Digital Logos Edition
Although not on every line and perhaps not on every page, the message of Christ overshadows the entire Old Testament. Finding Christ is the key that unlocks and locks in the message of the whole Word of God. Jesus Christ is God’s final, perfect, incomparable Word.
Beginning at Moses seeks to follow the example of Christ himself who, “beginning at Moses and all the prophets,” expounded from all the Scripture the things concerning himself.
The revised edition of Beginning at Moses: A Guide to Finding Christ in the Old Testament is now available.
“united in ungodly efforts to prevent the divine purpose.” (Page 132)
“‘O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.’” (Page vii)
“There are five key elements of Aaron’s priesthood that point directly to Christ: (1) the priest represents man; (2) the priest mediates for men before God; (3) the priest officiates the sacrifices; (4) the priest sympathizes with the people because he experiences the same infirmities; (5) the priest is chosen.” (Page 46)
“In view of all the Old Testament evidence, I would define ‘covenant’ as a mutually binding agreement between two parties. This agreement obligated the parties to certain duties and guaranteed certain issues.” (Pages 111–112)
“Second, a messiah was an accredited individual. In other words, a prophet, priest, or king had the authority to exercise the office to which he was anointed.” (Page 29)
It is the rare combination of consecrated scholarship and passionate devotion that makes Beginning at Moses a unique book. It is, in my estimation, a must for anyone who is serious about Bible study—or better yet—for anyone who is serious about his devotion to Christ . . .
—Thurman Wisdom, dean, School of Religion, Bob Jones University
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