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Take your study of the Bible to the next level with B&H’s complete set of Bible reference works! The 13-volume Holman Reference Collection is packed full of dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and commentaries—all of which enhance your understanding of the Bible and aid your study. The dictionaries and encyclopedias give you thousands of articles on the names, places, people, and events that bring the text of Scripture to life, and the atlases give you access to maps, charts, timelines, graphs, and hundreds of other visuals that help you see the Bible in its original context.
In addition to this complete set of reference guides from B&H, Logos is also pleased to offer The Apologetics Study Bible as part of this collection. Now all of the study notes, articles, and other great features which have made The Apologetics Study Bible one of the most important study Bibles in recent decades are available for your digital library. You get instant access to the articles and notes from contributors such as Charles Colson, John Frame, Norman L. Geisler, Al Mohler, Ravi Zacharias—now with the power of your digital library from Logos!
The volumes in the Holman Reference Collection are written in accessible, non-technical language, making them ideal for Bible study groups, family devotions, and personal study. Yet the contributions from top scholars make them perfect for sermon preparation, research, and advanced biblical scholarship. Logos gives you the tools you need to put your reference materials to work for you. Perform advanced searches, words studies, and biblical analysis with your digital library, and click your way to the Scripture texts you’re studying—in English, or in the original languages. Whether you’re preparing for group Bible study, Sunday’s sermon, or graduate studies, the Holman Reference Collection gives you one of the most complete set of tools and resources.
You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.
Human beings are the only creatures who ask questions. Major questions.
The Apologetics Study Bible is a unique resource designed to help people answer important and life-shaping questions. It provides this wealth of knowledge in one place enabling readers to know the reasons and evidences for the Christian hope and to articulate those reasons to others asking big questions.
Crafted by real people like you who have wrestled with the same questions and doubts you are facing now, the material in The Apologetics Study Bible features some of the leading thinkers of the twenty-first century, including Craig Blomberg, Darrel Bock, Charles Colson, Paul Copan, William Lane Craig, William Dembski, John Frame, Norman L. Geisler, Gary Habermas, Hank Hanegraaff, Philip E. Johnson, Walt Kaiser, Al Mohler, John Warwick Montgomery, J. P. Moreland, Thomas Schreiner, Ravi Zacharias, and many more.
Christians in the twenty-first century, as never before, must know what they believe and why they believe. They must be able to define and defend the faith. The Apologetics Study Bible will help equip a new generation of believers to do that with competency and conviction.
—Daniel L. Akin, president, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
When we share our faith with others, we often run into Bible passages that raise difficult questions. The Apologetics Study Bible deals with such problems…[and] also provides discussions of more general questions like the existence of God and the problem of evil…The Apologetics Study Bible is a useful tool for Christian witness.
—John Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed
So many people today are asking fundamental questions about Christianity that it is important to have good apologetics tools to be able to recommend to them. I highly recommend a study Bible like this one that addresses such concerns.
—Stanley E. Porter, President and Dean, Professor of New Testament, McMaster Divinity College
Ted Cabal (B. A., M. A. Dallas Baptist University; M. Div., Ph. D. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Professor of Christian Philosophy and Applied Apologetics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. Once an ardent atheist, Dr. Cabal was converted while reading the New Testament Gospels.
Chad Owen Brand (B. A. Rockmont College, M. Div., Ph. D. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Professor of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Brand is gifted as a scholar, apologist, pastor, and student of contemporary culture and religion. He is co-editor and author of the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, and author of One Sacred Effort, available in the B&H Baptist History Collection (11 vols.).
E. Ray Clendenen (B. A. Rice University, Th. M. Dallas Theological Seminary, Ph. D. the University of Texas at Arlington) is Director of Academic Publishing, B & H Publishing Group, Nashville, Tennessee. He has been the architect of The Apologetics Study Bible within B & H Publishing Group.
Paul Copan (B. A. Columbia International University; M. A., M. Div. Trinity International University; Ph. D. Marquette University) holds the Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach, Florida. He is the author of True for You, But Not for Me, That’s Just Your Interpretation, and How Do You Know You’re Not Wrong?, as well as co-author of Creation Out of Nothing: A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration and Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Figment?
J. P. Moreland (B. S. University of Missouri; M. A. University of California, Riverside; Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph.D. University of Southern California) is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada, California. He has authored or co-authored numerous books and articles. Dr. Moreland served with Campus Crusade for ten years, planted two churches, and has spoken on over 200 college campuses.
