Digital Logos Edition
Since a commentary is a fundamental tool for the expositor or teacher who seeks to interpret and apply Scripture in the church or classroom, the NAC focuses on communicating the theological structure and content of each biblical book. The writers seek to illuminate both the historical meaning and contemporary significance of Holy Scripture.
In its attempt to make a unique contribution to the Christian community, the NAC focuses on two concerns. First, the commentary emphasizes how each section of a book fits together so that the reader becomes aware of the theological unity of each book and of Scripture as a whole. The writers, however, remain aware of the Bible’s inherently rich variety. Second, the NAC is produced with the conviction that the Bible primarily belongs to the church. We believe that scholarship and the academy provide an indispensable foundation for biblical understanding and the service of Christ, but the editors and authors of this series have attempted to communicate the findings of their research in a manner that will build up the whole body of Christ. Thus, the commentary concentrates on theological exegesis, while providing practical, applicable exposition.
Dr. Thomas R. Schreiner, an articulate, prolific, and highly respected biblical scholar and theologian, guides the reader carefully through these practical yet profound epistles. The two letters of Peter and the epistle of Jude remind us that God's grace in Christ makes a difference in the way believers live. We were chosen not only for salvation but also for obedience. Too often our churches suffer from moral breakdown and a false view of tolerance. Christians often avoid any word of criticism or judgment because they fear that strong words compromise love. We learn from these epistles that love manifests itself in godly living and that right doctrine must be matched by Christlike lives. The Holy One calls us to be holy as well.
“The word ‘know’ in Hebrew often refers to God’s covenantal love bestowed upon his people” (Page 53)
“A ‘living hope’ is one that is genuine and vital, in contrast to a hope that is empty and vain.10 The focus, of course, is on the word ‘hope’ itself.11 Those who are suffering persecution in Asia Minor are not dashed to the ground by their troubles. They look to the future with the sure confidence that inestimable blessing awaits them. Nor is their confidence baseless superstition. It is grounded in and secured by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Their hope, in other words, is the hope of resurrection, triumph over death; hence, whatever happens to them in this world is trivial compared to the blessing of the future resurrection.” (Pages 61–62)
“Peter was not merely saying that believers should refrain from drunkenness. There is a way of living that becomes dull to the reality of God, that is anesthetized by the attractions of this world. When people are lulled into such drowsiness, they lose sight of Christ’s future revelation of himself and concentrate only on fulfilling their earthly desires.” (Page 79)
“The foreknowing work of God and the sanctifying action of the Spirit result in human obedience and the sprinkling of Christ’s blood.” (Page 55)
“Sufferings function as the crucible for faith. They test the genuineness of faith, revealing whether or not faith is authentic. If faith proves to be real, the believer will receive ‘praise, glory and honor’ when Jesus Christ returns.” (Pages 67–68)
The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represents the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship, and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching. This series serves as a minister's friend and a student's guide.
The New American Commentary assumes the inerrancy of Scripture, focuses on the intrinsic theological and exegetical concerns of each biblical book, and engages the range of issues raises in contemporary biblical scholarship. Drawing on the skills of over forty scholars and encompassing forty volumes, the NAC brings together scholarship and piety to produce a tool that enhances and supports the life of the church.
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Leonard Metsäranta
Hyoungil Lee
Josué Pineda
Nolan Tobias
Edison DSouza