Digital Logos Edition
In the BECNT volume, Pauline scholar Thomas Schreiner presents a fresh analysis of the substantive Book of Romans. It features many distinctives. "I have tried to write a scholarly commentary that fulfills the goals of brevity and lucidity," Schreiner explains. "One of my goals has been to trace the flow of thought in the letter so that the reader can understand how the argument unfolds. I have also tried to wrestle with the meaning of Romans theologically. . . . In particular, I have attempted to demonstrate inductively that the glory of God is the central theme that permeates the letter."
Each exegetical unit of the commentary is divided into four parts:
Romans includes these helpful design features:
Pastors, students, and scholars will find Romans an easy-to-use, yet comprehensive, resource.
“One reason Paul wrote was to resolve the conflict between Jews and Gentiles in Rome.42” (Page 19)
“But the word ‘bodies’ here refers to the whole person and stresses that consecration to God involves the whole person” (Page 644)
“When Paul says we have died to sin, he is not exhorting believers to cease from sin (a command in the imperative mood); he is proclaiming to them the good news that they have died to sin (a statement of fact in the indicative mood).” (Page 305)
“I conclude, then, that Paul is speaking of the quantity of faith or trust that each believer possesses” (Page 653)
“In verses 2–14 Paul fiercely rejects such a conclusion by arguing that the grace that believers received is so powerful that it breaks the dominion of sin. Grace does not simply involve forgiveness of sins; it also involves a transfer of lordship, so that believers are no longer under the tyranny of sin. As believers experience victory over sin, their confidence in a full and complete triumph over both sin and death increases.” (Pages 298–299)
Schreiner's commentary on Romans is a very good contribution to the study of this Pauline epistle. Schreiner has asked the right questions about it and given balanced answers to them. His commentary will be a great help to students, teachers, and general educated readers of the Pauline letters, especially to pastors who seek to preach on Romans.
—Joseph Fitzmyer, Professor Emeritus, Catholic University of America
As I preach through Romans I will continue to reach for this commentary with joy and hope, as I have since I received a copy in manuscript form. There are at least four reasons. First, Schreiner bows with reverence before the authority of Paul's letter as God's inspired Word. Second, he submits meticulously to the grammatical and historical particularities of the text, tracing out Paul's line of thinking in his own terms. Third, he wrestles with recent scholarly thought (without getting lost). Fourth, he is faithful in holding up the manifestly God-centered theme of this greatest of all letters, namely, that 'in Romans God's ultimate purpose is to display his glory to all people'.
—John Piper, Pastor, Bethlhehem Baptist Church
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Josh B.
Anderson Abreu
Tony Gedwillo
Jon Gruss
Josué Pineda
Andre Cunha Barbosa Lima
Leonardo Buscemi
John Scoggins
Austin Decker