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Missiology: An Introduction to the Foundations, History, and Strategies of World Missions

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Missiology is a valuable resource for anyone currently involved in missions, considering a life as a missionary, seminary students, or those simply interested in the foundations, history and strategy of missions. The contributing writers explore the biblical mandate for world evangelization, review the history of missions and describe the current state of world religions. It also provides an extensive overview of church growth, church planting, church development, missionary strategy, and urban and humanitarian ministries. Over thirty scholars contribute to this immense work from fields such as history, anthropology, world religions and systematic theology. The three editors are former missionaries who are now professors of missions.

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Top Highlights

“A theology of Mission plus the history of missions will produce a philosophy of mission. A definition of the term ‘philosophy of mission’ could be the following: ‘The integrated beliefs, assertions, theories, and aims which determine the character, the purpose, the organization, the strategy, and the action of a particular sending body of the Christian world mission.’” (Page 13)

“A fifth truth in the theology of Mission involves the missionary nature of the Christian ministry” (Page 11)

“A third concept in a theology of mission is the missionary nature of the Bible.” (Page 10)

“Carey contributed to missionary methods in other ways. He demonstrated a far-sighted vision by giving attention to five elements. His first element called for the widespread preaching of the gospel by every possible means. The second element involved supporting proclamation by extensive distribution of the Bible in the languages of the peoples. Carey’s third element called for the establishment of the church at the earliest possible time. Fourth, Carey championed the careful study of the background and thought of the non-Christian peoples. Carey’s fifth element involved the training of an indigenous ministry. In each of these five areas, Carey achieved notable success (Neill 1964:263).” (Pages 438–439)

“Martin Kähler, almost a century ago, said that ‘mission is the mother of theology’ (Bosch 1991:16). It is what Emil Brunner meant when he said later, ‘the Church exists by mission, just as fire exists by burning. Where there is no mission, there is no Church; and where there is neither Church nor mission, there is no faith’ (i.e., no theology!) (Myklebust 1955:27).” (Page 4)

  • Title: Missiology: An Introduction to the Foundations, History, and Strategies of World Missions
  • Editors: John Mark Terry, Ebbie Smith and Justice Anderson
  • Publisher: B&H
  • Publication Date: 1998
  • Pages: 760

Ebbie Smith is a retired Professor of Christian Ethics and Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He served fifteen years as a Southern Baptist missionary in Indonesia. While there he directed students in church starting activities and founded an extension Bible School for lay pastors.

Justice Anderson was a Professor of Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

John Mark Terry is Associate Professor of Missions and Evangelism at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He received his M.Div. and Ph.D. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and served as a missionary in the Philippines and a professor of missions at Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary.


2 ratings

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  1. Claybon Collins Jr
    Was very helpful in seminary.
  2. Joseph



    Will the second edition be releasing soon? I need it for a class and this edition will not work.
  3. Rusty Davidson
  4. Shawn Nichols

    Shawn Nichols


    The Amazon Kindle price is half the Logos price ($19.99 vs. $39.99 January 2013). Would love to have this resource in Logos but can't justify paying double.


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