Please Note: The Apologetics Study Bible does not contain the Bible text, but includes the study notes, articles, and all of the other great features found in the equivalent print version.
The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary sets the standard for what a Bible dictionary should be—a vast storehouse of easy-to-find, easy-to-grasp, useful information. Completely revised and expanded, with more user-friendly features than ever, this edition of the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary is designed both for those who need information quickly and those who want in-depth treatments on hundreds of topics. Additionally, hundreds of color photographs, maps, reconstructions and charts illuminate the text in a way you never thought possible. Once you begin reading, you’ll understand why the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary has become the gold standard in Bible reference publishing!
Chad Brand received his B. A. from Rockmont College, and an M. Div. and Ph. D. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has done graduate studies at the University of Texas in Arlington and the Texas Christian University. He is Associate Professor of Christian Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is co-author of One Sacred Effort in the Broadman & Holman Baptist History Collection (11 vols.).
Charles Draper is a member of the founding faculty of Boyce College, where he is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies. He has served over twenty-five years in the pastorate and is the author of some fifty published works. He holds a B. A. from Baylor University, an M. Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, a D. Min. from Luther Rice Seminary, and a Ph. D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Archie England is the director of Baptist College Partnership and Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He received a Bachelors of Business Administration from the University of Mississippi, an M.Div. from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.
This practical tool brings an understanding of the ancient world together with the timeless message of God's Word to expand Biblical insights for the modern readers. The Holman Bible Handbook features:
Here is a use-friendly Bible handbook that invites you to grasp the content of the Bible in its cultural, geographical, and historical setting…Between these pages is a small library of helpful material presented in such an attractive fashion…I’m enthusiastic about this volume.
—Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor, The Moody Church, Chicago
The Holman Bible Handbook is excellent. The work is informative, objective, and fully in touch with present-day scholarship. It is well-informed, up-to-date, user-friendly, thoughtfully laid out, and imaginatively colored. This is the most attractive and instructive Bible handbook I have seen. I recommend it with enthusiasm.
—J. I. Packer, Professor of Theology, Regent College
Holman has reached a new plateau of excellence with its Holman Bible Handbook. This authoritative new handbook will prove immensely helpful to Bible students on all levels.
—D. James Kennedy, Senior Minister, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
David Dockery is President of Union University in Jackson, TN. In 2002 he was named a Distinguished Alumnus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Dockery is a consulting editor for Christianity Today. He received a B. A. from the University of Alabama-Birmingham, a Masters from Grace Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Texas Christian University. He holds a Ph. D. in Humanities from the University of Texas. He has published numerous articles and book reviews and is the author or editor of more than twenty-five books, including Interpreting the New Testament, Biblical Interpretation Then and Now in the Baker Hermeneutics Collection (14 vols.), and Theologians of the Baptist Tradition in the B&H Baptist History Collection (11 vols.).
Sometimes a multi-volume commentary tells you more than you need to know. Sometimes you just want one place to go that’s simple and straightforward.
You want the Holman Concise Bible Commentary—where superior Bible scholarship from some of today’s leading evangelical minds comes packaged in helpings much easier to consume.
But don’t mistake concise for incomplete. In addition to getting a feel for the key themes and intentions of all sixty-six books, you’ll also learn from:
Add an extra level of depth and authority to your lessons, sermons, and personal devotional time with the Holman Concise Bible Commentary!
David Dockery is President of Union University in Jackson, TN. In 2002 he was named a Distinguished Alumnus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Dockery is a consulting editor for Christianity Today. He received a B. A. from the University of Alabama-Birmingham, a Masters from Grace Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Texas Christian University. He holds a Ph. D. in Humanities from the University of Texas. He has published numerous articles and book reviews and is the author or editor of more than twenty-five books, including Interpreting the New Testament, Biblical Interpretation Then and Now in the Baker Hermeneutics Collection (14 vols.), and Theologians of the Baptist Tradition in the B&H Baptist History Collection (11 vols.).
The Teacher’s Bible Commentary has been one of the widely-used reference tools for Sunday School teachers for over twenty-five years.
From the idea stage, this commentary was designed to meet the week-to-week needs of men and women who have the awesome responsibility of leading others in the study of God’s Word. The contributors to this commentary are competent scholars who are both skilled communicators and loyal to God’s Word.
