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Products>The Fourth Dimension, Volume One

The Fourth Dimension, Volume One

ISBN: 9780882703800

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Told he had incurable tuberculosis and only a few months to live, Cho prayed to Buddha for healing. He was only nineteen and not ready to die. A high school girl came to his house to witness to him about Jesus and, eventually, he gave his life to Him. Instead of dying in four months, he was out of his deathbed in six months and began preaching the dynamic gospel of Jesus. Over the years, Cho learned many important principles about faith. He shares these principles with us in the first volume of The Fourth Dimension. Faith, of course, entails a prayerful life. Both must work together in our lives to bring glory to God. The chapter on the creative power of the spoken word is especially helpful in making sure that we speak with confidence and truth, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Top Highlights

“When you have changed your thinking attitude from that of a negative attitude to that of a positive one, your second step must be to constantly train yourself to think in terms of miracles.” (Page 102)

“Thus I learned one secret: before you give the word, the Holy Spirit does not have the proper material with which to create. If the Holy Spirit imparts faith into your heart to remove a mountain, do not pray and beg for the mountain to be moved; rather speak, ‘Be removed to yonder sea!’ and it shall come to pass. If you learn this, and make it a habit to speak under the Holy Spirit’s anointing, and in the faith God gives you, then you are going to see many miracles in your life.” (Page 58)

“God is within you. God never works anything independently of you that concerns your life. God is only going to work through your thinking, through your beliefs; so, whenever you want to receive answers from the Lord, bring out that clear-cut objective.” (Page 12)

“Rhema brings faith. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by rhema . Peter never walked on the water by knowledge of God alone. Peter had rhema .” (Page 75)

“Through dominion in the fourth dimension—the realm of faith—you can give order to your circumstances and situations, give beauty to the ugly and chaotic, and healing to the hurt and suffering.” (Page 50)

Praise for the Print Edition

I discovered [in The Fourth Dimension] the reality of that dynamic dimension in prayer that comes through visualizing the healing experience. I can only hope and pray that many Christians, and unbelievers too, will find this book coming into their hands, and they will draw from it the amazing spiritual truths that its pages contain.

—Robert H. Schuller, Pastor, Crystal Cathedral

Product Details

  • Title: The Fourth Dimension
  • Author: David Yonggi Cho
  • Publisher: Bridge-Logos Publishers
  • Publication Date: 1979
  • Volume: One
  • Pages: 158

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David Yonggi Cho is the pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel Central Church in Seoul, Korea. The church has grown to become the largest worshiping body in the world with a congregation that numbers over 800,000 members, who are involved in more than 25,000 home cell groups. Dr. Cho is the author of several other books including, Unleashing the Power of Faith and A Leap of Faith. He studied theology under a scholarship at Full Gospel Bible College in Seoul, graduating in March, 1958. He has spent more than 44 years emphasizing the importance of cell group ministry. He founded Church Growth International, in 1976, to teach pastors the principles of evangelism and church growth. Southern Baptist pastor, Rick Warren conducted a Purpose-Driven conference at the Yoido Full Gospel Central Church, in 2006.

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