Digital Logos Edition
The Zondervan Biblical Studies Bundle provides both beginning and advanced theology students with an excellent selection of contemporary Old Testament and New Testament resources. The texts in this collection introduce theological perspectives, processes, traditions, and practices to help prepare the reader for more advanced studies. Moving through a variety of topics, this collection includes volumes that examine historical background, theological and cultural contexts, interpretive issues of different books of the Bible, and much more.
Introducing the Old Testament: A Short Guide to Its History and Message is an abridged edition of the bestselling book, An Introduction to the Old Testament. This rich guide makes Old Testament scholarship accessible to the average reader. Renowned Bible scholar Tremper Longman III gathers the best historical research and literary analysis to lead the reader through each book of the Old Testament. Most significantly, Longman explores the meaning of each book in light of its cultural setting. Abbreviated chapters highlight key research discoveries, ensuring that the information is both significant and manageable. Including questions at the end of each chapter for group discussion or personal reflection, Introducing the Old Testament makes the words, history, and culture of biblical times come alive for readers. Laypersons as well as church leaders will take away a solid understanding of the historical background and theological message of the Old Testament and be inspired to apply biblical truths to their lives.
Tremper Longman III is an Old Testament scholar and award-winning author. He earned degrees from Ohio Wesleyan University, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Yale University. He taught for 18 years at Westminster in Philadelphia before becoming a professor of biblical studies and chair of the religious studies department at Westmont College. He has served as a translator and consultant on many translations of the Bible, including The New Living Translation, The New Century Version, and the Holman Standard Bible. He is the Old Testament Editor for the revised Expositor’s Bible Commentary, and has authored many books, including Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, Daniel in the NIV Application Commentary, and An Introduction to the Old Testament.
Modern Old Testament interpretation arose in an intellectual environment marked by interest in specific historical contexts of the Bible, attention to its literary matters, and, most significantly, the suspension of belief. A vast array of scholars contributed to the large, developing complex of ideas and trends that now serves as the foundation of contemporary discussions on interpretation. In A Brief History of Old Testament Criticism, Mark Gignilliat brings together the theories of Baruch Spinoza, W. M. L. de Wette, Julius Wellhausen, Hermann Gunkel, and others to serve as windows into the critical trends of Old Testament interpretation in the modern period. This concise overview is ideal for classroom use. It lays the foundation of Old Testament criticism and provides a working knowledge of the major critical interpreters of the Old Testament, their approaches to the Bible, and the philosophical background of their positions. Each chapter concludes with a section for further reading, directing students to additional resources on specific theologians and theories.
Mark S. Gignilliat is assistant professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School in Alabama, where he has taught Hebrew, Old Testament exegesis, and biblical theology since 2005. Before coming to Beeson Divinity School, he taught at Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford. Gignilliat is the author of Paul and Isaiah’s Servants and Karl Barth and the Fifth Gospel: Barth’s Theological Exegesis of Isaiah. He has articles published in Scottish Journal of Theology, Horizons in Biblical Theology, Westminster Theological Journal, Biblica, and The Journal for Theological Interpretation. In his pre-doctoral days, he served as youth director at North Hills Community Church in Greenville, South Carolina.
This book is the go-to source for introductory information on Messianic Judaism. Editors David Rudolph and Joel Willitts have assembled a thorough examination of the ecclesial context and biblical foundations of the diverse Messianic Jewish movement. Unique among similar works in its Jew-Gentile partnership, this book brings together a team of respected Messianic Jewish and Gentile Christian scholars, including Mark Kinzer, Richard Bauckham, Markus Bockmuehl, Craig Keener, Darrell Bock, Scott Hafemann, Daniel Harrington, R. Kendall Soulen, Douglas Harink, and others.
David J. Rudolph is the rabbi of Tikvat Israel Messianic Synagogue in Richmond, Virginia, and teaches New Testament at the MJTI School of Jewish Studies. David has been part of the Messianic Jewish community for over thirty-five years and has published numerous books and articles on Messianic Judaism, the New Testament, and Jewish-Christian relations.
Joel Willitts is associate professor in biblical and theological Studies at North Park University and has a breadth of experience in both the Christian church and the academy. Joel has published books, essays, and journal articles in the area of New Testament studies.
Zondervan’s Biblical Theology of the New Testament Series has for years provided pastors, students, and readers with valuable analyses of New Testament books and their contents. In this latest installment, Darrell L. Bock draws from his years of experience in biblical studies to examine Luke and Acts and write an informative resource that’s invaluable to those seeking holistic biblical understanding. A Theology of Luke and Acts identifies and evaluates the contribution of Luke, both to the New Testament and to the Bible as a whole. Bock aims to demonstrate Luke’s significance and influence in the development of theological discourse. The text discusses Luke’s themes and thematic relevance, the significance of language and vocabulary, and the contextual importance of Luke’s placement in the Bible. Continuing the valuable tradition of the Biblical Theology of the New Testament Series, Bock’s insights regarding Luke and Acts will prove a lasting resource for pastors and aspiring biblical scholars alike.
Darrell L. Bock is research professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. Known for his work in Luke-Acts, Dr. Bock is a Humboldt Scholar (Tubingen University in Germany), an editor-at-large for Christianity Today, and from 2000–2001 he was president of the Evangelical Theological Society. A New York Times bestselling author, Bock has written over thirty books, including Luke in the NIV Application Commentary series, Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources and Methods, Jesus According to Scripture, Breaking the Da Vinci Code, and commentaries on Luke and Acts in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT) series.
Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources makes available over fifty primary source selections that address various challenges to Christian faith in the history of Christian apologetics. The compilation represents a broad Christian spectrum, ranging from early writers like Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, to Saint Teresa of Avila and Blaise Pascal, to more recent and present day apologists such as C. S. Lewis, Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig, Richard Swinburne and Pope Benedict XVI. Insightful introductions, black-and-white images, concise section headings, and discussion questions guide readers toward a clearer understanding of classical defenses of Christianity. Annotated reading lists, a bibliography, and author and subject indices contribute to the suitability of this anthology as a textbook or supplemental reader. Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources is an authoritative reference for key persons, concepts, issues, and approaches in the history of Christian apologetics. It is especially useful as a supplemental textbook for students, allowing them to read great apologists and thinkers in their own words.
Chad V. Meister is professor of philosophy and theology at Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana. He is the author and editor of multiple books and articles including Building Belief, Evil: A Guide for the Perplexed, Debating Christian Theism with J. P. Moreland and Khaldoun Sweis, as well as God Is Great, God Is Good—winner of the Christianity Today Book of the Year. Meister is also editor of the Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics, book review editor for Philosophia Christi, and general editor with Paul Moser of the series Cambridge Studies in Religion, Philosophy, and Society.
Khaldoun A. Sweis teaches philosophy with the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education in the UK and is assistant professor of philosophy at Olive-Harvey College in Chicago, Illinois. His publications include Think: A Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, the Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics, and Debating Christian Theism with J. P. Moreland and Chad Meister.
Paul and Union with Christ fills the gap for biblical scholars, theologians, and pastors pondering and debating the meaning of union with Christ.
Following a selective survey of scholarly work on union with Christ from the twentieth century to the present day, Greek scholar Constantine Campbell carefully examines every occurrence of the phrases “in Christ’, “with Christ’, “through Christ’, “into Christ,’ and other related expressions, exegeting each passage in context and taking into account the unique lexical contribution of each Greek preposition. Campbell then builds a holistic portrayal of Paul’s thinking and engages contemporary theological discussions about union with Christ by employing his evidence-based understanding of the theme.
Constantine R. Campbell plays jazz and lectures in theology. Since 2000, Con has combined his two passions of Jesus and jazz music by performing and speaking at jazz concerts for churches, university groups, schools, and festivals. He is author of several books including Keep Your Greek, Not Ashamed, Colossians and Philemon: A Handbook on the Greek Text.
On average, Americans change their religious affiliation at least once during their lifetime. Today, a number of evangelical Christians are converting to Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Anglicanism. Journeys of Faith examines the movement between these traditions from various perspectives. Four prominent converts to Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Evangelicalism, and Anglicanism describe their new faith traditions and their spiritual journeys into them. Response chapters offer respectful critiques. This book will provide readers with first-hand accounts of thoughtful Christians changing religious affiliation or remaining true to the traditions they have always known. Pastors, counselors, and students of theology will gain a wealth of insight into current faith migration within the church today.
Robert L. Plummer is associate professor of New Testament interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the author of 40 Questions about Interpreting the Bible, Paul’s Understanding of the Church’s Mission and numerous scholarly articles. He also serves as an elder at Sojourn Community Church.
The 2011 award-winning publication The Christian Faith garnered wide praise as a thorough, well-informed treatment of the philosophical foundations of Christian theology, the classical elements of systematic theology, and exegesis of relevant biblical texts. Pilgrim Theology distills the distinctive benefits of this approach into a more accessible introduction designed for classroom and group study.
In this book, Michael Horton guides readers through a preliminary exploration of Christian theology in “a Reformed key.” Horton reviews the biblical passages that give rise to a particular doctrine in addition to surveying past and present interpretations. Also included are sidebars showing the key distinctions readers need to grasp on a particular subject, helpful charts and tables illuminating exegetical and historical topics, and questions at the end of each chapter for individual, classroom, and small group reflection.
Pilgrim Theology will help undergraduate students of theology and educated laypersons gain an understanding of the Christian tradition’s biblical and historical foundations.
Michael S. Horton is the author of over 20 books and host of The White Horse Inn, a nationally syndicated radio program. He is the J. Gresham Machen Professor of systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California and the editor-in-chief of Modern Reformation magazine. A popular blogger and sought-after lecturer, his collected works are valuable resources.
Cutting through the confusing array of interpretive strategies that claim the term “biblical theology,” Edward Klink and Darian Lockett consider five schools of thought regarding biblical theology and handle each in turn, defining and giving a brief developmental history for each one, and exploring each method through the lens of one contemporary scholar who champions it. Using a spectrum between history and theology, each of five “types” of biblical theology are identified as either “more theological” or “more historical” in concern and practice. The five approaches to biblical theology include:
Klink and Lockett conclude by suggesting ways by which students of the Bible can learn from these approaches.
Edward W. Klink III received his PhD from the University of St. Andrews and is associate professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He is the author of The Sheep of the Fold: The Audience and Origin of the Gospel of John, editor of The Audience of the Gospels: The Origin and Function of the Gospels in Early Christianity, and is currently writing a commentary on the Gospel of John for the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series.
Darian R. Lockett received his PhD from the University of St. Andrews and is associate professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He is the author of Purity and Worldview in the Epistle of James and is currently writing an introduction to the Catholic Epistles for the T&T Clark Approaches to Biblical Studies Collection. He has contributed several chapters on James and Jude to the SBL Methodological Reassessments of the Letters of James, Peter, and Jude series.
New Testament scholar J. Scott Duvall and Old Testament expert J. Daniel Hays—authors of the popular hermeneutics primer Grasping God’s Word—invite lay and college-level Bible students to see how their faith journey relates to the big picture of the Bible. Living God’s Word presents a broad narrative framework that encompasses every book of the Bible and demonstrates how believers make this story their own. Each section deals with a specific part of Scripture and includes reading and listening preparation, explanation, summary, observations about theological significance, connections to the overarching story of the Bible, and written assignments for further study. These features—combined with the authors’ engaging style—make Living God’s Word an ideal introductory college text, Sunday school elective, or small group study.
