Logos Bible Software Series X Tour: Parallel Passages

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Throughout the Bible, numerous passages mirror one another, for example, many Old Testament quotations are found in the New Testament, Kings recounts many events in Chronicles, and Gospel accounts overlap. Printed parallel Bibles have long been available that lay out the corresponding texts together on the page, making comparison easy (think of Gospel Harmonies).

The Parallel Passages report provides you with a customized parallel Bible using the Bible translation of your choice (or even the original language texts). What a convenient way to compare the various emphases of the Gospel writers or between Pastoral Epistles!

Parallel Passages report showing Kurt Aland's Synopsis of the Four Gospels for John 18:1,
with Scripture text from the
English Standard Version

The fact that this report shows up in Passage Guide means that, without having to even think about it or go look it up, your study will now be enriched by exploring parallel passages! Logos Bible Software shows you the information you need, when you need it!

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