whole” through exegetical outline and the relation of its message to its book, and to Scripture as a whole. Finally, after interpreting and applying the text’s message in and for today’s culture, the method instructs the expositor in appropriating the fruit of exegesis for the sermon or Bible lesson. A final chapter describes possibilities for periodic in-depth study.

As Greek Is Great Gain presents each part of the method, it gives a purpose or rationale for the step and any necessary background, a list of resources to use, a procedure to follow, and a sample exegesis. A “Grammar Guide” appendix gives in outline form features of form and function for intermediate grammar. And there are charts to aid in analysis. Greek Is Great Gain includes six additional appendixes:

  • Additional Genre and Literary Form Analysis Procedures
  • Exegetical Worksheets
  • “Grammar in the Head” Charts
  • In-Depth Word Study: Introduction and Aids
  • Methods and Aids for Textual Criticism
  • Rhetorical Features Chart

Greek Is Great Gain clearly lives up to its subtitle in providing a method that successfully moves preachers or teachers of the Word from Exegesis to Exposition.

William J. Larkin is Professor of New Testament and Greek at Columbia International University Seminary and School of Missions. He is the author of Culture and Biblical Hermeneutics, Acts (IVP New Testament Commentary), and “Acts” in Luke and Acts (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary). He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America.

Exploring the Mind and Heart of the Prince of Preachers

  • Editor: Kerry James Allen
  • Publisher: Fox River Press
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Pages: 550

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Charles Haddon Spurgeon is the most widely read and extensively quoted preacher in Christian history. Drawn from over 40,000 pages of Spurgeon’s own works, Exploring the Mind and Heart of the Prince of Preachers is a collection of over 5,000 illustrations and anecdotes sorted under more than 1,000 topical headings. In this volume you will find heart-warming devotional reading, powerful illustrations for preaching and teaching and sound Biblical wisdom.

Spurgeon was the master of the pithy quote. In fact, no author I have ever read is as quotable as Spurgeon. His published sermons as well as his books are a fertile source for ideas, expressions, illustrations, and axioms that help make biblical truth clear. I have on my shelves several anthologies of Spurgeon quotations. But none is as exhaustive, as carefully assembled, or as useful as this massive collection . . .

—Dr. John MacArthur

Charles Haddon Spurgeon was born in Kelvedon, Essex, England on June 19, 1834. He converted to Christianity in 1850 at a small Methodist chapel, to which he detoured during a snowstorm. While there, he heard a sermon on Isaiah 45:22 and was saved—“Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is none else.” He began his own ministry of preaching and teaching immediately, and preached more than 500 sermons by the age of twenty.

In 1854, at nineteen years of age, Spurgeon began preaching at the New Park Street Chapel in London. He was appointed to a six month trial position, which he requested be cut to three months should the congregation dislike his preaching. He gained instant fame, however, and the church grew from 232 members to more than five thousand at the end of his pastorate. Many of his sermons were published each week and regularly sold more than 25,000 copies in twenty languages. Throughout his ministry, Spurgeon estimated that he preached to more than 10,000,000 people. Dwight L. Moody was deeply influenced by Spurgeon’s preaching, and founded the Moody Bible Institute after seeing Spurgeon’s work at the Pastor’s College in London.

Spurgeon read six books per week during his adult life, and read Pilgrim’s Progress more than 100 times. In addition to his studying and preaching, Spurgeon also founded the Pastor’s College (now Spurgeon’s College), various orphanages and schools, mission chapels, and numerous other social institutions.

Charles Spurgeon suffered from poor health throughout his life. He died on January 31, 1892, and was buried in London.

Well-Driven Nails: The Power of Finding Your Own Voice

  • Author: Byron F. Yawn
  • Publisher: Ambassador
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Pages: 124

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

At its core this book is about everything seminary and academics never taught us about preaching. Professors don’t produce preachers. Preachers are hewn out of the rough granite of experience and time. The author had the privilege of sitting down with some of the most notable preachers of our day and pilfering their hard-earned wisdom and insights. Well-Driven Nails is an accounting of what Byron Yawn learned from these true “professors” of the craft. But, it is also more than a book on preaching. It’s about a journey every preacher must take if he is to be a fearless proclaimer of Christ in a room full of critics. It is about finding one’s own voice. In this sense it also applies to everyone who struggles to overcome the fear of man in their devotion to Christ.