J. Scott Duvall received his PhD from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is professor of New Testament at Ouachita Baptist University. He is coauthor with George H. Guthrie of Biblical Greek Exegesis: A Graded Approach to Learning Intermediate and Advanced Greek and with Terry G. Carter and J. Daniel Hays of the textbook Preaching God’s Word: A Hands on Approach to Preparing, Developing, and Delivering the Sermon.
J. Daniel Hays received his ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary and his PhD from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the dean of the Pruet School of Christian Studies and a professor of Old Testament at Ouachita Baptist University. He is the author of From Every People and Nation, and he has coauthored Grasping God’s Word, Preaching God’s Word, Journey into God’s Word, The Story of Israel: A Biblical Theology, Iraq: Babylon of the End Times?, Apocalypse, and The Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy. He teaches adult Sunday school at his local church in Arkadelphia, Arkansas and preaches frequently throughout the nation.
This free resource provides a guide and materials for further study as you read and process Pilgrim Theology—on your own or with your small group.
Toby Kurth is the lead pastor of, Christ Church at Park Presido—a church he planted in San Francisco. He received his BS in environmental policy and planning from UC Davis and his masters in historical theology from Westminster Seminary in California.
Sixty years ago, most biblical scholars maintained that Israel’s religion was unique—that it stood in marked contrast to the faiths of its ancient Near Eastern neighbors. Nowadays, it is widely argued that Israel’s religion mirrors that of other West Semitic societies. What accounts for this radical change, and what are its implications for our understanding of the Old Testament?
Dr. John N. Oswalt says the root of this new attitude lies in Western society’s hostility to the idea of revelation, which presupposes a reality that transcends the world of the senses, asserting the existence of a realm humans cannot control.
While not advocating a “the Bible says it, and I believe it, and that settles it” point-of-view, Oswalt asserts convincingly that while other ancient literatures all see reality in essentially the same terms, the Bible differs radically on all the main points. The Bible among the Myths supplies a necessary corrective to those who reject the Old Testament’s testimony about a transcendent God who breaks into time and space and reveals himself in and through human activity.
For more than a century people have been debating the relationship between myth and history and how the biblical narratives fit into this debate. In offering readers an accessible introduction to this discussion, John Oswalt highlights the distinctiveness of the biblical worldview. . . . This book will be extremely helpful for both undergraduate and graduate students, offering a carefully seasoned response to the critical scholarship of our time.
—Daniel I. Block, Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College
John N. Oswalt (PhD, Brandeis University) is Visiting Distinguished Professor of Old Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. He is the author of numerous articles and several books, including the two-volume commentary on Isaiah in the New International Commentary on the Old Testament series and Called to be Holy: A Biblical Perspective.
Parakeets make delightful pets. We cage them or clip their wings to keep them where we want them. Scot McKnight contends that many, conservatives and liberals alike, attempt the same thing with the Bible. We all try to tame it.
McKnight’s The Blue Parakeet has emerged at the perfect time to cool the flames of a world on fire with contention and controversy. It calls Christians to a way to read the Bible that leads beyond old debates and denominational battles. It calls Christians to stop taming the Bible and to let it speak anew for a new generation.
In The Blue Parakeet, McKnight touches the hearts and minds of today’s Christians, challenging them to rethink how to read the Bible, not just to puzzle it together into some systematic theology but to see it as a Story that we’re summoned to enter and to carry forward in our day. He calls his bold new approach to the Bible the "Third Way," a path that walks confidently—and joyfully—between theological extremes. The Third Way is rooted in the Bible as Story, in the Bible as God's Word to which we listen, in the Bible as revealing a life that we can apply anew in our day.
In his own inimitable style, McKnight sets traditional and liberal Christianity on its ear, leaving readers equipped, encouraged, and emboldened to be the people of faith they long to be. The Blue Parakeet is an engaging, warm narrative that is both deeply reasoned and spiritually sound. It is a book that will appeal to disenfranchised Christians who will be drawn to it because of its refreshing—and liberating—new approach to reading the Bible.
Blue Parakeet is the book Scot McKnight was born to write. If you are interested in the Bible, or God, or your mind, or where these three might intersect, you will be blessed if you read this book.
—John Ortberg, Senior Pastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
This is far and away the best, gentlest, most intelligent argument I have ever read for the absolute necessity of embracing the Bible as story. McKnight is in full and persuasive command of both his material and his craft.
—Publisher's Weekly
Many Christians today experience Bible teaching in isolated, unconnected pieces, receiving little or no guidance into how these pieces form a coherent picture in Christ. How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens connects each of the sixty-six books of the Bible to the person and work of Jesus Christ. By explaining each book’s theme and raising pertinent questions about the contemporary importance of that message, author Michael Williams sets readers on a path toward purposeful, independent reading, and application of the entire Bible. How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens presents Christ as the central focus of each biblical book and the primary way the Bible relates to contemporary circumstances. Each book of the Bible has an identifiable theme ultimately fulfilled in the person and work of Christ. Williams provides the following for his readers:
An excellent tool for Bible teachers, ministry leaders, and students, How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens facilitates other Christian disciplines such as Bible reading, Scripture memory, and evangelism. By demonstrating how each theme relates to living the Christian life, this book promises to be an invaluable guide for reading and understanding the Bible.
Few books do a better job of giving us an overview of Genesis to Revelation in such a compact way. This is the sort of book I'd love to have in the hands of every member of my church!