The Teacher’s Bible Commentary is designed to make it easy for any reader to grasp the central meaning of a passage of Scripture quickly. Difficult passages are dealt with in separate sections, giving the user the option of dealing with the difficulty or moving on.
H. Franklin Paschall was president of the Southern Baptist Convention and the pastor at the First Baptist Church in Nashville, TN.
Herschel Hobbs also served as the president of the Southern Baptist Convention. He was the pastor of First Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, OK, from 1949 to 1972 and the vice president of the Baptist World Alliance from 1965 to 1970. A graduate from Samford University, he also received a Master's in Theology and a Ph. D. in New Testament Interpretation at Southern Seminary. He is the author of My Favorite Illustrations in the B&H Preaching Resources Collection (18 vols.).
If you think history is boring, take about three minutes and scan through 131 Christians Everyone Should Know. Zero in on an article, and you may find you can’t read just one!
These sketches have been put together by the editors of Christian History magazine, who have an impressive track record for making history come alive every month for their readers.
Note the diversity in this volume: Menno Simons, a pacifist, and the Roman emperor Constantine, a general. Leaders of the Reformation—Luther, Calvin, Zwingli—and the Counter-Reformation—Ignatius Loyola and Teresa of Avila. Men and women. Teenagers such as Joan of Arc, and aged saints like Polycarp.
History isn’t just dates, statistics, and grand social movements. It’s people—people from many callings:
Each personality sketch includes a timeline that gives the historical context in which that person lived. The book also contains a topical index that will help you find illustrations for teaching and preaching.
Some time spent with 131 Christians Everyone Should Know will forever enlarge your view of “the church as we see her spread through all time and space and rooted in eternity, terrible as an army with banners” (C. S. Lewis)—a spectacle that will inspire you to deeper thought and greater faithfulness.
Gospel harmonies were inevitable. One of the first impulses of someone studying a teaching or an event in Jesus’ life is to seek as many perspectives on that event as possible. Around A.D. 160 Tatian compiled a single narrative of the four Gospels, reducing the number of verses from 3,780 (four separate Gospels) to 2,769 verses without excluding any event or teaching from the life of Jesus.
This Harmony of the Gospels builds on a tradition of harmonization begun in the nineteenth century by John A. Broadus and continued by his protégé, A. T. Robertson.
The Harmony of the Gospels contains interpretive and clarifying notes by a number of scholars, some with differing views on the relationship between various Gospel accounts. Beyond the harmony, this volume includes articles designed to address issues that arise when one compares the four Gospels and seeks to give an integrated account of the life and teachings of Jesus. This harmony also contains eight four-color maps that illuminate the life and ministry of Jesus. This resource will be valuable to pastors and lay Bible teachers, and will serve well as a primary textbook in college and seminary courses on the Gospels and on the life and teachings of Jesus.
Steven L. Cox is Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. He was educated at Anderson College, Central Wesleyan College, and Erskine Theological Seminary, and he received his Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Cox is author of A History and Critique of Scholarship Concerning the Markan Endings and Essentials of New Testament Greek: A Student’s Guide. He has extensive pastoral experience and is currently pastor of Big Creek Baptist Church, Millington, Tennessee.
Kendell H. Easley is Professor of Christian Studies and Program Director for the Master of Christian Studies, Union University. Dr. Easley has authored numerous books including 52 Words Every Christian Should Know, Quick Source Guide to Understanding the Bible, Holman Illustrated Guide to Biblical History, and the volume on Revelation in the Holman New Testament Commentary. He holds degrees from John Brown University, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Now, the Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words provides access to insights from Hebrew and Greek even to those who have no knowledge of these languages! This volume has a clearly written explanation for each of the 400 key Bible words—200 Hebrew words from the Old Testament and 200 Greek words from the New Testament. These are the key concepts that repeatedly appear throughout the Scriptures.
Each word study includes:
The Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words is a resource that every pastor and lay Bible teacher will want to have within easy reach!
Eugene E. Carpenter is Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew and Chair of the Division of Religion and Philosophy at Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana.
Philip W. Comfort is Adjunct Professor of New Testament, Trinity Episcopal Seminary (Ambridge, Pennsylvania) at its Pawley’s Island, South Carolina Center. He is also general editor of the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary (9 vols.).
