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Products>Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

Digital Logos Edition

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Print list price: $34.99
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Presenting the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, as a unified Jewish book, the Complete Jewish Bible is a translation for Jews and non-Jews alike. It connects Jews with the Jewishness of the Messiah, and non-Jews with their Jewish roots. Names and key terms are returned to their original Hebrew and presented in easy-to-understand transliterations, enabling the reader to say them the way Yeshua (Jesus) did. A substantial contribution to biblical studies, the Complete Jewish Bible is an essential addition to any Logos library.

Why is this Bible different from all other Bibles? Because it is the only English version fully Jewish in style and presentation. It includes Dr. Stern's new version of the Tanakh (Old Testament) and his highly acclaimed Jewish New Testament.

The Complete Jewish Bible:

  • Follows the Hebrew Bible order of the Tanakh's books
  • Makes no separation between "Old" and "New" Testaments
  • Offers the original Hebrew names for people, places, and concepts, using easy-to-read English transliterations
  • Focuses on Messianic prophecy
  • Gives the traditional weekly and holiday synagogue readings, plus relevant readings from the "B'rit Hadashah" (New Testament)
  • Reconnects Christians with their Jewish roots and the Jewish people
  • Connects Jews with the Jewishness of Messiah Yeshua and Messianic faith
Resource Experts
  • A comprehensive introduction by translator David H. Stern
  • Extensive notes, glossaries, and appendices
  • Special maps to aid Bible comprehension

Most Highlighted Verses in Complete Jewish Bible

Genesis 1:26–28: Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the earth.” So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. God blessed them: God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and every living creature that crawls on the earth.”

Genesis 12:1–3: Now Adonai said to Avram, “Get yourself out of your country, away from your kinsmen and away from your father’s house, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, I will bless you, and I will make your name great; and you are to be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse anyone who curses you; and by you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

Micah 6:8: Human being, you have already been told what is good, what Adonai demands of you— no more than to act justly, love grace and walk in purity with your God.

Proverbs 3:5–6: Trust in Adonai with all your heart; do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him; then he will level your paths.

Proverbs 4:23: Above everything else, guard your heart; for it is the source of life’s consequences.

2 Chronicles 7:14: then, if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.

Romans 1:16–17: For I am not ashamed of the Good News, since it is God’s powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile. For in it is revealed how God makes people righteous in his sight; and from beginning to end it is through trust—as the Tanakh puts it, “But the person who is righteous will live his life by trust.”

Philippians 1:9–11: And this is my prayer: that your love may more and more overflow in fullness of knowledge and depth of discernment, so that you will be able to determine what is best and thus be pure and without blame for the Day of the Messiah, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Yeshua the Messiah—to the glory and praise of God.

Colossians 1:9–13: Therefore, from the day we heard of it, we have not stopped praying for you, asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will in all the wisdom and understanding which the Spirit gives; so that you may live lives worthy of the Lord and entirely pleasing to him, being fruitful in every good work and multiplying in the full knowledge of God. We pray that you will be continually strengthened with all the power that comes from his glorious might; so that you will be able to persevere and be patient in any situation, joyfully

Hebrews 11:1: Trusting is being confident of what we hope for, convinced about things we do not see.

David Stern's translation has completely revitalized my Bible study.

—Online Reviewer

It brings an exciting new dimension to Bible study. I highly recommend this translation to anyone wanting to understand scripture better.

—Online Reviewer

Serious Bible students have several versions of the Bible on their shelves. The Complete Jewish Bible should be one of them.

—Online Reviewer

  • Title: Complete Jewish Bible
  • Author: David H. Stern
  • Edition: 1st ed.
  • Publisher: Jewish New Testament Publications
  • Print Publication Date: 1998
  • Logos Release Date: 2010
  • Pages: 1697
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Bible › English--Jewish; Bible
  • Resource ID: LLS:1.0.91
  • Resource Type: Bible
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2025-01-16T18:59:14Z

David H Stern born in Los Angeles in 1935, is the great-grandson of two of the city's first twenty Jews. He earned a Ph.D. in economics at Princeton University and was a professor at UCLA. He then received a Master of Divinity degree at Fuller Theological Seminary, did graduate work at the University of Judaism, and was active in the Messianic Jewish movement. Dr. Stern authored the highly acclaimed English translations, the Jewish New Testament, the Jewish New Testament Commentary, and the Complete Jewish Bible which are available from Logos Bible Software.