—Justin Taylor, Managing Editor, ESV Study Bible
[Offers] suggestive and stimulating ways for us to see Christ as the climax of the story; let Williams begin to shape the way you read the whole Bible.
—Kelly M. Kapic, Professor of Theological Studies, Covenant College
Michael Williams has written a book that is badly needed: a survey of all the books of the Bible that shows how they work together to point toward Jesus Christ . . . accessible to almost any reader.
—Douglas J. Moo, Wessner Chair of Biblical Studies, Wheaton College
Michael Williams (PhD, University of Pennsylvania) is Professor of Old Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary and a member of the NIV Committee on Bible Translation. He is the author of Deception in Genesis and The Prophet and His Message, and editor and contributor of Mishneh Todah. His passion is to equip students with knowledge of the Old Testament and its languages so that they may grow in their comprehension and appreciation of redemptive history and be adequately prepared to promote and defend the faith through word and action.
Contemporary Christians have built a "salvation culture" but not a "gospel culture." Evangelicals have reduced the gospel to the message of personal salvation. This book makes a plea for us to recover the old gospel as that which is still new and still fresh.
This book succinctly and without pretense demonstrates that the gospel is defined by the apostles in 1 Corinthians 15 as the completion of the story of Israel in the saving story of Jesus. McKnight shows us that the gospel was preached by Jesus, and that the sermons in the Book of Acts are the best example of gospeling in the New Testament. The King Jesus Gospel ends with practical suggestions about evangelism and about building a gospel culture.
The revolution Scot is proposing is massive . . . [and] we all urgently need to allow this deeply biblical vision of 'the gospel' to challenge the less-than-completely-biblical visions we have cherished for too long, around which we have built a good deal of church life and practice. This book could be one of God's ways of reminding the new generation of Christians that it has to grow up, to take responsibility for thinking things through afresh, to look back to the large world of the full first-century gospel in order then to look out on the equally large world of twenty-first century gospel opportunity.
—N. T. Wright, from the Foreword
Scot McKnight here presents, with great force and clarity, the one gospel of the Bible and of Jesus the King and Savior . . . Study the Gospels to see how Jesus did it, and then do it in the matter he did it. You don't need a program, a budget, or any special qualifications to do this. Just understand it in the biblical form and do it. Scot McKnight gives you the key.
—Dallas Willard, from the Foreword
Respected New Testament scholar Karen Jobes explores the cultural and theological background of Hebrews and the General Epistles (James through Jude) in this rich commentary. Writing from an evangelical perspective, Jobes addresses issues of historical relevance as well as how these ancient books connect with Christian faith and practice today.
Letters to the Church includes:
Pastors, professors, students, and laypeople interested in deeper biblical study will find this an invaluable resource that offers well-researched commentary in an accessible, spiritually meaningful form.
Karen Jobes' survey is clearly written, critically informed, beautifully illustrated, background-enlightening, and theologically rich. This volume wil make an ideal textbook for the study of the letters that it covers.
—Robert H. Gundry, Scholar-in-Residence, Westmont College
Professor Jobes combines lively prose and scholarly depth to make the most neglected books in the New Testament come alive for students. This is, without rival, the most engaging introduction available to these important but difficult biblical books.
—Frank Thielman, Presbyterian Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School of Samford University
This clear, accessible, thorough, and well-organized study of Hebrews and the General Epistles is an ideal text for survey courses. Jobes utilizes the best of biblical scholarship but presents it in a manner that beginning students will understand.
—Mark L. Strauss, Professor of New Testament, Bethel Seminary
Jobes insightfully addresses the historical, literary, and theological features of these letters and does so with a conversational and engaging demeanor. Letters to the Church is a comprehensive introduction to these letters and a great textbook choice for college and seminary classrooms.
—Jeanine Brown, Professor, Bethel Seminary
This is the textbook on the General Epistles I have been waiting for. It is thorough and accessible, even for students with little biblical background knowledge.
—Dan McCartney, Professor of New Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary
Karen H. Jobes is Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis at Wheaton College. She is the author of many articles and several books, including Esther in The NIV Application Commentary.
What really happened back in the first century, in Jerusalem and around the Sea of Galilee, that changed the shape of world history? Who is this figure that emerges from history to have a profound impact on culture, ethics, politics, and philosophy? Join historian John Dickson on this journey through the life of Jesus. This book will help you and your friends dig deeper into what is known about Jesus’ life and why it matters.
John Dickson is an engaging and gifted scholar whom I am privileged to work alongside in various global settings. His passion for history, keen knowledge of the Scriptures, and ability to communicate are truly inspiring. I am thrilled to see his unique work displayed in Life of Jesus and I know you will find this study equally fascinating.
—Ravi Zacharias, Founder and Chairman of the Board, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
John Dickson has done a marvelous job of presenting the story of Jesus, and the full meaning of that story, in a way that is both deeply faithful to the biblical sources and refreshingly relevant to tomorrow's world and church. I strongly recommend this study to anyone who wants to re-examine the deep historical roots of Christian faith and to find them as life-giving as they ever were.
—N. T. Wright, Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity, St. Andrews University
John Dickson (PhD, Macquarie University, Sydney) is Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University, Co-director of the Centre for Public Christianity, and Senior Minister at St. Andrew’s Roseville. The author of more than a dozen books, he is the host of two major historical documentaries for Australian television and is a busy public speaker in corporations, universities, churches, and conferences.
What did the writer of Genesis mean by “the first day”? Is it a literal week or a series of time periods? If I believe that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, am I denying the authority of Scripture?
In response to the continuing controversy over the interpretation of the creation narrative in Genesis, John Lennox proposes a succinct method of reading and interpreting the first chapters of Genesis without discounting either science or Scripture. With examples from history, a brief but thorough exploration of the major interpretations, and a look into the particular significance of the creation of human beings, Lennox suggests that Christians can heed modern scientific knowledge while staying faithful to the biblical narrative.
