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What the Bible Says About…Suffering

ISBN: 9781889700359

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What the Bible Says About…Suffering was written to prepare its readers to understand and conquer suffering personally; and to learn how to counsel others who are not prepared.

This useful volume is a logical presentation of the subject which allows an individual to understand why, how, and even the benefits of suffering. It offers a systematic theology grounded in scripture that can be utilized in place of psychological programs currently being used for counseling. The subject of suffering is handled solely from the Biblical viewpoint; there has been no attempt to modify God’s Word to make it compatible with human philosophies, psychology, sociology, religious views or public opinion.

Fugate intends that his book will bring suffering unbelievers to the Great Physician and that it will reveal the false doctrines that enslave thousands of believers today. Beyond the issues of salvation, What the Bible Says About . . . Suffering shows how suffering works in a believer’s becoming spiritually mature in his Christian walk. This is a Bible study for pastors, counselors, teachers, and serious students of God’s Word.

What the Bible Says About…Suffering does not shy away from questions such as: What about catastrophes that kill and injure hundreds of people indiscriminately? or How about the suffering of the innocent, like babies and good people? or If Christians suffer, isn’t it because of their sin? Fugate answers these and many other similar questions so that you might understand your own suffering and the suffering of those around you.

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Top Highlights

“God has had a plan for human history from the beginning (creation) to the end of time (the destruction of heaven and earth, Revelation 21:1). Nothing has ever been allowed to interfere with God’s overall Plan.” (Page 36)

“This word indicates: [1] a reaching out to help one who does not care, does not know his need, or is even an enemy. [2] requires a sacrifice (personal cost) on the part of the donor. [3] is for the benefit of the recipient. [4] never has a charge for the recipient to pay. [5] 1 Cor. 13:4-8a give characteristics of Christian love.” (Page 96)

“Although affliction cometh not forth of the dust, neither doth trouble spring out of the ground (Job 5:6). One might reasonably respond, ‘Well, if God is ultimately in control, why does He allow suffering at all?’ We will attempt to answer that question in the next chapter.” (Page 31)

“Notice, there are no passages teaching that a believer will know God’s Will or learn spiritual maturity by means of emotional experiences, observing rituals, or premature ministry. Just like salvation, spiritual growth must come by grace, not by works.” (Page 84)

“The confusion about God’s sovereignty comes either from not rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15b) or from analyzing His sovereignty from man’s reasoning rather than from God’s revelation.” (Page 35)

Praise for the Print Edition

One of the common experiences of humanity is suffering. This leads to a basic question: “Why suffering?” J. Richard Fugate bases his discussion upon what the Bible says. He proffers a systematic theology on suffering to replace psychological programs found in modern counseling. His focus is upon biblical concepts, as the title indicates, What the Bible Says About.... Following the plan to present a systematic theology of suffering, Fugate divides the subject into three parts: (1) “Suffering is Common to Man”; (2) “Are Christians Different?”; and (3) “Suffering—the Christian’s Badge.” The first section addresses both the Christian and non-Christian. It includes a well thought-out explanation to the question: Why does mankind suffer? His analysis is biblical, theologically sound, and logical. I highly recommend this book to begin a study of suffering from God’s point of view.

—Dr. John C. Beck, Jr., Professor, Theology, Chafer Theological Seminary

What the Bible Says About Suffering reveals God's grace in the face of human suffering and testing. The author demonstrates that knowing what the Bible teaches specifically about suffering, combined with an understanding of God's character will benefit believers in every area of their Christian walk. But it goes far beyond that, by involving the reader in personal Bible study. The result is spiritual growth, not only for readers who may be suffering, but for those experiencing prosperity and blessing, as well. …[T]he author's thorough exegesis of the scriptures has produced a work that is not what one would typically expect in a book on the subject of suffering.

—online reviewer

Product Details

  • Title: What the Bible Says About…Suffering
  • Author: J. Richard Fugate
  • Publisher: Foundation for Biblical Research
  • Publication Date: 1999
  • Pages: 224

J. Richard Fugate is the founder and director of the Foundation for Biblical Research (FBR). Its goal is to perform technical research in the Scripture’s original languages. Soon after his commitment to God, Mr. Fugate was called as Business Manager and later Vice President of Finance for Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.). In 1975, Mr. and Mrs. Fugate were led to start a Christian school in Garland, Texas based on their experience of home schooling their own children for two years. In 1978, Mr. Fugate began consulting part time with Alpha Omega Publications (A.O.P.) in Phoenix, Arizona while he began FBR in Austin, Texas. In March of 1982 he was hired as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of A.O.P. Mr. Fugate has been a keynote speaker at over 40 state home school conventions over the years and has written three books on home schooling. In the mid 1990s, Mr. and Mrs. Fugate traveled around the country speaking on Biblical marriage, child training, and home schooling. Fugate served as Business Manager of Family Ministries from 2000 through 2004. While currently functioning as the Director of The Foundation for Biblical Research in Arizona, he continues to teach and write Biblical truths on the family and Christian maturity. He is the author of several books, including What the Bible Says About. . .Suffering, What the Bible Says About. . .Being a Man, and What the Bible Says About. . .Child Training.

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