In 1941, The United States is drawn into World War II. During that same year, Dr. Henry Einspruch publishes his classic book, The Yiddish New Testament, a breakthrough in evangelistic literature for Jewish people. Over the following decades, the publications of Lederer/Messianic Jewish Communications have been widely used to impact thousands of Jewish people with the Good News of Messiah. These books and tracts have been distributed in the Orthodox Jewish community, have been given out to Jews in the former Soviet Union, and have been used by Messianic congregations and Jewish outreaches all over the world. Messianic Jewish Publishers mission is two-pronged: Reaching out to Jewish people with the message of Messiah and teaching the non-Jewish spiritual family about their Jewish roots.


72 ratings

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  1. AnonymousUser123
    The Hebrew names are rough and make little sense to a non-Hebrew speaker. Personally, I tried using this for a while, but I found the Tanakh 1985 a bit more palpable.
  2. Craig Girndt

    Craig Girndt


  3. Raffaele Paglialunga
    I really like how this was put together. It can get a little difficult at times when it comes to names but, trust me that this is a great read.
  4. Aaron Boor

    Aaron Boor


  5. Bechthold Family ❤️
  6. Chad W Smith

    Chad W Smith


    A good translation to learn more about the Jewish heritage of our scripture, but it is very difficult for a non-Jewish person without Hebrew training to use this as your main translation.
  7. Silvano Fernandes
    I am from india how do I buy this book
  8. David Kim

    David Kim


  9. Santa



    This bible really gives some new view on the scripture. Hope there come out an audio version of this bible.
  10. Keith Hailey

    Keith Hailey


    After pulling out of "Candy-Coated Churchianity" several years ago, my wife and I discovered the Complete Jewish Bible and it has become one of our most used translations (in actual book form). Extended family members have listened to us read passages and they always seem to ask "Exactly what version is that?" and it seems like the next time we see them, they have their own copy. It has led to a much better understanding of the relationship of Followers of Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah/Christ and their Messianic Jewish counterparts/predecessors and how we have been "Grafted In" to the family of Abraham as descendants. (You know, Stuff that you were never taught in Sunday School but is there right in front of you.) The Readings list (Parsha's/Portions) alone is worth the price. Originally laid out by Ezra and with New Testament (B'rit Hadashah) added, When Followed, you will be in sync with the rest of the actual Jewish/Messianic Jewish congregations, and now many awakening protestant churches, around the world and understand better how Jesus (and all Jews) learned as he grew up, every Saturday in the Synagogue. I never realized that a 5 year old Jewish kid had been through all of the books of Moses and a good bit of the old testament 5 time and was already learning to read. I never read straight through the first five books until I was in my early 20's. And the 5 year old was already grasping concepts that were much deeper than what we got in Church-World. And one of the few glances we get of Jesus is when he is starting to teach the teachers when he was 12. (Questioning is a teaching concept that I was taught as an instructor.) Of course, getting a Hebrew calendar is essential to getting the readings for the week correct. (I easily get on the wrong reading and don't' catch it for a week or two.) The use of Hebrew terminology and names is a bit tough at first, but paralleling the CJB with your favorite translation helps considerably in learning and understanding things that were just "Glossed Over" using most English translations (at least for me). Personally, in Word Search, I use the CJB as the group driver and will have 8-10 other translations to quickly look at as well as Strong's and several dictionaries. (I hope this to work out with Logos as well.) The CJB has become probably my most used translations in my digital library as well, closely tied with the NLT and the Geneva Bible.. I highly recommend it for anyone that desires to actually learn, understand and apply the principles and requirements of the Kingdom of God. 100% Grace, 100% Truth is the balance. Anything apart from that and you can end up in the ditch on one side or the other. Thanks for listening/reading.


Print list price: $34.99
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