He moves beyond a simple response to the controversy, insisting that Genesis teaches us far more about the God of Jesus Christ and about God’s intention for creation than it does about the age of the earth. With this book, Lennox offers a careful yet accessible introduction to a scientifically-savvy, theologically-astute, and scripturally-faithful interpretation of Genesis.
This book is a delight to read: it is thoughtful, perceptive, friendly, and bold when it needs to be.
—C. John Collins, Professor of Old Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary
Accessible, wide-ranging, balanced, and irenic. A wise, well-informed work, and it deserves the widest readership possible.
—Paul Copan, Professor and Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Addresses a passionate controversy with charity, humor, and humility. I enthusiastically endorse this unique and insightful book.
—Ravi Zacharias, Founder and Chairman of the Board, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Careful and well-documented study. Every careful reader will come away more knowledgeable, wiser, and better able to defend the truth of the Bible before a skeptical world.
—Doug Groothuis, Professor of Philosophy, Denver Seminary
What a fine book! This book is as good as it gets in the religion/science area.
—Alvin Plantinga, John A. O'Brien Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
Worthy of a careful reading by those interested in the ongoing science/religion discussion.
—Henry F. Schaefer III, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry, University of Georgia
John C. Lennox (PhD, DPhil, DSc) is Professor of Mathematics in the University of Oxford, Fellow in Mathematics and the Philosophy of Science, and Pastoral Advisor at Green Templeton College, Oxford. He is author of God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? on the interface between science, philosophy, and theology. He lectures extensively in North America and in Eastern and Western Europe on mathematics, the philosophy of science, and the intellectual defense of Christianity, and he has publicly debated New Atheists Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens.
The writings of John are some of the most foundational New Testament documents for today’s Christians. Most evangelical teaching about the life of Jesus begins with the Gospel of John, and Christian teaching on the end times relies heavily on the book of Revelation. Students, pastors, and lay learners need solid, up-to-date resources like this book to responsibly study and understand John’s writings.
C. Marvin Pate addresses John’s writings according to their logical divisions: the Gospel of John, the Johannine Epistles, and Revelation. Each section includes a thorough introduction to relevant interpretive issues, including historical background, cultural setting, and theological context. Pate presents a two-fold historical setting for John’s gospel, encouraging readers to consider the text from the perspective of Jesus’ day and from John’s situation in Asia Minor sixty years later. He examines the Johannine epistles on issues like authorship, audience, and theological perspective. For the Apocalypse, Pate explores the challenges of John’s first readers, the nature of apocalyptic literature, and the Roman imperial cult, including as well an explanation of how the church has interpreted Revelation over the years. With its thorough discussion, textbook design, and four-color interior, The Writings of John sets the standard for introductory texts on biblical books or collections.
This book skillfully summarizes the substance of the New Testament writings traditionally associated with the Apostle John. Students will appreciate the creative, visually rich layout with attention-grabbing sidebars. Teachers will applaud the airing of scholarly theories and convictions. Few books contain a more thorough presentation of these five writings in their historical, literary, and theological dimensions. The Writings of John will be a prized resource in the college and seminary classroom for years to come.
—Robert W. Yarbrough, Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary
If you are looking for a reliable textbook on the writings of John that will engage students, look no further. Pate's informed survey features a rich awareness of historical background, consistent exegetical depth, and insightful theological commentary. In addition to Pate's expert guidance, the book features an attractive presentation, along with helpful teaching aids. It's rare to find a superb treatment of all of John's writings in a single resource. For the sake of our students, I highly recommend it.
—J. Scott Duvall, Professor of New Testament, Ouachita Baptist University
C. Marvin Pate (MA, Wheaton; PhD, Marquette University) taught for thirteen years at Moody Bible Institute. Now he is Chair of the Department of Christian Theology and Professor of Theology at Ouachita Baptist University. Pate has authored, coauthored, or edited twenty books.
As the early church moved away from the original cultural setting of the Bible and found its home in the west, Christians lost touch with the ancient world of the Bible. Cultural habits, the particulars of landscape, even the biblical languages soon were unknown. And the cost was enormous: Christians began reading the Bible as foreigners and missing the original images and ideas that shaped a biblical worldview. Here Gary M. Burge explores primary motifs from the biblical landscape—geography, water, rock, bread, etc.—and applies them to vital stories from the Bible. The Bible and the Land explores a series of primary cultural motifs that contributed to the ancient biblical worldview.
One of the more surprising features of Jesus' ministry was his willingness to have personal encounters with people. And one of the most unique features of the Gospels is the unexpected stories that detail Jesus' regular interruptions. These "interruptions" came in the form of people from all walks of life—young, old, rich, poor, sick, healthy, riddled with sin, or saddled by self-righteousness.
Encounters with Jesus explores the interactions between Jesus and the everyday people of the ancient biblical world. Whether they were part of the chosen twelve, or were outsiders desperate for Jesus' healing touch, Gary Burge revisits Jesus' daily interruptions in antiquity, reaching a startling conclusion that applies to you today: all are welcome.
Communication in Jesus' world involved the use of word pictures, dramatic actions, metaphors, and stories. Rather than lecture about religious corruption, Jesus refers to the Pharisees as "whitewashed tombs." Rather than outline the failings of the Temple, he cures a fig tree. Without a perceptive and careful use of the culture of the ancient world, we read the stories of Jesus as foreigners.
