Digital Logos Edition
Church Evangelism takes a wide-ranging look at evangelism techniques in the local church today, reviewing the most productive methods of community outreach and their applications. It equips preachers with facts and principles that will help them guide congregations toward their fullest potential. Terry provides specific tools for developing successful programs to teach evangelism in the church.
“First, 80 percent of the Protestant churches in North America are plateaued or declining in number. This is a frightening statistic. If this trend continues, our churches will soon resemble the churches of Western Europe—beautiful edifices that are almost empty on Sundays. Clearly, our churches need to make changes and do things differently.” (Page ix)
“‘Evangelism is presenting Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit so that people will become his disciples.’” (Page 4)
“‘evangelize’ literally means ‘to gospelize.’ These two Greek words occur in the New Testament 127 times” (Page 2)
“‘Evangelism means announcing or proclaiming the good news of Jesus.’” (Page 3)
“Your church cannot grow without prospects. Arthur Flake emphasized this and made it the first point in his formula for Sunday school growth. Larry Lewis declares, ‘Discovering prospects may be the number-one task in any church’s outreach for the unreached.’” (Page 103)
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