The Holman Quick Source Guide to Understanding the Bible is the quickest way to get the big picture!
If you’ve been wanting to get a better handle on the Bible—even if you’ve been reading it for years—the Holman Quick Source Guide to Understanding the Bible pulls the sweeping story, the timeline, the key terms, and much more into a clear, concise, yet surprisingly comprehensive summary of biblical information.
The Holman Quick Source Guide to Understanding the Bible addresses the central questions about the Bible:
The answers to these and many other questions come out page-by-page, book-by-book, one after another as you confidently walk your way to “big picture” Bible understanding.
One-sentence summaries, colorful maps and charts, quick-hitting details on who wrote what and why—you get all this and more with a graphic flow and design that makes the reading easy…and makes the knowledge your own. Make the Holman Quick Source Guide to Understanding the Bible your guide to deeper Bible study!
Kendell H. Easley is Professor of Christian Studies and Program Director for the Master of Christian Studies, Union University. Dr. Easley has authored numerous books including 52 Words Every Christian Should Know, Quick Source Guide to Understanding the Bible, Holman Illustrated Guide to Biblical History, and the volume on Revelation in the Holman New Testament Commentary. He holds degrees from John Brown University, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Visualizing biblical people in the places and events that shaped world history just became easier with the Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions! This complete set of Bible charts, maps, and artist’s renderings of biblical cities and artifacts opens the eyes of your understanding in a fresh way and provides a deeper dimension to personal and group Bible study.
Special features include:
Designed for use in churches, schools, and at home, the Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions is an excellent reference tool for pastors, Bible teachers, students, families, and individuals who appreciate a comprehensive approach to learning.
The Holman Bible Atlas illuminates the Bible for a whole new generation of students and teachers by introducing them to the physical, cultural, and historical settings of the biblical narrative. Integrating insights from physical and historical geography, archaeology, ancient historical sources, and the Bible itself, the Holman Bible Atlas presents 132 newly designed full color maps complete with specific biblical texts to assist teachers and students alike in understanding.
Beginning with the physical geography of the ancient Near East and Palestine, the Holman Bible Atlas illuminates various periods of biblical history by outlining eras from the Patriarchs through the Christian era and Constantine.
By utilizing chart summaries, timelines, and over 100 additional color photographs, this atlas helps readers visual the setting of biblical events.
Other special features include:
Thomas Brisco is Dean of the Logsdon School of Theology at Hardin-Simmons University. He previously served as Professor of Religion at Baylor University and Professor of Biblical Backgrounds and Archaeology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He received a B. A. at Ouachita Baptist University and an M. Div. and Ph. D. at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Brisco specializes in ancient near eastern history and archaeology particularly as these subjects relate to the historical, cultural, and geographical setting of the Bible. His archaeological field experience includes work at Tel Aphek and Tel Batash in Israel.
The speaker starts well. Introduction hooks you. Content is promising. Flow is logical. And then—the speaker mispronounces a word.
This need not happen to you next time you speak. You can approach your next sermon, devotion, or Bible study with the confidence that you know how to pronounce all of the Bible names in the text you’re dealing with.
That’s Easy for You to Say includes the acceptable pronunciation of every proper name in every major translation of the Bible. Guidelines are based on Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic speech, plus the most widely accepted modern English usage.
In addition to helping you pronounce over 7,000 words, That’s Easy for You to Say has a new section which gives the meaning of Bible names for which the meaning is known.
A first rate publication…
—Brian M. Sietsema, Pronunciation Editor for Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary
Our staff and leaders have enjoyed That’s Easy for You to Say. It has been fun to learn together and to have more confidence in reading aloud passages which contain names which were previously skipped over or feebly attempted.
—Rosemary Jenson, executive director of Bible Study Fellowship International
W. Murray Severance is an internationally recognized authority on the pronunciation of Bible names.
For many years 4000 Questions and Answers on the Bible has been a favorite for preachers and teachers. In an easy-to-use question-and-answer format, this classic reference provides Christians with a deeper knowledge of the Bible. The sections included are: a quick guide to learning about the people and stories of the Bible, an explanation of the Bible as the cornerstone of Christianity, a description of how the Bible was written and compiled, a detailed listing of verses that contain the essence of God’s message, and a helpful summary of each Bible book.
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Claybon Collins Jr
Paolo russo