Historical, biblical, systematic, and practical—Integrative Theology helps students in a pluralistic world utilize a standard method of fruitful research. Originally a three volume set, this resource combines all three volumes, unabridged, into one. Each chapter covers a major doctrine, stating a classic issue of ultimate concern, surveying alternative past and present answers, and testing those proposals against the Bible. From here, each chapter formulates a doctrinal conclusion that consistently fits the many lines of biblical data, defends that conviction, and explores the conclusion’s relevance to spiritual growth and service to others.
In short, Integrative Theology weaves together the disciplines of historical, biblical, systematic, apologetic, and practical theology—all for the glory of God.
Integrative Theology is one of the most biblically reliable and faithful presentations of Christian theology from an evangelical perspective. . . . An absolutely unique contribution to evangelical systematic theology.
—Sung Wook Chung, professor of theology, Denver Seminary
Gordon R. Lewis is senior professor of Christian philosophy and theology at Denver Seminary. Lewis has served as president of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. He founded Evangelical Ministries to New Religions. He is the author of Decide for Yourself: A Theological Workbook, Confronting the Cults, Judge for Yourself, Testing Christianity’s Truth Claims and, with Bruce Demarest, Challenges to Inerrancy, and the three-volume Integrative Theology.
Bruce A. Demarest was educated at Wheaton College and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. A professor at Denver Seminary, he is the author of more than a dozen books, including Dictionary of Everyday Theology and Culture and The Cross and Salvation: The Doctrine of Salvation. He is also the editor of Four Views on Christian Spirituality in the Zondervan Counterpoints series.
Of all the teachings of Christianity, the doctrine of hell is easily the most troubling, so much so that in recent years the church has been quietly tucking it away. Rarely mentioned anymore in the pulpit, it has faded through disuse among evangelicals and been attacked by liberal theologians. Hell is no longer only the target of those outside the church. Today, a disturbing number of professing Christians question it as well.
Perhaps more than at any other time in history, hell is under fire. The implications of the historic view of hell make the popular alternatives, annihilationism and universalism, seem extremely appealing. But the bottom line is still God’s Word. What does the Old Testament reveal about hell? What does Paul the apostle have to say, or the book of Revelation? Most important, what does Jesus, the ultimate expression of God’s love, teach us about God’s wrath?
Upholding the authority of Scripture, the different authors in Hell under Fire explore a complex topic from various angles. R. Albert Mohler Jr. provides a historical, theological, and cultural overview of “The Disappearance of Hell.” Christopher Morgan draws on the New Testament to offer three pictures of hell as punishment, destruction, and banishment. J. I. Packer compares universalism with the traditional understanding of hell, Morgan does the same with annihilationism, and Sinclair Ferguson considers how the reality of hell ought to influence preaching.
These examples offer some idea of this volume’s scope and thoroughness. Hell may be under fire, but its own flames cannot be quenched by popular opinion. This book helps us gain a biblical perspective on what hell is and why we cannot afford to ignore it. And it offers us a better understanding of the One who longs for all people to escape judgment and obtain eternal life through Jesus Christ.
This collection of essays plumbs the deep things of God with clarity, care, and conviction. We see how God is glorified when truth is put forever on the throne and evil on the scaffold.
—David F. Wells, Andrew Mutch Distinguished Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
One of the strongest and most useful biblical and theological assessments of the doctrine of hell over its ancient and modern detractors. There is hardly anything to match either the scope of its argument or the incisiveness of its thought in the last several decades!
—Walter C. Kaiser Jr., president, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Hell under Fire confronts the strongest arguments against hell fairly, clearly, and with pastoral sensitivity. The authors refuse even for a moment to beat around the bush with vague platitudes. They return again and again to the deeply disturbing but clear teaching of Scripture that hell does exist, and that it is a place of eternal punishment. This is a sobering, persuasive, much-needed book.
—Wayne Grudem, research professor of Bible and theology, Phoenix Seminary
Christopher W. Morgan is a professor of theology and dean of the School of Christian Ministries at California Baptist University in Riverside, California. Author/editor of 10 books and a teaching pastor of Helendale Community Church, he and his wife, Shelley, have been married for 20 years and live in Helendale, California.
Robert A. Peterson is a professor of systematic theology at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He is author or editor of 20 books, including Salvation Accomplished by the Son: The Work of Christ and Our Secure Salvation: Preservation and Apostasy.
In Faith Alone: The Doctrine of Justification renowned biblical scholar Thomas Schreiner looks at the historical and biblical roots of the doctrine of justification. He summarizes the history of the doctrine, looking at the early church and the writings of several of the Reformers. Then, he turns his attention to the Scriptures and walks readers through an examination of the key texts in the Old and New Testament. He discusses whether justification is transformative or forensic and introduces readers to some of the contemporary challenges to the Reformation teaching of sola fide, with particular attention to the new perspective on Paul.
Five hundred years after the Reformation, the doctrine of justification by faith alone still needs to be understood and proclaimed. In Faith Alone you will learn how the rallying cry of “sola fide” is rooted in the Scriptures and how to apply this sola in a fresh way in light of many contemporary challenges.
Dr. Schreiner has done a magnificent job of expounding the key doctrine of the Protestant Reformation, sola fide, which remains as vital for us today as when Martin Luther first proclaimed it. Schreiner’s clear explanation of justification by faith alone will do much to strengthen the faith of a new generation and its witness to this timeless truth.
—Gerald Bray, research professor of divinity, Beeson Divinity School
The doctrine by which the church stands or falls—that’s how Luther described the importance of justification by faith alone. Without the imputed righteousness of Christ received by faith alone, we are truly without hope before a holy God. Thomas Schreiner, one of the most clearheaded and biblically faithful New Testament scholars of our generation, has produced a compelling and careful defense of the doctrine of justification that readers will find both exegetically faithful and theologically enriching. This book will help the church in this generation to stand on solid ground.
