Digital Logos Edition
Experience the life’s passion of the Reformation’s greatest theologians. Martin Luther’s theological writings have made a tremendous impact on the course of human history—even though he emphasized preaching over writing books. “Christ himself wrote nothing," he insisted, “Nor did he give command to write, but to preach orally.” Luther took that command seriously, preaching an estimated 7,000 sermons in the years between 1510 and 1546.
John Calvin demonstrated the same commitment to the power of preaching. Throughout his ministry in Geneva, he delivered thousands of sermons—often preaching as much as four times a week. Though he is sometimes caricatured as cold and austere, Calvin’s verse-by-verse expositions demonstrate a warm, pastoral heart. This selection of sermons by Calvin and Luther demonstrates that these acclaimed theologians and Reformers were preachers at heart.
For more great sermons by a legendary Reformed preacher, check out The Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection (63 vols.).
John Calvin preached through almost the entire Bible verse-by-verse, leaving behind thousands of sermons containing the profound theological insight and practical application that has made him one of the most influential figures in Christian history. Including an introductory biography of Calvin by John Mackenzie, this volume collects sermons that best represent the thought and ministry of this eminent pastor-theologian.
Martin Luther was a tireless preacher, sometimes churning out as many as four sermons in a single day. His prolific preaching ministry was one of the primary ways common people in sixteenth-century Germany absorbed Reformation doctrine. Including an introductory biography of Luther by John Mackenzie, this volume collects sermons that best represent the thought and ministry of this eminent pastor-theologian.
Originally preached during the Easter season, these 13 sermons by Martin Luther detail the arrest, trial, suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. Working through selected passages in the Synoptic Gospels, Luther constructs a vivid passion narrative with his characteristic verve, precision, and spiritual intensity.
Martin Luther was never shy about calling out what he believed to be the excesses, heresies, and depravity of his tempestuous era. In these sermons on Matthew 5–7, he interprets Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in light of the theological disputes of his day. Luther’s take on Jesus’ most famous sermon has become one of the most influential approaches in Christian history, emphasizing a strong dichotomy between the Gospel and the Law—a view heavily influenced by his sharp disagreements with the Catholic Church.
Charles A. Hay was a nineteenth-century translator of theological works.
Collecting 34 sermons by legendary Reformer Martin Luther, this volume includes messages on the Nativity, Crucifixion, and Resurrection—as well as practical issues in the Christian life such as prayer, salvation, and the relationship of good works to faith. A thorough primer on Luther and his preaching, Sermons on the Most Interesting Doctrines of the Gospel demonstrates the zeal and devotion that made him such a beloved preacher and theologian.
John Calvin (1509–1564) was one of the most important thinkers in church history, a prominent French theologian during the Protestant Reformation, and the father of Calvinism. His theological works, biblical commentaries, tracts, treatises, sermons, and letters helped establish the Reformation throughout Europe. Calvinism has spawned movements and sparked controversy throughout the centuries. Among his many influential works are Institutes of the Christian Religion (2 vols.), his many commentaries and letters, and his tracts and treatises. These and some of his other great works are included in the Calvin 500 Collection (108 vols.).
Martin Luther (1483–1546), one of the most significant figures in Western history, was a key figure in the Protestant Reformation. Over the course of his life, Luther was a monk, a priest, a professor of biblical literature, and a Reformer. His Ninety-Five Theses, in which he argued that indulgences were not acts of penance which could replace true repentance, helped spark the Reformation. His refusal to retract all his writings, demanded by Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521, resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the emperor.
Luther has been both praised and vilified for what he preached and wrote. His works continue to impact all Christians and animate the movement that bears his name. Luther’s Works contains many of his writings, including commentaries, sermons, and lectures.
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Forrest Cole
Kevin Bratcher
Daniel F.
Dr. Justin B. Stodghill
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Allen Bingham