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Products>聖經.新約全書—新漢語譯本(普及版)標準本 (繁體)Holy Bible - New Testament Contemporary Chinese Version (Standard Edition)(Traditional Chinese)

聖經.新約全書—新漢語譯本(普及版)標準本 (繁體)Holy Bible - New Testament Contemporary Chinese Version (Standard Edition)(Traditional Chinese)

Digital Logos Edition

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內容簡介 / Overview


此譯本的新約於2010年出版,本次Logos引進的是2017年3月的第七版。此譯本新約的原文底本是 The Greek New Testament, 4th revised edition (UBS4), Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft / United Bible Societies (1993) [ISBN: 3438051109];而舊約現仍在翻譯中,原文底本是 Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS 1997), Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft (1997) [ISBN: 3438052180] 。




語言 Translation Type: 繁體中文 Traditional Chinese。簡體版本已經上市,點擊查看


Most Highlighted Verses in 新漢語譯本普及版新約聖經 (繁體)

約翰福音 15:12–20: 你們要彼此相愛,好像我愛你們一樣,這就是我的命令。人為朋友捨棄生命,沒有比這更大的愛了。你們若遵行我的吩咐,就是我的朋友。

約翰福音 16:13–15: 等到真理的靈來了,他就要引導你們進入一切的真理,因為他不是憑着自己講話,而是把他所聽見的都說出來,並要向你們宣告將要來臨的事。他要榮耀我,因為他要把從我這裏所領受的,向你們宣告。父擁有的一切都是我的,所以我說,他要把從我這裏所領受的,向你們宣告。”

約翰福音 17:14–15: 我已把你的道賜給他們,世界恨他們,因為他們不屬世界,正如我不屬世界一樣。我不求你帶他們離開世界,只求你保守他們脫離那惡者。

哥林多前書 2:4–5: 我說的話和我講的信息,都不是用智慧的說服力,而是以聖靈的大能為憑證,好讓你們的信心不是憑藉人的智慧,而是憑藉神的大能。

以弗所書 1:18–19: 既然你們心中的眼睛已被照亮——可以知道他呼召你們去得的盼望是甚麼,他在聖徒中間的基業的榮耀是多麼豐盛,又知道他向我們這些信的人所顯出的能力是多麼浩大——是按着他的大能大力而運行的;

以弗所書 1:20–23: 他曾使這大能在基督身上運行,使他從死人中復活,又使他在天上坐在自己的右邊,遠超過一切執政的、掌權的、有能力的、作統治的,不但是這個時代的,連那將要來的時代一切可稱呼的名字,也都超過了。神又把萬有都放在他腳下,由他管轄,又把他這位萬有之首交給教會。

以弗所書 4:17–24: 所以,我說,並且在主裏鄭重地說:你們不可再像外族人那樣行事為人,思想虛妄。他們的心思受了蒙蔽,又因為自己裏面的無知,心裏剛硬,而與神的生命隔絕了。他們既然已經麻木,就任憑自己淫亂放蕩,貪得無厭地行各種污穢的事。

以弗所書 5:8–10: 因為你們從前是黑暗的,但如今在主裏面,是光明的,行事為人要像光明的兒女——光明的果子顯露在一切的良善、公義、誠實上——常常察驗主喜歡的是甚麼。

猶大書 20–21: 至於你們,親愛的弟兄們,要在你們至聖的信仰上建立自己,在聖靈裏禱告,要保守自己在神的愛中,期待我們主耶穌基督的憐憫,進入永生。

啟示錄 21:1–8: 我看見一個新天新地,因為先前的天和先前的地都過去了,海也不再有了。我又看見聖城新耶路撒冷,從神那裏自天上降下來,已經預備好了,像新娘為她的丈夫妝扮好了。我聽見有響亮的聲音從寶座發出來,說: “看啊,神的帳篷*與人同在, 他要與他們同住*他們要作他的子民; 神要親自與他們同在, 作他們的神。*

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4 ratings

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  1. Dennis Cheung

    Dennis Cheung


  2. 陶小占 Jimmy To
  3. ta-wei rong

    ta-wei rong


    Hi Philip, I have the same issue as Sean. The number of footnotes provided in this Logo edition is much LESS than the content in the original paper edition. These footnotes provide not only the unique insights from the original language but also valuable comparisons between different translations. So it is extremely crucial to be able to access to the footnotes. While I highly recommend the original paper edition, I don't recommend this Logos edition at the moment. I am very disappointed that these valuable footnotes are not included. If they are added, I will give it 5 stars.
  4. Sean Guo

    Sean Guo


    I don't know why, but my previous comment disappeared for no reason. So I do it again. The number of footnotes provided in this Logos edition is vastly less than those provided in the app/web version provided by the publisher. I can access to this resource via web, free, or I can use the official app, which I purchased sometime ago. The reason I bought this Logos edition is because of the convenience of having some valuable resources within the same software, so that there's no need to go back and forth from several different app/web resources. Besides the text, the footnotes provided is the main differences between different translations, so it is very important to be able to access to the footnotes. If it is being stated clearly that the number of footnotes provided in this Logos edition is way LESS than other channels from the same publisher, I would NOT buy this while it's still in the pre-pub stage. Very disappointed in deed. Not recommended at this moment.