—R. Albert Mohler Jr., president, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
As new ideas about justification have proliferated in recent years, the need for a clear analysis of these ideas and a better understanding of the traditional Reformation view has grown. Tom Schreiner’s Faith Alone accomplishes both tasks admirably. Schreiner anchors his exposition of the key biblical themes in the history of the doctrine, and defends the Reformation view in light of the many current challenges. Comprehensive, readable, persuasive.
—Douglas J. Moo, Wessner Chair of Biblical Studies, Wheaton College; Chair, Committee on Bible Translation (NIV)
Thomas R. Schreiner (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament and associate dean of Scripture and interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. The author of numerous books, he is the preaching pastor of Clifton Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.
Most historical theology texts follow Christian beliefs chronologically, discussing notable doctrinal developments for all areas of theology according to their historical appearance. And while this may be good history, it can make for confusing theology, with the classic theological loci scattered throughout various time periods, movements, and controversies.
In Historical Theology, Gregg Allison offers students the opportunity to study the historical development of theology according to a topical-chronological arrangement, setting out the history of Christian doctrine one theological element at a time. Such an approach allows readers to concentrate on one tenet of Christianity and its formulation in the early church, through the Middle Ages, Reformation, and post-Reformation era, and into the modern period. The text includes a generous mix of primary source material as well, citing the words of Cyprian, Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Barth, and others. Allison references the most accessible editions of these notable theologians’ work so that readers can continue their study of historical theology through Christian history’s most important contributors. Historical Theology is a superb resource for those familiar with Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology or interested in understanding the development of Christian theology.
Gregg Allison is a professor of theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is a recognized expert on Catholicism and historical theology.
Evangelical Theology is a systematic theology written from the perspective of a biblical scholar. Michael F. Bird contends that the center, unity, and boundary of the evangelical faith is the evangel, or gospel, as opposed to things like justification by faith or inerrancy. The evangel is the unifying thread in evangelical theology and the theological hermeneutic through which the various loci of theology need to be understood.
According to Bird, theology is the drama of gospelizing—performing and living out the gospel in the theater of Christian life. Using the gospel as a lens to examine Christian doctrine, this text presents an authentically evangelical theology, as opposed to an ordinary systematic theology written by an evangelical theologian. The text features tables, sidebars, and questions for discussion. The end of every part includes a “What to Take Home” section that gives students a run-down on what they need to know. And since reading theology can often be dry and cerebral, the author applies his unique sense of humor in occasional “Comic Belief” sections so that students may enjoy their learning experience through some theological humor added for good measure.
Michael F. Bird received his PhD from the University of Queensland in Australia. He is a lecturer in theology and postgraduate research at Ridley Melbourne College. He is the author of several volumes of Bible commentary and theological studies. Michael Bird is also co-moderator of the New Testament blog, Euangelion.
In this volume, Walt Kaiser makes the case for the unity of the Bible. The theological unity of the Bible celebrates the diversity of the Bible, but does so with the conviction that even though that unity can be tested historically, ethically, and otherwise, it has not detracted from the central case for the theological harmony that is found in the text. This has been the general conclusion of two millennia of Judo-Christian exegesis.
Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. received his PhD from Brandeis University. He is distinguished professor emeritus of Old Testament and president emeritus of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Dr. Kaiser has written over 40 books, including Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching; The Messiah in the Old Testament; and The Promise-Plan of God; and coauthored An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning.
Throughout the Old Testament and into the New, God not only demands righteousness from his people but also showers on grace that enables them to act. Jesus, of course, provides the ultimate fulfillment of these twin aspects of God’s relationship to humanity. In biblical terms, Jesus is the King who demands righteous obedience from his followers, and Jesus is the Servant who provides the grace that enables this obedience.
So what does it mean to follow Jesus? What does God expect from his followers, and how can they be and do what is required? Jonathan Lunde answers these and other questions in his sweeping biblical study on discipleship. He surveys God’s interaction with his people from Eden to Jesus, paying special attention to the biblical covenants that illuminate the character and plans of God. He offers Bible students and teachers—such as pastors, missionaries, and lay leaders—the gift of practical biblical teaching rooted in the Bible’s witness on the vital topic of discipleship.
Faithfully refreshing. Lunde’s thoughtful and insightful contribution will cause many to walk with Jesus at a whole new level of faithfulness.
—J. Scott Duvall, professor of New Testament, Ouachita Baptist University
Jonathan Lunde, in this book that is excellent for both the classroom and the church, leads us to Christ so we can see what it means to follow as disciples.
—Scot McKnight, Karl A. Olsson Professor in Religious Studies, North Park University
A breathtaking glimpse of what God has designed from the beginning of covenantal history—through a true biblical theology that plumbs the depths of Scripture—to live in an abundant New Covenant discipleship to Jesus as our Servant King.
—Michael J. Wilkins, distinguished professor of New Testament language and literature, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Jonathan Lunde (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is an associate professor of Biblical and theological studies at Talbot School of Theology of Biola University. He is the coeditor (with Kenneth Berding) of Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament and has contributed articles to The Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels and the New Dictionary of Biblical Theology.
In The Mission of God’s People author Chris Wright offers a sweeping biblical survey of the holistic mission of the church, providing practical insight for today’s church leaders. Wright gives special emphasis to theological trajectories of the Old Testament that not only illuminate God’s mission but also suggest priorities for Christians engaged in God’s world-changing work.
The Mission of God reveals that the typical Christian understanding of “missions” encompasses only a small part of God’s overarching mission for the world. God is relentlessly reclaiming the entire world for himself. In The Mission of God’s People, Wright shows how God’s big-picture plan directs the purpose of God’s people, the church. Wright emphasizes what the Old Testament teaches Christians about being the people of God. He addresses questions of both ecclesiology and missiology with topics like “called to care for creation,” “called to bless the nations,” “sending and being sent,” and “rejecting false gods.” The Mission of God’s People promises to enliven and refocus the study, teaching, and ministry of those truly committed to joining God’s work in the world.
