Digital Logos Edition
In this brand new series, biblical scholar J. Richard Fugate examines the five different relationships of a believer’s walk with God. He seeks to clear confusion about basic doctrine by defining salvation and responsibilities of the Christian’s life. Fugate explores the connection between God and humanity, relying only on the Bible and what it has to say about these issues. In a highly readable and concise style, Fugate makes this subject applicable and scripturally sound. He names the five aspects as the following:
Volume one covers the first facet, that of the believer’s relationship with God. Fugate writes a compelling and comprehensive exposition on this all-important topic of how Christians should live their daily lives. Correlating doctrine and Scripture with practical study, this work provides a clear view of the many roles and interactions that constitute the life of a Christian. The Logos edition makes it easy to study and apply Fugate’s practical work, linking all Scripture references to the Bibles in your library, making research quick and practical. This resource is perfect for laity wishing for a deeper understanding of what the Bible says about how Christians should function in many different capacities, as well as for students and scholars wanting a concise overview of biblical theology and how it relates to daily living.
Want the rest of the series? Check out Five Facets of the Balanced Christian Life, vols. 2 & 3.
Far from being dry doctrine, this book addresses topics too often neglected in our churches.
—Professor Paul A. Miller, Founding Director, The GRAMCORD® Institute