  • John MacArthur
  • R.C. Sproul
  • John Piper
  • and more!
I’ve never understood how an expositor who has immersed himself in the biblical text could preach a dull sermon, but I realize that many do—so many, in fact, that expository preaching has acquired a bad reputation in some circles. No wonder. Dry, passionless preaching and murky, technical jargon have ruined countless expository sermons. It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, as Byron Yawn points out so powerfully in this book, good expository preaching should never be dry or merely academic. The faithful expositor’s duty entails much more than sound exegesis and symmetrical outlines. The delivery of the sermon is crucial. Zeroing in, especially on qualities like clarity, simplicity, and passion, Byron hits all the right notes. Every preacher who wants to be an effective expositor should read this book and take it to heart.

—Dr. John MacArthur, president, The Master’s College and Seminary

In our age of celebrity preaching, ordinary preachers can begin to think that style ultimately determines whether preaching is great or not. Byron Yawn has provided a needed and helpful corrective by showing that what makes preaching great, instead, are three qualities: clarity, depth, and passion. The preachers he interviews are among the greats of our day, to be sure. But what makes them great as preachers are these three qualities that all good preaching should have, that your and my preaching may have. Experienced preachers, as well as those just starting out, will benefit much from getting clear on what matters most in our preaching, and Well-Driven Nails will help much in pointing us all in the right direction.

—Dr. Bruce A. Ware, professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Here is a must read book for every preacher who seeks to find his own individual voice and develop his own personal style in the pulpit. Each preacher is a one of a kind instrument, uniquely gifted by God, to proclaim His glory. This book will help guide you to be that preacher.

—Dr. Steven Lawson, senior pastor, Christ Fellowship Baptist Church, Mobile, AL

After his conversion, Byron Yawn was mentored and discipled by some faithful men who endowed him with a love for the local church and a passion for the Gospel. From the very beginning of his walk, he had a burning desire to make God’s Word known to His people. The goal of Byron’s heart is to stay basic. In his own words, “The most relevant aspect of our message will never make sense to the world. The Cross is an offensive thing. The Cross is the only thing.” Byron is Senior Pastor of Community Bible Church in Nashville, TN where he resides with his wife Robin and their three children, Lauren, Wade, and Blake. Byron is a graduate of Mississippi College and The Master’s Seminary.

The Preacher as Storyteller

  • Author: Bob Allen
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 265

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Preacher as Story Teller provides practical guidance to the person who desires to effectively communicate the “story” of Scripture. Techniques in writing and delivering the narrative sermon offer guidance for individual improvement through self-tests and exercises.

The Preacher as Story Teller, by Bob Allen, is an exposition on the methods and styles of homiletics. Intended to provide answers for pastors seeking to revitalize their preaching for congregations that no longer connect with a linear sermon progression, Allen illustrates the many ways pastors can approach telling the story of Scripture. Using the traditional nursery rhyme, Jack and Jill, Allen develops a study on the various ways of constructing a textual study and analyzing the pastor’s ability to use differing approaches to discuss the same topic.

Pulpit Outline Series (5 vols.)

  • Author: Barry L. Davis
  • Series: Pulpit Outline
  • Publisher: Barry L. Davis
  • Volumes: 5
  • Pages: 544

The Pulpit Outline Series helps ministers with their rewarding, yet difficult, task of preparing messages. Resources to help put together a compelling sermon can make a huge difference, and Pastor Barry L. Davis provides an outstanding collection of templates. Davis is the founder of The Pastor’s Helper ministry, dedicated to providing dynamic resources for Christian leaders. The volumes in this series provide a starting point for your sermons—a sermon title, deductive sermon outline, and relevant illustration. The collection also includes Instant Bible Studies for Small Groups.

Barry L. Davis has been a pastor for over 20 years and is the founder and owner of The Pastor’s Helper ministry. He has earned several degrees, including an MDiv and DMin.

For more information on this collection, see here.

The World’s Great Sermons (10 vols.)

  • Editor: Grenville Kleiser
  • Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls Company
  • Volumes: 10
  • Pages: 2,417

The World’s Great Sermons brings together 10 volumes full of the best sermons ever preached—from the fourth century to the twentieth! Over 100 notable preachers are represented, from Basil of Caesarea to Charles Spurgeon. Each sermon is preceded by a short biography of its author and after each sermon title the Scripture references that are covered in the sermon are given. These sermons were selected not only for their literary and rhetorical excellences, but in every case for their deep spiritual insight and for strengthening your Christian faith.

Grenville Kleiser (1868–1935) was an author, editor, and motivational speaker. He wrote numerous works on the art of public speaking, including How to Argue and Win, Successful Methods of Public Speaking, How to Improve Your Conversation, Christ: The Master Speaker, and How to Build Mental Power.

For more information on this collection, see here.

Preaching Essentials

  • Author: Lenny Luchetti
  • Publisher: Wesleyan Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 224

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

While the goal of the preacher is the same as it ever was, with each new generation comes unique challenges and opportunities for those who deliver God’s message. Preaching Essentials: A Practical Guide offers new and seasoned preachers a comprehensive, practical perspective on preaching to a new generation. Lenny Luchetti brings fresh insights—like how to use story, imagination, and mind-mapping—and suggests new habits that can reenergize preaching.

Lenny preaches and lives the power of the gospel. Now he shares how preachers can continue to grow in their preaching skills within the rhythm of ministry. I’ll open Preaching Essentials each time I prepare a message, so that I can continue my development as a messenger even as I plan my messages. The frequency of preaching threatens its freshness; Lenny’s breadth of insights provides practical inspiration that will restore it!

—Wayne Schmidt, vice president, Wesley Seminary

Lenny Luchetti is right to say that preaching is an organic art, more like painting a landscape than mixing a chemistry formula. In this book, Luchetti has given the church a practical, accessible, and useful guide to the essentials of the preaching life, the life of a skilled and devoted artist. It is a worshipful art Lenny Luchetti still loves to learn, even as he teaches.

—Dave Ward, associate professor of religion, Indiana Wesleyan University

Lenny Luchetti spent 15 years preaching for various-sized churches before transitioning to a job as a professor of proclamation and Christian ministries at Wesley Seminary. In May 2010, Lenny received his MDiv through Asbury Seminary’s Beeson Pastor Scholarship.

This handy resource, second in the Perfect Illustrations series, contains 300 more anecdotes and illustrations to help pastors, writers, teachers, and other Christian communicators add sparkle and clarity to sermons, speeches, and lectures. Organized by topic, each entry includes Scripture references, cross-references to related topics, an anecdote or illustration, and its source.

Craig Brian Larson is chief editor for Christianity Today’s PreachingToday.com, an online journal and illustration service. He also pastors a church in Chicago, Illinois. His books include Contemporary Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers, and Writers; Preaching That Connects; and The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching. He and his family live in the Chicago suburbs.

Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the Old Testament

  • Author: Warren W. Wiersbe
  • Publisher: Victor Books
  • Publication Date: 1993
  • Pages: 640

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The purpose of this book is to take you through the Old Testament and give you the opportunity to study each book and its strategic chapters to learn how they fit into the total revelation God has given us of Christ and His redemptive work. The studies are concise and general and are especially suitable for Sunday School classes and Bible study groups that want to examine God’s Word in a systematic manner.

Warren W. Wiersbe (1929– ) is an internationally known Bible teacher and pastor. He studied at Indiana University and Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and taught at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

In 2002, Wiersbe was awarded the Jordon Lifetime Achievement Award by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. He is the former pastor of three churches, including The Moody Church.

For 10 years Wiersbe served as general director and Bible teacher for the Back to the Bible radio broadcast. He has written more than 150 books, including the popular Old Testament “Be” Series and New Testament “Be” Series of expositional Bible studies, which has sold more than four million copies, and The Strategy of Satan.

John Calvin and Martin Luther Sermon Collection (5 vols.)

  • Volumes: 5
  • Pages: 1,555

Experience the life’s passion of the Reformation’s greatest theologians. Martin Luther’s theological writings have made a tremendous impact on the course of human history—even though he emphasized preaching over writing books. “Christ himself wrote nothing," he insisted, “Nor did he give command to write, but to preach orally.” Luther took that command seriously, preaching an estimated 7,000 sermons in the years between 1510 and 1546.

John Calvin demonstrated the same commitment to the power of preaching. Throughout his ministry in Geneva, he delivered thousands of sermons—often preaching as much as four times a week. Though he is sometimes caricatured as cold and austere, Calvin’s verse-by-verse expositions demonstrate a warm, pastoral heart. This selection of sermons by Calvin and Luther demonstrates that these acclaimed theologians and Reformers were preachers at heart.

For more information on this collection, see here.


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