. . . extraordinarily readable, written by a preacher who knows how to communicate simply, clearly, and fascinatingly. It is refreshingly adventurous, as it explores the theme of mission in biblical passages where you might not have expected to find it. . . . remarkably practical . . . surprisingly relevant . . . outstandingly down-to-earth . . . It is thus eminently commendable . . .
—I. Howard Marshall, professor, University of Aberdeen
What a marvelous author Chris Wright is! Here you get the distilled insight of someone who knows mission and knows the Scriptures . . . And he doesn’t confine himself to scriptural themes but enables us to get inside lots of particular Scriptures, all in easily manageable chunks. What do theology and mission have to do with each other? This book powerfully answers the question.
—John Goldingay, professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
The Mission of God’s People is more than a biblical theology. It is a journey through the call God has given to his people to impact the world in the way God desires. . . . This book brings us there very nicely, fully using both Testaments, and even gives us questions to reflect upon in order to move us to action. Well done.
—Darrell L. Bock, research professor of the New Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary
This is biblical theology at its best. . . . Through his comprehensive reading of the whole Bible, he offers a robust portrayal of Israel’s mission and our own. Thank you, Chris, for showing us that God’s election is not about us; it is about the world. May this work inspire his church to greater faithfulness in giving verbal witness to God’s redemptive grace for the cosmos, but also to greater ethical faithfulness as we embody his grace in the microcosms in which we live.
—Daniel I. Block, Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College
. . . Christopher Wright shows in The Mission of God’s People that grounding missions practice in the prior action and plan of God does not render the church static or passive. In this masterful survey, Wright demonstrates decisively what happens when the whole church starts reading the whole Bible and reflecting the full scope of God’s good news in all our life and witness in the world. This is the long-awaited road map that moves missions from the practice of a few elite professionals to the faithful witness of all of God’s children. If want to help your church become a missional church, I cannot think of a better place to begin that journey than this book. I assure you, you will discover afresh who you are in Christ and what you are here for!
—Timothy Tennent, professor, Asbury Theological Seminary
A wonderfully kaleidoscopic biblical overview of the privileged role afforded to all of God’s people in fulfilling the Missio Dei in the world. Chris Wright demonstrates that the theme of the mission of God and his people is a prominent and unmistakable thread running through the elaborate tapestry of the whole of Scripture. In so doing, he provides a ringing affirmation that it is the responsibility of the whole church to bear witness to Christ and his kingdom in every area of the world geographically, as well as in every sphere of society.
—Lindsay Brown, director, Lausanne Movement for World Evangelization
Christopher J.H. Wright is the international director of the Langham Partnership International. He also serves as a chair of the Lausanne Movement’s Theology Working Group and chair of the Theological Resource Panel of TEAR Fund, a leading Christian relief and development charity. He has written several books, including Living as the People of God, God’s People in God’s Land, Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament, Walking in the Ways of the Lord, Deuteronomy in the New International Biblical Commentary, The Message of Ezekiel in the Bible Speaks Today series, Old Testament Ethics for the People of God, The Mission of God, and The God I Don’t Understand.
What is the central theme of the Bible? Given the diversity of authorship, genre, and context of the Bible’s various books, is it even possible to answer such a question? Or in trying to do so, is an external grid being unnaturally superimposed on the biblical text? These are difficult questions that the discipline of biblical theology has struggled to answer. In this thoroughly revised and expanded edition of his classic Toward an Old Testament Theology, Walter Kaiser offers a solution to these unresolved issues. He proposes that there is indeed a unifying center to the theology and message of the Bible that is indicated and affirmed by Scripture itself. That center is the promise of God. It is one all-encompassing promise of life through the Messiah that winds itself throughout salvation history in both the Old and New Testaments, giving cohesiveness and unity to the various parts of Scripture.
After laying out his proposal, Kaiser works chronologically through the books of both testaments, demonstrating how the promise is seen throughout, how the various sub-themes of each book relate to the promise, and how God’s plan to fulfill the promise progressively unfolds. Here is a rich and illuminating biblical theology that will stir the emotion and the intellect.
Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. received his PhD from Brandeis University. He is distinguished professor emeritus of Old Testament and president emeritus of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Dr. Kaiser has written over 40 books, including Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching; The Messiah in the Old Testament; and The Promise-Plan of God; and coauthored An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning.
In A Theology of John’s Gospel and Letters, building on many years of research and study in Johannine literature, Andreas Köstenberger not only furnishes an exhaustive theology of John’s Gospel and letters, but also provides a detailed study of major themes and relates them to the Synoptic Gospels and other New Testament books. Readers will gain an in-depth and holistic grasp of Johannine theology in the larger context of the Bible.
. . . for the comprehensiveness of its coverage in the field of Johannine theology (Gospel and Letters), there is nothing to compare to this work.
—D. A. Carson, research professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
. . . the first major volume to be devoted specifically to the theology of John’s Gospel and Letters at a high academic level; and the first volume to do so on the basis that here we have an interpretation of John’s theology composed by an eyewitness of the life and passion of Jesus.
—I. Howard Marshall, honorary research professor of New Testament, University of Aberdeen
Massive and masterful, [it] presents Johannine theology in encyclopedic fullness . . . a new benchmark in synthetic treatment.
—Robert W. Yarbrough, professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary
Andreas J. Köstenberger is a director of PhD studies and a professor of New Testament and Biblical theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He is the author of numerous works on John, including his commentary in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series, John in Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, and John in Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary.